Android Developer Importants

Android Developer Importants

Latest Version

Android 11 is the latest version of Google's operating system currently available for smartphones - it's 2020's iteration of the Android update, and it's ready to download on a whole host of smartphones.

Android 11's best features

  • A more useful power button menu.
  • Dynamic media controls.
  • A built-in screen recorder.
  • Greater control over conversation notifications.
  • Recall cleared notifications with notification history.
  • Pin your favorite apps in the share page.
  • Schedule dark theme.
  • Grant temporary permission to apps

Explain Android Architecture.

Android architecture refers to the different layers in the Android stack. It includes your operating system, middleware, and important applications. Each layer in the architecture provides different services to the layer just above it. The four layers in the Android stack are:

  • Linux Kernel
  • Libraries
  • Android Framework
  • Android Applications

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What is APK format?

The APK file or Android application package is the compressed file format that is used to distribute and install application software and middleware onto Google’s Android operating system. The file has .apk extension and has all the application code, resource files, certificates, and other files, compressed in it.

What is an Activity? Which method is implemented by all subclasses of an Activity??

An Activity is the screen representation of an application in Android.

It serves as an entry point for the user’s interaction. Each activity has a layout file where you can place your UI. An application can have different activities. For example, facebook start page where you enter your email/phone and password to login acts as an activity.

Below are the two methods which almost all subclasses of Activity will implement:

  • onCreate(Bundle):?It is a method where your initialization is done. Under this, you will callsetContentView(int)?with a layout resource which defines your UI.?Also, you can retrieve the widgets in that UI by using findViewById(Int).?These are required to interact programmatically.
  • onPause():?It is a method which deals with the user whenever it leaves the activity. So any changes made by the user should be commited which is done by the?ContentProvider?that holds the data.?

An activity is implemented as a subclass of?Activity?class as follows:

public class MainActivity extends Activity {}        

What is the life cycle of android activity?

User navigates between different screen or app, it goes through different states in their lifecycle. So an activity lifecycle consists of 7 different methods of class i.e :

onCreate()?: In this state, the activity is created.

onStart(): This callback method is called when the activity becomes visible to the user.

onResume(): The activity is in the foreground and the user can interact with it.

onPause(): Activity is partially obscured by another activity. Other activity that’s in the foreground is semi-transparent.

onStop(): The activity is completely hidden and not visible to the user.

onDestroy(): Activity is destroyed and removed from the memory.

What is an Android Framework?

Android Framework is an essential part of the Android Architecture. It is a set of APIs that allows developers to write apps and has the following components:

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?What is Google Android SDK? What are the tools placed in android SDK?

The Google Android SDK is a toolset that provides a developer the API libraries and tools required to build, test, and debug apps for Android in Windows, Mac or Linux. The tools placed in Android SDk are:

  • Android Emulator
  • DDMS – Dalvik Debug Monitoring Services
  • AAPT – Android Asset Packaging tool
  • ADB – Android debug bridge

What is an ANR? What are some measures you can take to avoid ANR?

ANR stands for ‘Application Not Responding’. This dialogue is displayed if the main thread in the application has been unresponsive for a long time and in the following conditions:

  • When there is no response to an input event after 5 seconds.
  • When a broadcast receiver is not done executing within 10 seconds.

?Following measures can be taken to avoid ANR:

  • To avoid ANR, an app should perform a lengthy database or networking operations in separate threads.
  • One technique is to create a child thread to prevent the Android system from concluding a code that has been unresponsive for a long period of time. Most of the actual workings of the codes can be placed within the child thread to ensure that the main thread runs with minimal unresponsive time.
  • For background task-intensive apps, you can alleviate pressure from the UI thread by using the IntentService.

What are broadcast receivers? How is it implemented?

  • Broadcast Receiver is a mechanism using which host application can listen for System level events.
  • Broadcast receiver is used by the application whenever they need to perform the execution based on system events. Like listening for Incoming call, sms etc.
  • Broadcast receivers helps in responding to broadcast messages from other application or from the system.
  • It is used to handle communication between Android operating system and applications.?

It is implemented as a subclass of?BroadcastReceiver?class and each message is broadcaster as an?Intent?object.

public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
Public void onReceive(context,intent){}

What is the use of WebView in Android?

WebView is a view that display web pages inside your application. According to Android, “this class is the basis upon which you can roll your own web browser or simply display some online content within your Activity. It uses the WebKit rendering engine to display web pages and includes methods to navigate forward and backward through a history, zoom in and out, perform text searches and more.?In order to add WebView to your application, you have to add?<WebView>element to your XML layout file.

What are the different kinds of context in Android?

Context defines the current state of an App. Context provides access to creating new activity instance, access databases, start a service, etc. There is a base class ApplicationContext, and subclasses for components: Activity, Service.

Explain in brief about the important file and folder when you create a new app?

  • App?– It describes the fundamental characteristics of the app and defines each of its components.
  • java?–?This contains the?.java?source files for your project. By default, it includes an? file. Under this, you create all the activities which have .java extensions and all the code behind the application. is the actual file which gets converted to a dalvik executable and runs your app.
  • res?– It is a directory for files that define your app’s user interface.?You can add?TextView, button etc to build the GUI and use its?various attributes like?android:layout_width,?android:layout_height?etc which are used to set its width and height.?
  • Gradle?Scripts?– This is an auto-generated file which contains compileSdkVersion, buildToolsVersion, applicationId, minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion, versionCode and versionName

What are the different storage methods in Android?

Android offers several options to see persistent application data. They are:

  • Shared Preferences – Store private primitive data in key-value pairs
  • Internal Storage – Store private data on the device memory
  • External Storage – Store public data on the shared external storage
  • SQLite Databases – Store structured data in a private database

Can you deploy executable JARs on android? Which package is supported by it?

No, Android does not support JAR deployments. Applications are packed into Android Package(.apk) using Android Asset Packaging Tool (APT) and then deployed on to the Android platform.

What is a Service? How is it implemented?

A service in android is a background process which is used to perform long-running operations. Let’s say, a service of location is active in the background while the user is in a different application. So it does not disturb the user interaction with an activity. Now, services are classified into two types, namely:

  1. Local: This service is accessed from within the application.
  2. Remote – This service is accessed remotely from other applications running on the same device.

It is implemented as a subclass of?Service?class as follows?:

public class MyService extends Service {


How does Manifest file plays an integral role in App development?

Manifest file plays an integral role as it provides the essential information about your app to the Android system, which the system must have before it can run any of the app’s code. Manifest file performs various tasks?such as:

  • It names the Java package for the app as the package name serves as a unique identifier for the application.
  • It protects the application by declaring permissions in order to access protected parts of the API and interact with other applications.
  • Manifest file declares the minimum level of the android API and list the libraries which is linked with the application.
  • Manifest file list the instrumentation classes.?These classes provide profiling and other information as the application runs, but this information is removed as soon the application is publishes. It remains only till the application is in development mode.

What is the difference between a fragment and an activity?

Activity?is typically a single, focused operation that a user can perform such as dial a number, take a picture, send an email, view a map etc.

Fragment?is a modular section of an activity, with its own lifecycle and input events, and which can be added or removed at will. Also, a fragment’s lifecycle is directly affected by its host activity’s lifecycle i.e. when the activity is paused, so are all fragments in it, and when the activity is destroyed, so are all of its fragments.

What database is used in Android? How does it differ from client-server database management systems?

SQLite is the open-source relational database.?The SQLite engine is serverless, transactional, and self-contained.?

Instead of the typical client-server relationship of most database management systems, the SQLite engine is integrally linked with the application.?The library can also be called dynamically and makes use of simple function calls that reduce latency in database access.

What is DDMS?

DDMS stands for?Dalvik Debug Monitor Server. It gives the following array of debugging features:

  • Port forwarding services
  • Screen capture on the device
  • Thread and heap information
  • Logcat
  • Incoming call and SMS spoofing
  • Network traffic tracking
  • Location data spoofing

What is the difference between Service and Thread?

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What is an Android Runtime?

  • Android Runtime consists of Dalvik Virtual machine and Core Java libraries.
  • DVM is optimized for low processing power and low memory environments.
  • Unlike JVM, the Dalvik Virtual Machine doesn’t run .class files, instead it runs .dex files.
  • Android 2.2 “Froyo“ brought trace-based just-in-time (JIT) compilation into Dalvik, optimizing the execution of applications and dynamically compiling frequently executed short segments of their bytecode into native machine code.

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Name the four essential states of an activity.

The four essential states of activity are:

  • Active?– if the activity is at the foreground
  • Paused?– if the activity is at the background and still visible
  • Stopped?– if the activity is not visible and therefore is hidden or obscured by another activity
  • Destroyed?– when the activity process is killed or completed terminated

What is the difference between a regular bitmap and a nine-patch image?

A nine-patch image, unlike bitmap, can be resized and used as background or other image sizes for the target device. The Nine-patch refers to the way you can resize the image: 4 corners that are unscaled, 4 edges that are scaled in 1 axis, and the middle one that can be scaled into both axes. This is what differentiates a nine-patch image from a regular bitmap.

What are the core building blocks of android?

  • Activity?: An Activity is the screen representation of any application in Android.?Each activity has a layout file where you can place your UI.
  • Content Provider:?Content providers share data between applications.
  • Service: It?is a component that runs in the background to perform long-running operations without interacting with the user and it even works if application is destroyed.
  • Broadcast?Receivers: It respond to broadcast messages from other applications or from the system itself. These messages are sometime called events or intents.

What is Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM)?

  • Dalvik is the name of Android’s virtual machine.
  • The Dalvik VM is an interpreter-only virtual machine that executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format.
  • The virtual machine is register-based and can run classes compiled by Java language compiler that have been altered into its native format using the included ‘dx’ tool.
  • The Dalvik core class library is envisioned to provide a familiar development base for those used to programming with Java Standard Edition, but is geared explicitly for the needs of a small mobile device.

Android Memory Related

  • How do you create a Memory Leak in Android?
  • A) By passing the context to static block (class or method), we can create a Memory Leak.
  • How do you avoid a Memory Leak in Android?
  • A) By making the objects eligible for GC (Garbage Collection) after a class (Activity or Fragment) is destroyed. We can also use Weak References like WeakHashMaps to loosely hold the data and make it easily available to GC.
  • How do you identify a Memory Leak in Android?
  • A) By using Profiler in Android Studio or by using LeakCanary Library in Android.

Android Battery Related

  • How do you reduce battery consumption?

Never poll the server for updates.

  1. Sync only when required. Ideally, sync when phone is on Wi-Fi and plugged in.
  2. Defer your work using WorkManager.
  3. Compress your data
  4. Defer non immediate requests until the phone is plugged in or wifi is turned on. The Wi-Fi radio uses significantly less battery than the mobile radio.

  • How do you improve battery while fetching location for an app?

  1. By changing Accuracy -> we can use setPriority() to PRIORITY_LOW_POWER
  2. By changing Frequency of fetching location -> we can use setInterval() to specify the time interval
  3. By increasing latency -> After our call, we can wait for longer time - we can use setMaxWaitTime() to set large timeout.

Dagger 2:

  • What is Dependency Injection Pattern?
  • A) Dependency Injection pattern is where if our object requires other object, it will be passed to our object instead of us having to create that object. This other object is called as dependency.
  • What is Service Locator Pattern?
  • A) Service Locator Pattern uses central Registry known as Service Locator which upon request provides objects for our class. This pattern has severe criticism that its an Anti-Pattern.
  • What is Anti-Pattern?
  • A) An anti-pattern are certain patterns in software development that are considered bad programming practices.
  • What is an Observable in RXJava2?
  • A) An Observable simply emits the data to those which subscribed to it. All the emission is done asynchronously to the subscribers. A simple Observable can be created as follows:

// RxAndroid Tutorial - Adding Observable
Observable<String> stringObservable = Observable.just("Hello Reactive Programming!");        

Android Security Related

  • How do you know if the device is rooted?
  • A) We can check if superUser apk is installed in the device or if it contains su file or xbin folder. Alternatively you can use?RootBeer?library available in GitHub.
  • For code part, click?Here.
  • What is Symmetric Encryption?
  • A) Symmetric encryption deals with creating a passphrase and encrypting the file with it. Then the server needs to send this passphrase(key) to the client so that the client can decrypt. Here the problem is sending that key to decrypt the file. If Hackers can access that key, they can misuse the data.
  • What is Asymmetric Encryption?
  • A) Using algorithms like RSA, AES256, etc., the server generates 2 keys - public key and private key. The server then gives public key to clients. Client then encrypts the sensitive data with that public key and send it back to server. Now as the server alone has the private key, only it can decrypt the data. This is the most efficient way of sending data across the client and server.
  • Example of this Asymmetric encryption are HTTPS using SSL certificate, Blockchain technologies like Bitcoin, etc.


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