The Anatomy Of Creating An E-store
Even if you haven't been glued to the internet you might already know that an eCommerce website is a crucial part of your business.
Matter of fact there are more online businesses than there are physical stores.
It's the place where you sell your products and services to customers, but it's also a great way to build an audience and generate leads.
If you're new to the world of e-commerce, here are some tools that can help make the process easier:
Choose a niche:
You’ve got to know your audience. What do they want, need, and expect from their shopping experience? What are their pain points? Do they have a particular interest in one of your products or services?
Once you have an idea of who will be using your store and why they will use it, it’s time to decide what niche you should focus on.
This is where people may find certain products more attractive than others. It also helps determine how much competition there is in that market segment—and therefore whether or not other businesses should be worried about them stealing customers away from them (or vice versa).
Choose a platform:
Choosing a platform is the most important part of building an e-store.
This can be a bit overwhelming, but if you know what to look for in each category, it will be easier.
●????Understand your business model: What are you going to sell? How much money do you have available for advertising and marketing? Do you want to sell physical products or digital downloads?
●????Look for ease of use: If customers aren't able to easily find what they're looking for on your site, then they won't buy anything from it! Make sure there are search engines built into the site as well (or at least an option) so that people can easily find things they need or want without having good luck with Google's algorithms just yet (though we hope this never happens).
Name and register your business:
When you're ready to register your business name, it's important to choose a name that is easy to spell and remember.
In addition, try not to choose a name that is too long or confusingly similar to other businesses in the same industry.
Lastly, make sure the name isn't too generic—it should represent something specific about your product or service.
This is where we're going next: choosing an appropriate logo!
Find a domain:
When you're ready to create your e-store, it's important that you choose a domain name.
A domain is the name of your website and can be anything from a word in your niche to an acronym or short phrase.
It should be memorable and easy to spell, but also easy for people who don't know English as their primary language to understand—and most importantly: available!
For example,
if I were starting out with my own business selling clothes online (which I'm going to call "Hey Girl"), then I would want something like because it's shorter than heygirlclothescoatsandshirts or even heygirlluckbootsandskirtsforgirls%20in%20the%20usa/usa
Learn about shipping policies:
Shipping policies are not just about the cost of shipping.
They're also about customer service and how you can integrate them with your marketing and sales strategies.
When it comes to shipping, there are two main types: first-class delivery (1-3 days) and priority overnight (2-5 days).?
There are also many other options in between these two extremes—and even some countries have their own unique customs rules that require specific types of packaging!
Your customers may not always be able to predict what type of delivery will work best for them or when they'll need it; so don't assume that everyone wants first-class delivery at all times.
Your goal should be getting them what they want as quickly as possible without sacrificing quality or safety—but this is easier said than done!
Set up hosting and install the software:
The next step is to set up your e-commerce platform.
This can be done through an application like Shopify or WooCommerce, but there are many other options available as well.
Once you've chosen a hosting provider and installed the software, configure it so that it works with your chosen e-commerce platform.?
Design your website:
●????Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.
●????Make sure it's responsive.
●????Make sure you have a good user experience (UX). This means that it should be easy for customers to navigate, find what they need, and buy from you easily.
●????Have an effective navigation system in place so users can easily find things on your site without getting lost in the process of doing so. A good navigation system should include features such as search functions, filters, and categories for products/services sold by yours or others selling similar items at different prices or qualities than yours; it also should allow users to add new items to their shopping cart in order to finish purchasing before leaving the website altogether! You could even consider implementing some sort of e-commerce payment option like PayPal integration so that users aren't forced into making purchases through credit cards only because there isn't another option available right away!
Write copy for your website:
Write a copy for your website.
●????Write about the benefits of your product: What is it that makes it so special? How can it help me? How much will it cost me to get started and how can I afford it?
●????Write about the features of your product: What features are included in this version, or what improvements have been made since last year’s model was released (if any)?
●????Write about the user experience: Who is this product aimed at—do consumers need special knowledge or skills to use it effectively? Is there an appropriate age bracket for using this particular item/service/product? Does it require any sort of special equipment or software in order for someone who doesn't know how computers work yet still wants one nonetheless?
Shoot or obtain product photos
E-commerce sites are all about the products, right? And if you have a great product to sell, it's important that your photos reflect the quality of your product.?
●????Take good photos of your product: The first step in creating an e-store is taking good photos of your products. You can use a professional photographer or take them yourself using an iPhone camera app like Snapseed or Instagram Stories.
●????Find high-quality images: There are plenty of websites where you can get high-quality images for free such as Unsplash and Pixabay; however, these sites may not always have what you're looking for (like professional poses). Try searching through Google Images for good examples when creating this aspect of your e-store! Also, consider hiring someone who knows how to shoot video footage too—you'll need something more than just still pictures if it's going into an online store!
Essentials of e-commerce site on-page SEO:
On-page SEO is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engines.
On-page SEO is a combination of on-site elements, such as content and links, and off-site elements such as backlinks.
On-page SEO is about creating content that is relevant, readable, and rich in keywords. This will help you get more traffic from search engines like Google or Bing.
Plan a marketing strategy:
The e-store marketing strategy should include SEO, social media marketing, and email marketing.
●????SEO: This is the process of increasing your site’s visibility on search engines like Google by optimizing your website for keywords associated with what you sell. The more relevant keywords you can add to your pages in a natural way, the better it is for people searching for products or services similar to yours.
●????Social media: Using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram allows you to interact directly with potential customers who may not have found their way onto your site yet but still want information about it (and vice versa). You can also use these networks as a way to promote specials or discounts that are only available online at certain times of day!
●????Email marketing: Sending emails out via email newsletters provides another way of reaching out directly without having any sort of barrier between them and themselves – this makes sense considering we all receive tons upon tons each day via our inboxes whether they're spammy messages sent through third parties' computers/servers etcetera...
Building an effective eCommerce site requires patience and forethought. Don't give up too easily:
It's important to remember that building an e-commerce site requires patience and forethought.
●????You will need to be patient: Building an effective e-store requires a lot of time, thought, and planning. You can't just throw something together and expect it to work out; you'll have to put in the work upfront if you want your store online by the end of next week!
●????You will need to be persistent: If there are any bumps along the way during development (and there always seem like there are), don't panic! Just keep moving forward with your strategy until things fall into place (or until they no longer fall apart).
●????You will need to be organized: Without organization, nothing gets done—and without time management skills or organizational abilities, no amount of hard work will ever pay off for anyone who doesn’t know how their mind works when it comes down to organizing tasks/projects into something manageable by themselves first before attempting anything else related.
As we reach the end of this post we would like to leave you with this:
It may seem like a lot of work, but once you get all of these things in place, your e-commerce store will be up and running.
We have created this guide for people who are completely new to this world and therefore keep it short and brief.
Don't forget about the basics: branding and customer service! Keep repeating these steps until you have a site that's just right for your business.
Thank you for reading!