Dr Sudhanshu Bhushan
Senior Policy Advisor – ( 15th April 2023... ) at New Zealand Red Cross Auckland, New Zealand Job Description - Policy classification, Consulting & Strategy
Namrata – Good Evening Sir !!
Sudhanshu - Good Evening dear !! You are looking very hassled .... is everything okay ....!!!???
Namrata – It’s all a game of power – be it family, friends , corporate office business,...blah blahblah ……….and politics. That ugly dirty monster – POWER with capital letters !!
Sudhanshu – Remember what I wrote in your diary the other day .........!!!!!
?Namrata - Yes it is .... Mooji on power –
‘There is something powerful
in being rendered powerless.
It will break your arrogance
and possibly set you free.’
?Sudhanshu – What did you understand ........ ????
?Namrata – Powerlessness is power ...... but let Mooji come and see the corporate world .... I don’t know how to handle this ugly dirty monster !!
?Sudhanshu – Don’t question Mooji – they are evolved Saints. You have to have the correct wisdom to understand them. They are not wrong. Their words are language of truth !! Unquestionable. You have to reflect their words and understand them .
Yes I agree with Mooji’s words – I will put it a little differently –
Power corrupts if it operates from the premise of Ego; Power reveals truth – untruth if it operates from your higher Authentic Self. Power should be a tool for expression and design of truth in today’s society!!
Namrata – I still don’t understand - this ugly dirty monster. Sir please give me a practical illustration rather than a spiritual nugget !!!
Sudhanshu – Don’t call it ugly dirty monster !! First tell me when do you think of power …….. who is that someone you say powerful …… or something which you say is powerful ……… Namrata, unpack this idea ……. I want you to think about power ………….. what words you associate with when you think about power ………… Is it a good concept ……….. or a bad concept ……….. !!!
Namrata- What do you mean it is a good concept or a bad concept - power in all probabilities a bad concept !!!
?Sudhanshu – Then the Science of power or politics – POLITICAL SCIENCE - is a bad academic discipline and should not be taught …………. is it so ….…… it is being taught in all good and bad universities throughout the world ……. So ……….. !!! Though there are some people who come up with the idea - that power corrupts ………….. CORRUPTS is the watchword in the game of power ………….. and this is actually troubling …….. or irritating people like you ……..!!!!!
?Namrata – Yes – but why is it so ???? Why troubling ????
Sudhanshu- Because I am going to argue that power is actually healthy …….. I am reminded of a book by Jeff Pfeffer - where he emphatically makes a statement and explains that – “We have to make peace with Power.” We have to make peace with power. Because if we didn’t – Powerlessness reinforces – and I would say that powerlessness is as likely to corrupt as is power, if not more so. In powerlessness we sit at home and write nasty things on our minds. People who feel powerless – are dumb and self-destructive. And mind you this is a massive research area of science in psychology of power. I’m not talking obout power on people – but power to do things, power to access best parts of yourself. Through power people access – Behavioural approach system and that encompasses the whole spectrum of feelings, thoughts, behaviour and physiology. When we feel powerful we feel more confident , more optimistic – we generally feel better. When we feel more powerful we are coordinated and healthier – our executive functions work better - we think more creatively and positively, more fluidly because we are not distracted by fear and feeling of powerlessness.
When we are powerful it does not mean that we are in the animal part of our brain.
Instead we are in the most evolved part of our brains - the cognitive bandwidth is greater – we are less stressed - and more smarter – with better behaviour .
Power affects our behaviour !!
Namrata – How ??
Sudhanshu – Power causes action – If you are powerful you are very likely to act – not only for yourself but also on behalf of others. You see challenges not as threats but as opportunities. If you see them as opportunities – you are more likely to approach them – do something – and take advantage of the opportunities.
You act on behalf of others !!
If you are powerless you are less likely to stand up with something bad happening to someone.
You are most to be bystanders. On the contrary if you are powerful you are A BRAVEHEART !!
Being powerful is all about being compassionate and generous towards others.
Power affects physiology - people who know to be powerful live longer ………. less stress and less illness. In being powerful – you have willingness to compete, openness to challenge, you are less stress reactive –you are better coordinated.
And if you look at this whole constellation of feelings, thoughts, behaviour and physiology – you will see that power allows us to be ourselves.
Its shutting down fighter – fight response. We are no longer socially constrained versions of ourselves –Trying to please others and being distracted by what people think of us.
Power helps – to become ourselves and helping others – and do our best as we do it !!
I am reminded of reading Lyndon Johnson’s biography by Robert Caro a few years back, where he describes –
President Johnson being asked – Does Power corrupt ??
Johnson replies –‘ What I believe is always true about power is that power always reveals.’
Powers does not essentially corrupt. Power always reveals !!
Power reveals what you are – Therefore when you are in power – be in your Higher Self as Bhagvadgita says –‘ParmarthikaVyaktitiva’ or as in Western traditions it is said –The Authentic Self.
If you are this – then power will not corrupt but will reveal truth and untruth of every situation.
Power becomes the tool to create and design Truth in society.
Because Existentially Power Reveals Truth !!
Namrata – I remember your four hour session with us three years back on the two magnum opuses – 7 Habits of Highly Effective people by Steven Covey and How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie – and you categorically stated – It all boils down to how you relate to other people- I think that this idea allows you to listen and hear what people are saying and interact with them honestly. This point resonates with me. If you operate from the premise of power ……… You see and think me……. I see and think you ………. Here I am ……..and…… there you are ………. And conversation becomes rich and meaningful. Conversation becomes a search of Truth !!
Sudhanshu – Yes of course ………… think of situations – people who have formal power, hierarchical power – status power – they would appear jerks if you have interactions with them. They have formal power but they don’t have psychological power.
Psychological power comes from sense of peace, completeness, fullness and trust and not from spying, trolling in social media, and treachery.
We have to change our perception of power !!
We have to allow power in ourselves not from premise of Ego but Higher Self !!
We have to embrace power from our Heart – not from software and hardware of computer systems spywares but HEARTWARE of your Authentic Self.
Don’t you ever be powerless !! Because then it would be hard to move in certain authentic parts of your life which are natures blessings to you – as that is your uniqueness !!
And it is for this uniqueness you are in this world !!
?Namrata – That’s marvellous !!
?Sudhanshu – I have habit of living in questions ??????? I have nothing but to leave you with questions for reflection –
What are the associations you have with power ?
Are they positive or negative ?
And where do they come from ?
Think of something wrong happening to somebody – Did you step in for help – If ‘yes’ – Why ??
If ‘no’ Why ?? Were you feeling powerful or powerless – How and Why ?
Understand and analyse answers to these questions !!!!
Reflect !!!!!Reflect !!!!!Reflect !!!!!
And formalise your strategy for the situation - from the premise of being POWERFUL !!
?Namrata – If you were in a position of power – what will be your last words ..!?
?Sudhanshu – My last word would be - Silence !!
Silence is to the Self what fragrance is to the flower.
Don’t try to become something !! Just Be !!
Don’t try to do something through your doer ship!! Let Life do it for you !!
Don’t try to say something !! Stay In silence !!
Be quiet – and power will come to you !!
And it will stay with you -
If you promise to make good use of it –
In designing and establishing truth !!
Just be quiet !!
Namrata – What do you mean by being quiet ????
?Sudhanshu – We started our conversation with Mooji’s words – I would like to end with Mooji’s verse -
Just keep quiet. What it means?
‘Keep quiet’ is the same as honouring yourself.
When the mind wants to run, you stay put.
You are not the mind—know this.
When the ego wants to go to the red-light district
and calls, ‘Come, come and play a little,’
you instantly detect the lie
and the temptation dissolves.
Your peace remains undisturbed.
That is what it means to keep quiet.
Namrata – Thank you Sir !!
Sudhanshu – God bless !! Much Love !!