Anatomy of a Breakthrough
Dr. Jill Birch
Keynote Speaker | Strategic Leadership Consultant | Author of 'The Compassion Advantage' | Empowering Teams for Success
Every team needs a “Michael”.
I was at a conference recently where people didn’t know each other very well. You know how that goes. There’s this silent awkwardness that happens when strangers are thrown together. People want to get to know others around them. Maybe even like them! Who knows? Lifelong friendships may be formed during moments like this.
During the event – just to make things even more awkward – we were given a lesson in Celtic dancing. We were all expected to participate and join in. It was a pretty funny scene. People were looking more at each other than their feet – missing steps and feeling embarrassed, like the world was judging them.
Out of this large crowd, a guy, who I'll call "Michael", leapt out of the crowd, and started madly dancing. Ellen would have been proud – even if she's not as fond of dancing as she once was.
With Michael’s leap into the middle of the room, carefree and giving it his all, something changed. People relaxed. Everyone started dancing, not looking around, but actually trying to learn the steps. People were laughing at their clumsiness but happy with it. Everyone danced better with each new song and lesson. And they were having fun. No second guessing. No wondering if someone was criticizing them. Just dancing and having fun.
After catching my breath and taking it all in, I wondered about the lesson there was in all this. Are you a “Michael”? Do you have a “Michael” as a friend or member of your team? These days the most prized of skills is to bring others together. Empowering that special quality of fearless activism is vital leadership work.
We all need to be a “Michael” once in a while as well as encouraging others to take on that magical role of the break through. So break the ice. Get in there and try something new. Realize, it’s ok for all of us to make mistakes together and then learn from them. Enjoy the dance!