Anchoring in the woods
Who do you ADMIRE?
Tony Robbins is a highly skilled motivator and shows you how to "change your state in an instant" and how to stop negative beliefs with simple techniques such as "anchoring"
I was taking a local walk in the woods the other day, and passed this lady in a tracksuit smoking a cigarette. I smiled to myself as smoking and fitness don't really go together
Then she was following me just a few feet behind, some random comment and we got talking.
She said she'd been ill and now needed to get back in shape. She used to exercise 7 times a week. And showed me some photos of her when she hadn't got a care in the world and looked so happy.(keeping the social distancing rules obviously)
Hey girl, if you were happy then, let me show you this technique I learned from a book by Tony Robbins.
Anchoring goes like this.
You have to get the person to FEEL THE FEELING she is there in that moment in time when nothing could stand in her way
Then get her to say a word to herself while she's feeling AMAZING and touch her finger and thumb together.
This physical touching of finger and thumb and the word become the anchor. So next time she thinks she can't do it or is unhappy she can now change her state in an instant....
You have to do this a few times so you can then duplicate the feelings at will
Takes practice...
I helped someone the other day because of TONY ROBBINS
Nice one ??