Android Fan To Apple Create a Notchless Phone So Everyone Else Will
Dear Apple,
I am pleading with you to make an iPhone phone this year that has no notch because you are apparently worshiped by every smartphone device maker in the world so much that what ever you do with your smartphone everyone else follows. Now Vivo Apex has done what you and others might have thought was impossible so do something like that this year so I can enjoy that experience on next years Pixel, since Google and Samsung can't resist being your shadow.
I know this sounds strange to hear coming from an Android fan and for the most part I admire what you've done over the years on the software front but as an Android developer of radically innovative technology I recognize you won't innovate to certain degree's necessary for me to join your league of winners because your marketing gurus suggest you don't.
I'd buy your iPhone if you did things consistent to your legacy trends which Apple was founded on but your company no different than any other company has never exclusivley listened to the customer which is the pefect answer to conquering the space that for the most part has lifted your company from what many 15 years ago said was the ashes.
I'll make you an offer which will assure you success over the competitive world of smartphones to save Android if you hire me as your design consultant.
If I don't deliver on my promise of world dominance in the smartphone space you don't need to pay me a dime. But just so you know why I am so confident that I can achieve what you might wrongfully think is the impossible where that offer is concerned it's because I will take the design of your next iPhone to levels it would have taken 20 years to achieve at the pace you've been going.
The direction you and other companies have taken to date is one where intentional decisions have been made to slowly increment the design of OS and device in order to keep selling more expensive phones each and every year.
This decision may seem sound for the sake of profit but it will eventually lead to your demise as it becomes increasingly more difficult to practice this and expect year over year profits from customers you will invaribly continue to disappoint. Maybe to many companies die from this ignorance that the customer is always going to be the boss and their wallets are the only thing everyone should be marching to.
Instead what you see is a disturbing trend that yeilds smaller and smaller profits for no other reason than your unwillingness to deliver real innovation the people (your customers) want and will conitnue to buy.
I don't like iPhone because it's to controlled and not open enough for a developer to offer alternatives that would be better than what Apple delivers it's users. It's not arrogance on my part to say this because all of my design advise would be backed by the complaints many of your customers have had since you first released the iPhone. I bet they think by now your deaf.
You have abandon the core things which made you great and that is another reason I can't promote or endorse the Apple iPhone. There is a degree of stubborness in your company and that is contagious to other companies like those who design and make Androids. This trend is getting out of control and if it does not stop the next big things will come from companies like Vivo who released something wonderful this year called the Nex and Apex.
I think you can do better and am doubtful you'll hear my call for change because I bank on the fact that your pride will be your ultimate demise. It's sad that companies who amass a fan base as ferverent as yours think that loyalty will continue as you get more controlling over the device you expect others to puchase and yet make a profit from.
It might seem that customer driven design is pie in the sky but let me tell you that there is a way it can be done legally and respectfully that will not only assure you never lose your fans but instead gain more than you ever could just making simple changes any can get behind.
I'm sure that many Apple employees have suggested similar things which were never considered only because implementing those suggestions meant you'd live in fear you couldn't top what they suggest the year after. That is the wrong philsophy to hold and is never going to be the truth as we know it because each and every year there are always new things which make that value proposition (listening to others) a guaranteed outcome.
We want meaningful change and you like others I've tried to get the attention of have ignored the call on. I've got a way to deliver the one thing that you and your competitors refuse to improve the sound experience. It's horrible and always has been, the idea you and your competitors have marketed a camera as a phone is insane. The world is in a trance and does not know any better. When you and others start working on making a $1000.00 phone sound fantastic you'll have proven that you've returned to your roots and earned real praise.
The iPod was a music device with a chance to change things in big ways but very little attention was placed on why it was the success it became to be. MUSIC is the largest money maker on the planet and is the reason that device became to be what it did. It morphed into what we know today as the iPhone but never completed it's unfinished business.
It's sad that a $13 dollar home phone from Walmart sounds better than any smartphone including the iPhone on the market today and there is no excuse for this as many for the last decade have been waiting on focus to be placed on a High Definition Sound Experience which is far easier than improving camera technology. When you build this the world will rally because they don't do anything but follow the herd and don't place importance on something they can't imagine short of a real device in their hands.
Please for the sake of all Android fans make a smartphone this year that does not have that notch as the only way to solve that problem is moving the same direction as Vivo has and I mean even if you must license the technology from them by all means do it.
I don't expect to ever be a person sporting an iPhone because I don't trust you'll ever change your ways on the level of control you continue to pursue against the best interests of your own customers and feel your pefectly happy selling to your stale fan base which dwindles a little each and every year because as long as that small group continue to support you controlling ways you'll keep doing it until it stops serving you. Your employees know this but the leadership resistant to change does not hear a damn meaningful thing your customers asks for.
I'm sorry I can't find a way to speak the truth and convey kinder words but it's the best for you and others that ones like myself speak the brutal truth because it's the only thing that can bring meaningful change; you know the kind that can increase your success and earnings at the same time. So don't hate on the truth so much but realize you only get out of life what you put into it and special attention should be placed on the fact something must be put in before something can be taken out the real meaning of a sacrifice and in order to do that you'll need to leave that box you've chosen to live in verses thinking outside of it.
I know your investors are so afraid of life outside that box, it is mandatory we leave the box and do what is necessary to get the job done. Build it and they will come but only if they asked for it to begin with as no one man in Apple can predict what the world will rally behind unless the next thing you build is something they have cried for and you were to deaf to hear it.
Your policy is self destructive and will eventually cause many to lose interest in your work and it's not a curse I cast on you but one you'll bring unto yourself for continuing to not listen to those fans of yours. This outcome is the exact same for any other company in this space of smartphones so the advice applies to all smartphone makers.
Never hold this idea there is nothing left to innovate in your space because that is not true today and never will be true tomorrow. Innovation never sleeps and will always reinvent itself so stop engineering planned obsolecnse and playing the illusion of scarcity for the sake of your own profits. The shareholders may be who you've been putting to much focus on but it's the customers who can ruin you faster than they could.
The consumers are extreemely smart and know what your up to and won't reward that behavior long. You might consider their continued support grace up to this point but if you continue practicing these behaviors you will return to that ash dust you came from (1998 when a share your stock was $7). You need fresh minds if you want to go further and get of of that dang box once and for all.