Ancient Egypt and everyday reality...

Ancient Egypt and everyday reality...

What is happening with our world?

Jan. 3, 2023, Abydos, Egypt. Abydos once belonged to Upper Egypt, a thriving empire connected to the cosmic primordial mother, a world of Gods and Pharaohs who lived in a continuous exchange between earth, water, sun, air, wind, an eternal cycle of life and death. Hathor, cosmic primordial consciousness, was the Mother of all Gods. Ra, the Sun God, was born of a Lotus Flower, deeply anchored in the dark waters of the Nile, which had its origin in the Primeval Sea, but also born of cosmic primordial consciousness. In harmony between dense, dark, darkness, shadow, night, death, silence, cosmos, inner earth, invisible and open, sun, light, day, life, movement, flow, world, visible.

Anyone who has visited the Temple of Hathor at Dendera, walked the subterranean corridors, felt and experienced her energy, knows that Hathor is primal feminine consciousness, is female creative force, is the cosmic womb and the womb of each of us. She is Nut, PachaMama, Tonantzin, Wiraqocha ... and PachaMama, Tonantzin, Wiraqocha, Nut is Hathor ... she creates and brings life. The origin and breeding ground of Egyptian civilization goes back to Neolithic cultures to 10,000 B.C. ... so (most probably) to Atlantis.

Hathor's message is simple, powerful, profound: connect to the feminine source of consciousness, let her flow through you, be cosmic consciousness, remember who you truly are in heart and soul.

The remains of ancient Egypt testify to a culture that was connected to the highest of the universe and the deepest of the earth. Fascinating, magical, rich; powerful and grand.

Daily reality in Egypt is a different story. Since the domination of Egypt from the sixth century, by the Assyrians, Alexander the Great, Romans, Arabs, temples, statues and the beautiful hieroglyphics were destroyed. Islam became the main religion in Egypt. Despite occupation by the British, and Egypt's independence in 1922, Islam continued to dominate. Result today is a predominantly intrusive male culture where women are shunned - you only see women in Western hotels cleaning rooms, sometimes at the front desk and thankfully in restoration work at the Temples. The contrast between the magic of Ancient Egypt and everyday reality is jarring.

I am used to bear a lot, have traveled a lot and lived in different countries in my life, my children have roots in a different culture, I know the countryside and the villages and the suburbs of the big cities in Latin America inside out and have already lived and seen and experienced so much. But what we see, experience, feel here in everyday Egyptian life, is harrowing and beyond imagination.

Some days ago we drove into Abydos - home to extraordinary Temples of great Pharaohs like Seti I and Ramses II - garbage, dumps, dust and shabby conditions everywhere.

It dawned on me that many religions, including Roman Catholicism and Islam have so cut themselves off from the infinite and abundant feminine source of nourishment. Women and the feminine creative principle, were and still are pushed so far away and ignored. I have almost no words for it. The contrast is great and fierce, incompatible. How can a culture have grown so far away from what the Egyptians considered the source of all life. It is not only harrowing, it hurts, and I feel an intense call to write ... above all, let us not get puffy and think that the new earth is already born. It is so totally not yet. The earth is literally languishing here. I honor women like Yvon Taken who established a House of Light here in this city. A safe oasis with trees and singing birds in the midst of an arid, dirty, filthy city. Abydos is also called a star gate because of his/her Temples. Of course you can feel the stargate in the Temples, but you can barely walk through the town alone or you will be harassed and police are everywhere to keep the tourists safe? Really, my heart bleeds when I experience and behold and feel all this. How important it is to send out Light and healing right here, I don't want to be the naive tourist who only thinks about Light while the garbage accumulates on the streets here and you can barely move outside the walls of the hotel and between the Light House and the Temples (100m). How easy is it to take a tour on the Nile and visit Temples when the daily reality here is so harrowing and you can barely trust anyone outside the safe walls of a cruise ship or your hotel?

But what can we do to reconnect this world back to its source here? The earth is languishing here, I can feel it is not happy at all because its (feminine) primal core is being ignored.

I have swum through many dark waters in my life, visited many parts of the world and traveled to the deeper layers of different cultures. How fortunate I consider myself that as a woman I do not have to live in an Islam culture. It is as if they have closed themselves off from the source of life, from the feminine creative source that permeates everything and is and brings abundance, life, beauty and fertility. Men herd the temples, guard the temples, let people into locked rooms, like the Sekhmet temple in Karnak Luxor, like the subterranean corridors of Hathor. They explain with their few words of English about the Gods, the Pharaohs, the symbols ... and then ask for money, a tip. Everything is about money.

They are not even aware what the core, the source of ancient Egyptian religion is, where everything came from and everything went to, of the eternal cycle of life and death, of the power of mother earth, the sacred water, the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky .... And meanwhile Allah echoes so many times a day through the cities and villages through the minarets of the mosques. How I would love to share with women here, how they feel, what is going on in them, where they are in their lives....

We are lying here outside in the hotel for a moment recovering from so much ... and suddenly a group of men walks in with a beautiful cow whose eyes are covered ... I felt it right away ... and yes, in a corner of the hotel, I see a sign Meditation Garden - according to the receptionist outside the hotel? In a part of the hotel garden - they slaughter mother cow... just like that. Nothing is shared with us, just one two three, beast dead, the pieces of cow hanging on the clothesline. Where has the respect gone?

No dear tribe ... we are far from the new earth. We do work toward it, we strive for it, we yearn for it, we grow toward it... and there is still much to do, much to clean up, much to purge, so much to heal....

Throughout this journey I am becoming a lot wiser again, a lot more humble, more thoughtful, more careful, more alert, but also more rebellious and sad....

Meanwhile, Allah is echoing through the city again. I feel I would like to make an appeal. We live in a privileged world where our voices do matter in bringing a change. Whatever we have to do. Not to be deaf or blind or naive, not to pretend that everything is glamour and glitter and light and love in this world. Certainly continuing to send light, but also taking action. By making women and men aware (more), by doing what you have to do in this world, by not letting fear and so called safety undermine you, but to stand up and go for your mission here on earth ... towards a better world, towards a new earth.

I also feel we have forgotten so much.... So much... And that it is time to remember who we are and what potential we carry in our hearts and souls.... As we find our way back to the source of all Being.

Meanwhile, I am living my mission and continuing to write my new book, Temple of the Black Sun, about remembering ancient Feminine Wisdom on earth....

Want to read more? My first book Wise Playful Woman, about authentic and true womanhood, was published in 2020 in Dutch and has been translated into English

My second book is in creation process: Temple of the Black Sun. About Remembering Ancient Feminine Wisdom.

Warm heart embrace and thanks for reading and hearing me

Veerle Phara - [email protected]

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