Anathema to the United States Constitution
On 10-17-2024, a Candidate Forum was held at Miami Lakes Town Hall, where the most brilliant of all Moderators ever to conduct a Candidate Forum for us, Alex Penelas, former Miami-Dade County Mayor, an Attorney and long time Miami Laker asked probing questions that intended to highlight the differences and communication style of each of the candidates to elected office in Miami Lakes.
The Oath of Office of an Elected Official will have three components, adherence to The US Constitution, The Town of Miami Lakes Charter and implied by placing the hand over a Bible that IN GOD WE TRUST as the people are served.
We must ask, if anyone violates the Constitution during a Candidate Forum, would you VOTE for that person?
Not a chance!
01:45:56 Alex Penelas says there is one more budget item he wants to discuss, mentioned by Joshua Dieguez. The decision to settle the Pizzi litigation issue. As we know by way of background The Town Council voted to award Mr. Pizzi and his lawyers approximately $1.6 Million to be paid over three budget cycles and that is in addition to almost the $2 Million The Town of Miami Lakes spent litigating this issue. Not withstanding the Pizzi conviction itself -Pizzi was found NOT GUILTY- Alex Penelas corrects the record by saying 'accusations' the actual issue of whether he was entitled to Attorney's Fees...
01:46:37 Your Town Council strongly recommended in the interest of putting this issue behind them because of the uncertainty of the fact there was a new Judge with some recent defeats in court that it was in the Town's best interest to put this issue behind them.
01:47 Alex Penelas explains this was again an example where the candidates were in stark contrast, Mr. Dieguez, you followed the advice of the council and voted for paying, although you clearly put it on the record this was a bitter pill for you to swallow. You voted yes to follow the Town Attorney's recommendations / Fernandez you voted no... mr. Dieguez, would you care to elaborate?
01:47:20 Joshua Dieguez on why he voted YES... Joshua Dieguez he will give a non-legalese answer and says that early in 2024, two courts ruled that The Town of Miami Lakes was responsible and liable for paying Pizzi's Attorney's Fees, when you tack on interest that is over $4 Million dollars in potential liability to Miami Lakes. The Town could potentially appeal on some technical grounds but that is a crap shoot and as the Mayor pointed out -Mr. Penelas- The Town of Miami Lakes has paid out $1.9 Million over 11 years on this saga, right? So rather than continue to bleed, wager using other people's money because in the private sector when this happens with my clients they want to make it about principle, they are willing to put their own money behind it but this isn't our money alone, this is our taxpayer's money, right? Other than continue -basically to roll the dice and hope that in the second turn may be thing turn our way I decided to STOP fighting yesterday's battles to focus on the future tomorrow. That way we will be able to do more infrastructure, hire more police officers... Because by the time we have final resolution, we could be another five years out from now and be another $1.5 million and potentially with a higher judgment down the line. So rather than kick the can down the road to another Council or make it somebody else's problem I thought it would prudent and as -Mr. Penelas- pointed out, follow the advice of the Town Attorneys, not only Mr. Gastesi, but all the litigators that were defending this case and settle it, as well as using my own knowledge as an Attorney to make sure our taxpayers are protected...
01:48:55 Alex Penelas directs his comments to Tony Fernandez by saying, Mr. Fernandez you talk a lot about your business acumen, how big of a business man you are, but yet you said on the record that you could not vote for this out of principle. Well, you can't have it both ways. Was this a principle vote and a bad business decision or what led you to vote no?
01:49:14 Tony Fernandez First of all doing the right thing is always good business, a good business practice, right? I don't think there is any doubt in anybody's mind that the Town's position was the right position
[No... this is another violation of Constitutional rights because many have stated time and time again, by coming to the Council to say we have NEVER thought the Town was doing the right thing! From day one!!! In fact, the real reason why so many STOPPED going to Town Hall meetings is because of the violation of our rights with regards to the Pizzi case. Our previous Town Attorney explained on the record that if found not guilty, Pizzi would return to Town Hall Mayor Wayne Slaton upon hearing the verdict collected his things and went home, yet when Pizzi showed up, the Town Attorney Raul Gastesi initiated the case of 'Defend the Charter' by refusing to accept that a not guilty verdict equated to the return of Mayor Pizzi to Town Hall. Step by step all courts sided with Pizzi, each time winning and ultimately returning to Town Hall where during the next election the majority of the people did not vote for him and so his service as Mayor came to an end. If allowed to return without any interference, the people would have determined OUR WILL as opposed to the political / agenda driven moves to prevent what had already been determined was the right thing to do.
Here is the puzzlement: If $20+K Geller as Town Attorney stated that Pizzi would return if found not-guilty... and Gastesi as Town Attorney stated that Pizzi would NOT return if found not-guilty... what are we to make out of our Legal Department? If Attorney A verified the Florida Constitution to declare that the right step was to bring Pizzi back at a not guilty verdict... but Attorney B claim that to bring a 'not guilty' person back into the Mayoral seat would violate the Charter... if local and state courts agreed that the not-guilty individual had the right to return to office... Who stood by THE CONSTITUTION of the United States throughout it all which clearly states that we are INNOCENT until proved otherwise and that once the NOT GUILTY verdict is rendered our rights should be restored?
So... NO Mr. Fernandez, when you say that you don't think there is any doubt in anybody's mind that the Town's position was the right position, as usual you are ABSOLUTELY wrong in your assessment because you DON'T LISTEN to the people, you hear our words but you tune them out, we go before you but because we are the same people saying the same things over and over, you tune us off and therefore you lack the understanding and you fail to grasp the meaning of what we are trying to say.
If you, Mr. Fernandez, do not win this election and you do not therefore become our Mayor... your time in elected office shall be over... Before you leave... please... read what I wrote back on February 15th, 2015:
02-15-2015 Letter Resident among those hoping for a favorable...
What is evident about the write-up posted online is that, as usual, contrary and opposing views attempt to manipulate the passions of Town of Miami Lakes residents.
What Miami Lakes residents clearly understand is that the Town of Miami Lakes permitted a man removed from office by a mere allegation, be tried and sentenced in the Court of Public Opinion without due process of law.
What ever happened to the concept of innocence until proven otherwise?
A violation of the Constitution of these United States, a document that supersedes any and all other documents.
The Town of Miami Lakes Charter is a local constitution of sorts, a document written by a group that worked very hard to create a ‘map’ to rule and guide our recently formed town.
It is a document that has proved NOT to withstand the test of time because it has failed miserably to protect an elected official, a local government, and ultimately, the reason for why it was written — the protection of the governed, which in this case is us, the residents of the Town of Miami Lakes.
Let’s summarize the facts: an attorney, a criminal attorney, a mayor — the highest office of the Town — the son of a United States Marshal, a law student who graduated first in his class, an elected official that received an overwhelming vote of confidence from residents during an election that saw the majority of Miami Lakes registered voters cast their vote and select the candidate they perceived as the best person to run our town is removed from office.
Within hours, the vice mayor, Ceasar Mestre, is sworn as mayor and several important meetings take place, where the town attorney clearly explains that if found innocent, Mayor Michael Pizzi would return to office. [Geller]
Now, Mayor Pizzi loses his benefits, his job as town attorney for Medley, he is suspended pending trial and jury verdict, he is subjected to a rather tormenting process to regain his status as innocent — innocence is guaranteed by our Constitution until proved guilty — all the while in full awareness that the town attorney’s statements during a Town Special Call meeting “guarantee” that he return to office once found innocent.
No sooner was the verdict known, Pizzi returned to Town Hall, the town clerk confirms that he is in fact the mayor, Wayne Slaton vacates the Office of Mayor and goes home, but... the town attorney and staff group together and determine that is not so. [Gastesi]
So... Pizzi fights for his right to return to the Office of the Mayor
What else would you expect from a fighter?
What else would any one of us do if we found ourselves in the same circumstances?
Frankly, what would have been the ideal Charter Process?
Given that the Charter’s preamble clearly states the purpose of government is to protect the governed, what should have happened is:
If the day Pizzi was found innocent, as a town, we would have gathered together to thank God that a man’s innocence had been proven, return him to office, and file against an Errors & Omissions policy, sending the cost of litigation for Pizzi and the town to the federal government for its fabricated process to entrap honest politicians, we would not find ourselves in the mess we are in today!
The entire Council voted yes on that awful night when the feds destroyed a rather peaceful Norman Rockwell town, removing our innocence and our sense of well being, immersing each of us in such an ordeal that today many of us stand with health issues for the stress has been relentless.
We admire and fully support a person ready, willing and able to take a stand and fight to the bitter end; to fight because his life depends on it, litigate because his family’s well-being depends on it. ...
We only wished we had the same courage, knowledge, ability, and understanding of law to put up with the outcome of over 20 years of dedicated public service.
In God we trust, the outcome is favorable to Mayor Michael A. Pizzi! [Our Trust in GOD, our prayers are answered!]
Esperanza “Hope” Reynolds, Miami Lakes
Read more at:]
01:49:33 Tony Fernandez continues by claiming that Pizzi was not doing a public service when the issue took place, if that is the case all other council members should have also gotten arrested because it was a unanimous vote YES, Tony Fernandez then says 'I can't disagree with Joshua Dieguez anymore than I already do.' Dieguez said something very, very, very important and I think it may be the reason why he decided to vote for the settlement:
01:49:53 Notice when he said he did not want to kick the can down the road and make this a future council's responsibility, I think Mr. Dieguez made a decision to take the political expedient route and dispose of this issue while Mayor Cid was still Mayor, to put the issue behind him and not have it tar his administration going forward. I think that is the motivation! But it certainly wasn't the right thing to do. The advice that our attorneys gave us is that it would have at most been $400,000 to appeal the matter. We paid $500,000 year one for the settlement and to say that it would have been to build a better future tomorrow, no, we mortgaged yesterday, this year and next year to pay for these fees that we should have never paid.
01:50:37 Alex Penelas asks Joshua Dieguez to respond by saying that Tony Fernandez is basically saying that Joshua Dieguez vote is politically motivated
01:50:42 Joshua Dieguez: That is convoluted logic considering that Tony Fernandez made a dishonest campaign ad against me on that, so I think the only one making political hay out of this is Mr. Fernandez trying to monetize / politicize it for his own campaign. Clearly I took a stand that wasn't popular but it is in the right interest of this Town -Miami Lakes- to put this behind us. As Tony Fernandez points out it would have been $400,000 just for the appeal! What does he think we would have had to spend when we had to then try this case again from scratch and then what about appeals after that? This is where my background as a litigator has with 100% certainty helped us avoid rash decisions...
01:51:55 Mario Pinera next, says 'No, I would have not settled!' With my experience with Mr. Pizzi, I have dealt with him before in the Town of Medley, and I thought him to be a crook, that is it, thank you
To put it on record that Mario Pinera thinks Pizzi is a crook is to demonstrate a judgmental nature which I, for one, does not want and shall not vote for because that would NEVER be in my own interest or in the interest of my fellow Americans!
On the other hand, and while we were at Town Hall for the Forum, as we watched the Youtube video again to capture notes but to internalized what happened, watch Joshua Dieguez in action, a rather measured personality, yet after seeing how political ads sent to homes disrespect and malign what is a remarkable track record of ethical behavior, he calls a spade a spade in his response with regard to the Budget... 01:27:56 Alex Penelas addresses Tony Fernandez by saying, you can't say you want to cut taxes, you've got to say specifically what you would cut to get the funds necessary for the reduced revenue... 01:28:05 Alex Penelas continues by saying 'if you are going to be responsible you have to say I want this amount cut from the mileage rate and these are the programs that I want to cut.'
01:28:16 Tony Fernandez says, and I did that... so, the motion made to cut the rate by 2.6 very clearly had the sinking fund identified as the funding source to balance the budget. Go back to the meeting and that was clear as day. That money is sitting there for the potential of needing to use it. It is not a cut in service. Now, let's take three steps back, those items that you put forward -meaning Alex Penelas read the list of programs the Staff suggested would have to be cut to balance the budget if the mileage rate would have been cut by 2.6%- Staff will always give us the worst case scenario, one of their recommendations was to cut the Veterans Day Parade, which is to an extent...
01:29:05 Tony Fernandez: The difference between Councilman Dieguez and I is that I understand the process a little bit better, my business acumen makes me understand that process a little bit better, I detect when I am being bamboozled.
Video @ 01:29:17...
A sleeping giant is awaken... Councilman Joshua Dieguez addresses his opponent to demonstrate his in-depth understanding of budget constraints but more important, leaves no doubt that he also understands the egotistical approach to trying to achieve the vote of the people by making the brilliant observation that Tony Fernandez' ego sometimes gets ahead of him. In the style of Victor Hugo, author of Les Miserables these moments require that writers tell the story, that authors pen articles that share with those that read but do not attend meetings, that creative individuals through the use of satire bring levity to these jewels of communication because in one instant, Alex Penelas was able to surface the personality traits, the differences between the candidates, but more important, UNDER FIRE... who are they, what do they know, what are their principles and values, where is the 'stuff' that makes for a great legislator, when do we get to know the real person, how... The whom question is easily answered, just have Alex Penelas moderate a candidate forum and we get in-depth understanding of the issues, the concerns of the community and see our present day reality put in a new and fresh context that presages a future... So, after watching these moments...
01:29:19 Watch Joshua Dieguez in action after Alex Penelas asks, how... can you explain?
During opening remarks Tony Fernandez brags about the size of his budget and how it is bigger than the town's...
The Political Action Committee Tony Fernandez owns is named after him: Together Our Neighborhoods Improve...
The list goes on and on... then Joshua Dieguez corrects a major mistake made by Tony Fernandez as the Town did have carry forward funds to utilize from the prior budget, it was over a couple of $100,000, [$200,000] voted against it by Tony Fernandez when in fact that money paid for the new LED lights that were installed and unveiled at Veterans Park playground! So, the Town did have carry forward funds!
Joshua Dieguez continues, I know we are going to get into the Pizzi settlement and we will get there, but wanted to make one more comment about sinking funds that were spent in 2023. The Town went through all of it and that is why it is so essential to reduce the amount of reserves that we are carrying therefore making the Town more relying on debt because the Town is not putting enough away to save for a rainy day and the Town is highly reliant on a $20 Million line of credit it has in the event of an emergency, the Town has 15% in reserves which is from the percentage the Town held prior 01:30:21 Alex Penelas asks, so is Mr. Fernandez being irresponsible? Is he presenting a responsible way of dealing with the budget?
01:30:26 Joshua Dieguez "I Don't Believe He Is"
These two examples inspired the comment submitted to us by Mayor Michael A. Pizz, Esq. who says it best:
10-18-2024 Email received @ 09:26 PM
I have not gotten involved in Miami Lakes politics for many years because I think it is beneath former Mayors to tell people who to vote for.
But, I cannot imagine how anyone with any intelligence would vote for Tony Fernandez.
He is a demagogue of the worst kind who panders to people because he thinks that they are stupid.
Tony Fernandez just says whatever he thinks will get him votes, even if it is irresponsible.
The Town of Miami Lakes wasted millions of dollars on my reimbursement case because they put political slogans ahead of sound judgement.
We will never get that money back.?
The Town lost the case and was about to attend a hearing where the only issue was how many millions would the Town have to pay. If the Town appealed and continued to fight it would have cost millions more.?
The choice was to settle for 1.6 millions payable over time, or face a potential judgment of over 5 million and/or spend twice that amount to keep litigating.
Tony Fernandez did not vote against paying my team 1.6 million.
Tony Fernandez actually voted to spend over five million?dollars in a certain judgment and more litigation and to drag this out at tax payer expense another ten years.
How could anyone with half a brain vote someone like Fernandez who has such poor judgment that he would bankrupt the Town.?
Michael Pizzi, Esq.?
Youtube Top Chat Replay Comments:
GlitchLab Hi!
GlitchLab Good Luck to all in this debate!
Raquel Robaina No sound yet?
Alejandro Sanchez Is there sound now?
Yaqui Sanchez Yes
Maureen is their going to be a debate?
Mirtha Mendez No debate
Kikizzba let's get ready to rumble
Kikizzbaoh dang
Smugglers Club Josh the man!
Miami Maverick Let’s go Josh!
Colby. i didn't know the lakers moved to miami
CanesCatsHeat305 Mrs Fernandez is a plant but im still voting for josh lol
CanesCatsHeat305 Stop asking this ladies questions shes just here to steal votes
CanesCatsHeat305 mute this ladies mic just absolutely useless to hear here
GlitchLab interesting....
CanesCatsHeat305. she was
CanesCatsHeat305 but i will still vote for josh
Colby. Mrs Fernandez is by far the most articulate, experienced, and qualified, an absolute UNIT and a remarkable member of this community
GlitchLab Honestly i love the fact the town does live streaming!
CanesCatsHeat305. suspect that josh needed to do that when he was a lock to win
GlitchLab hows everyone doing?
CanesCatsHeat305. i just don't see tony winning
Colby Josh is so corrupt he's going to drive this town into the ground
CanesCatsHeat305 he came to my house the other day very nice but i don't see him winning
Colby. His comments on the recent hurricanes are absolutely out of line
CanesCatsHeat305 the reason why he wont win is because they lost power 2 months ago
CanesCatsHeat305 when hector abdo didnt even make the run off
CanesCatsHeat305. i voted for ester colon because these people just play games at these meetings
CanesCatsHeat305. if ester would of won she would of split the vote
CanesCatsHeat305 now bryan won and its a 4-3 split. which im cool with because bryan has been doing a good job
GlitchLab I do know who Bryan is but he did try to add me on FB without knowing who i am.
CanesCatsHeat305 do you even live here?
CanesCatsHeat305@ Colby also how is josh corrupt if you can explain
Colby They haven't talked about addressing traffic or the impact of blast mining
CanesCatsHeat305 you can't fix traffic brother
CanesCatsHeat305 they just built a brand new apartment complex where shulas hotel was.... on a 2 lane road. you can't fix traffic
CanesCatsHeat305 where are you adding roads
Colby. He never answers questions directly, and talks a big talk about mobility and traffic yet what has he done as councilman to address these? Just needs more power right? Like all of those who seek
CanesCatsHeat305 anyone saying they are fixing traffic is wasting your time
CanesCatsHeat305 angelo has my vote because on the miami lakes business podcast debate between both guys
CanesCatsHeat305 he said it straight it anyone saying they can fix traffic is lying, you can't fix traffic
Colby. Yuniett Gonzalez tells it the way it is and has a tangible plan to address traffic. There will never be any issues if she is elected but she joined the race too late and has no clout
Colby Tony and Josh will be more of the same, and we already know what that will be
CanesCatsHeat305 bro @Colby gonzalez is a plant from josh
GlitchLab@canes I do ;-)
CanesCatsHeat305. josh told her to run to take votes from tony
Video has achieved 1,000 views since 10-17-2024