Android Malware list: did you miss em?
Milan Singh Thakur
Deep Thinker | Generative AI and LLM Security | Open Finance Security | Strategist | OWASP DevSecOps Leader | Secure EcoSystem Design | Secure Architecture Building
Below is the list of few more Android malware, which are typically not famous, but are dangerous. So check em and beware if you you have it on your phone :)
Agent.AP, AccuTrack, Ackposts, Acnetdoor, Adsms, Airpush/Stopsms, AnServer/Answerbot, Antares/Antammi, Arspam, AVPass
BackFlash/Crosate, Badaccents, Badnews, BankBot, Basebridge, Beanbot, Beita, Binv, BgServ, Biige, Booster, Boxer
Cajino, Carberp, cawitt, cellspy, chulli, code4hk/xRAT, coogos, copycat, cosha, counterclank, Cruisewind
Dogowar, dougalek, droidDeluxe, droidDream, droidDreamLight, droidjack/SandoRAT, droidKungfu, droidsheep, DSencrypt
Faceniff, fakeangry, fakeAV, fakebank, fakedaum/vmwol, fakeDefender, fakedoc, fakeinst, fakejoboffer, fakemarket, fakemart, fakenefix, fakenotify, fakeplay, fakeplayer, fakeregsms, faketaobao, faketimer, fakeupdate/apkqug, fakevertu, find and call/fidall, finspy, fjcon, flexispy, foncy, fonefee/feejar, fokange/fokonge, Fobus.A
gamex, gazon, geinimi, ggtracker, gingerbreak, gingermaster, godwon, goldeneagle, goneln60seconds, GPspy
hehe, hideicon, hipposms, hongtoutou/adrd
iconsys, imlog
jifake, jollyserv, jsmshider/xsider
kidlogger, kmin, ksapp
lena, lien, locker/slocker ransomeware, loicdos, loozfon, lovetrap/luvtrap, luckycat
maistealer, malap, mania, mmarketplay, mobidash, mobilespy, mobiletx, mobinauten, moghava
nandrobox, netisend, nickispy
obad, oldboot/mouabad, opfake
pdaspy, penetho, photsy/phopsy, pincer, pjapps, placms, plankton, podec, poisoncake, proxy trojan
raden, repane, roidsec/sinpon, rootsmart/bmaster, rufraud
saiva, samsapo, scavir, scipiex, seaweth, selfmite, skullkey, smack, smspacem, smsreg, smsilence/smscatcher, sndapps, spambot, spitmo, sppush, spybubble spy00, ssucl, steek/fatakr, Slocker.A
tapsnake/droidsnake, tascudap, tetus, tigerbot, titan, tonclank, tgloader/stiniter, tracer, typstu, Tediss
updtbot, updtkiller, uracto, usbcleaver, uten, uxipp, vdoloader
walkinwat/pirater, waps/simhosy, wroba/hijackRAT
zeahache, zergrush, zertsecurity, zeus, zitmo/citmo, zsone
"Happy Hacking"