As I heard the news regarding demise of Sindhutai Sakpal, I remembered how androgynous she was.
The concept of Androgyny was first given by Sandra Bem. Androgyny is defined as “the integration of both masculinity and feminity in a single individual”. Androgyny allows one to freely engage in both masculine and feminine behaviors. It means that a person who is androgynous in nature is not tied by the feminine or masculine gender stereotypical characteristics. Rather both the characteristics are present in the person and person can choose to behave in so called feminine or masculine way. The person has the freedom to use characteristics that would enhance wellbeing in any given situation. According to Bem it is ‘situational appropriateness’.
Whenever, I have heard Sindhutai the word androgyny has rang in my mind. She was a perfect blend of courage and compassion, assertiveness and kindness, softness and strong. She very courageously challenged her destiny and societal outlook and with same intensity extended the compassion to the destitute children. She was kind, understanding and extended her love and affection for children who were misguided and had committed wrong deeds. At the same time she was assertive and warrior to stand and fight for the betterment of these children.
The concept of androgyny is present in deeper manner in Indian culture in terms of ‘Ardhanarinateshwar’. In modern time to live a psychological healthy life and to enhance wellbeing, being androgynous is going to play key role. Healthy functioning in contemporary society, according to Bem (1976), required both psychological traits that were considered masculine and those that were considered feminine. She argued that it was tragic for society to inhibit the development of half of the necessary psychological traits in each individual, and that an individual's overreliance on either stereotypically masculine or feminine traits could be dangerous to the individual and to society. Therefore, the equal combination of these traits, psychological androgyny, should be predictive of the best psychological adjustment and flexibility.
Developing?androgyny in life and playing our roles in society in androgynous manner will be a real tribute to the work and memory of Sindhutai…