The Anatomy Of Addictions

The Anatomy Of Addictions

“Honey, you’re starting to get cellulite. You need to exercise. Boys don’t like girls with cellulite.”

This was the Rite of Passage I received from my mom at 13 years of age which led to my first addiction – the gym!

I chose to skip high school sports and opted for a gym membership instead. You could find me there every day for at least 2 hours. Little did I know that this newfound passion was just a coping mechanism that would later turn into an addiction.

Upon arriving at Palmer College of Chiropractic at 19, I turbo-charged my addiction with a high dose of perfectionism (another addiction). I was finally of age to compete in figure and fitness competitions and it had been a so-called dream of mine to explore the limits of my body and sculpt it into the “perfect body.” Again, little did I know that this would lead to a third addictionfood – especially after ending 6 months of strict dieting. I'd walk into the gym the day after a competition and guys would joke that I look pregnant. HAHA - yep, I mastered immaculate conception overnight!

7 competitions later, body image issues, PCOS, debilitating menstrual cramps, cystic acne, painful breast fibroids, hormonal imbalances, bloating, chronic fatigue, and a knee injury finally got me to put these 3 addictions to rest.

I didn’t heal them though – I merely swapped them out with an addiction to overworking and chasing success.

No-one told me that I was looking for something… and that I was using the gym, perfectionism, food, work, and success to fill the hole I was looking to fill.

If my mother had gifted me with a Sacred Rite of Passage at 13 rather than projecting her own self-judgment and traumas onto me, I wouldn’t have been stuck on the hamster wheel that just kept going around and around keeping me feeling more and more disconnected while searching for something unknown.

What was I looking for, you may be wondering…

First, allow me to share with you the anatomy of addictions.

Addictions are coping mechanisms.

They share the same ROOT CAUSE – an underlying void created by an unhealed trauma that you’re seeking to fill externally.?Anything you use to distract yourself from feeling unpleasant feelings is an addiction. Consciously or unconsciously, you know you’re missing something and every time you partake in your addiction, there is an underlying hope that what you’re addicted to will fill the void.

Every unhealed trauma has its own TRAUMA self, or false identity created by the EGO (Edging God / Goddess Out) to keep you safe and to have power and control over you since the trauma disconnected you from your HIGHER self.

Addictions are vices of your EGO / trauma self. They are karmic patterns that act as your EGO’s life force energy. Why would your EGO want to give up the very thing that is keeping it alive? Your EGO wants to remain in power and control over you.

Addictions also keep you stuck in your lower state of consciousness vibrating from a lower frequency with your life force stuck in your lower three chakras, unable to ascend into your higher chakras and brain. While they act as your EGO's life force, keeping it alive, they keep YOUR life force asleep… and your HIGHER self disembodied.

One can be addicted to anything:

  • Food / Sugar
  • Porn / Masturbation / Sex / Orgasms
  • Love / Relationships
  • Alcohol
  • Social Media / Selfies / Likes / Attention
  • Retail Therapy
  • Work / Success / Money / Fame
  • Gambling
  • Seminars / Retreats
  • Reading / Digesting Information
  • Video Games
  • Spirituality
  • Gym / Yoga / Sport
  • Plant Medicines such as Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, and Cannabis
  • Cigarettes
  • Pharmaceutical and Street Drugs
  • Emotions / Feelings
  • Ascent Over The Descent
  • External Appearance
  • Stories / Labels / Identities
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Comfort Zone
  • A Destination: The Next Thing That Will Make You Feel Happy, Healthy and Whole
  • Fight-Flight-Freeze State

Not all addictions are external vices, some are internal, such as being addicted to a dopamine or adrenaline high.

What happens when you subject yourself to something over and over? You create an addiction - physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically.

"If you constantly experience feelings of not enough / lack, before long, all of the molecules of your body are going to become accustomed to the frequency of poverty consciousness. Lack becomes your natural state of being. Any repetitive action, conscious or subconscious, leads to involuntary responses in your body, and thus your life. This is how your subconscious rules you without you being conscious of the behind-the-scenes responses and reactions.
Here’s the tricky part – your body’s molecules have become addicted to the state that they’ve been living in. As you start breaking free of the not enoughness so to say, your body’s molecules will begin sending messages to the hypothalamus in your brain asking for more not enough / lack chemicals. This is why change is uncomfortable and requires you to be in the present moment so that you can catch those curveballs thrown at you to lure you back into the poverty consciousness program. This may cause doubt and negative self – talk to creep in.
All addictions create a drug – like effect in your body. When you are satisfying your addiction, you reach a state of “highness.” When you’re not satisfying your addiction, your body is in a constant crave mood. This state of “highness” opens your prefrontal cortex and allows for neural pathways creating the addiction to be strengthened and new neural networks to be created. When you come down off the “high”, the prefrontal cortex closes and you no longer have access to those new neural networks that just got created because they were created in an addicted state of consciousness, not an expanded state of consciousness." - Excerpt from Somatophobia

Have you ever wondered why the effect Cannabis elicits in you is called a 'high'?

Cannabis is neuroregenerative, meaning she assists us in creating new neural networks. The caveat is... what new neural networks are being created when one consumes Cannabis to check out, numb, escape, or to satisfy an addiction rather than in a sacred ceremony with an intention to check in, feel and heal?

Believe it or not, I've guided souls who have had an addiction to Cannabis heal their addiction... with Cannabis! Imagine that - using the vice to heal the root cause of the vice!

Whatever the vice is, the vice is NOT to blame! Removing the vice from your life won't magically heal the addiction - the only thing that will fill the VOID that you're seeking to fill with the vice is your HIGHER self, and that's what I was looking for.

What's your addiction? Share your story below.

If you have any questions about addictions, or how to heal the root cause of addictions, message me and let's have a conversation.

I'll see you in the next article as I continue guiding you on the journey INTO YOUR BODY!


Dr. Shelly

Chiropractors: don't forget to subscribe to The 33rd Alignment Newsletter on my website to receive knowledge, wisdom and updates that don't make it to LinkedIn.

Heal Your Cannabis Addiction... With Cannabis {Free 3-Day eCourse}
How To Heal Womb Symptoms With Cannabis {Free Guide}
Women's Womb Kriya Cannabis Ceremony {FREE 1st time}
Men's Hara Kriya Cannabis Ceremony {FREE 1st time}
Monthly Ceremonial Book Reading of 'Somatophobia' {FREE}
Monthly Guided Somatic Cannabis Meditation & Breathwork Ceremony (coed)
Monthly Womb Steam Cannabis + ?? Microdose Ceremony (women)
Kumar Persad

Co-Founder at Soul Warriors Retreat Center, Author, Visionary, Sacred Secretion Educator, Sacred Secretion Guide, Psychedelic Guide.

3 个月

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