Analyzing Historical Stock Market Data within Python

Analyzing Historical Stock Market Data within Python

A basic part of partaking in the stock market is data analysis of historical real-time events. By doing this, any interested party gets a bit of an edge because, by looking at the past and new trends, elements of the future can be predicted and acted upon for better outcomes.


One solution that's particularly great when it comes to this aspect of the stock trading space is the Python language. Why is this the case? Well, let’s look at the useful information below to answer that exact question, all while looking at how one goes about using the solutions made on Python to their advantage.


- What is Python and why is it useful in the trading niche?

- The key role in data visualization

- How analysis works

- Setting up environment

- Python in action: retrieving, analyzing and visualizing historical market data

- Final thoughts

What is Python and why is it useful in the trading niche?

Python is a computer language that is well-known for its ease of reading and writing. It's similar to learning a new language, only instead of speaking, you instruct the computer what to do. Python is particularly popular in the financial sector because it enables users to examine enormous volumes of data rapidly and effectively.


The key role in data visualization

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of Python, it's best that we acknowledge it in detail for its own sake. This programming language has been lauded as one of the better ones one can use in the trading and finance niches. This is owing to several elements, which include:

- The relative ease with which it's used, owing to its readability and simple nature

- Any libraries it has that are suited for analyzing data

- Its broad compatibility allows for integration with other systems, such as APIs, sans issues

- The strong data visualization abilities that allow for the use of charts, among other things


Yes, Python is fundamentally a programming language, however, in the trading niche, it’s often referred to as a tool as it is used to achieve specific tasks, like data analysis, automation and software development. When one thinks of the trillions of dollars in play across multiple exchanges, what you end up with is a clear invitation to use a tool like Python to help. With the above abilities, the language in question would allow you to implement various strategies, which we'll get to, as well as broaden your capabilities, especially if you seek something like automation.


How analysis works

Assuming that you have an idea of how to read certain aspects of the market, such as trends, you can begin to incorporate Python into your analysis toolkit or you can use ready solutions written in Python. This begins by finding a trustworthy data provider that has an API that is compatible with this language.


Once this is done, you should find API keys with said data provider that will aud with request authentication from the chosen API. While you're at it, familiarize yourself with the API documentation, as it shows several aspects, such as response formats and request parameters.


Setting up environment

The next bit requires setting up the Python environment by installing the libraries that are most necessary to you. Because our analysis looks primarily at historical data, some of the capabilities, and therefore, libraries that you’ll need may include:

- Building web dashboards by having Plotly Dash’s latest version installed

- Installing Pandas DataReader (it is a library), which takes financial data from designated sources

- Installing the finance library to gain access to and retrieve historical data from the same source

- Having libraries like NumPy and Seaborn imported so you can visualize the data through charts

Python in action: retrieving, analyzing, and visualizing historical market data

Once that is done, you can move forward with data retrieval, which sees HTTP requests made to API endpoints, via the keys that will authenticate. Data that can be retrieved includes historical prices, among other things.


With Python, the data can then be analyzed and visualized using some of its libraries and frameworks. These allow the trader to do the following:

- Calculate technical indicators: via the use of the available libraries, one can seek out greater analysis through indicators such as Bollinger bands and RSI

- See the data: visualization can come in the form of the graphs above, as well as candlestick presentations, which in conjunction with the above calculators can help detect trends

- Backtesting abilities: this is the one tool that is particularly useful as it allows for the use of past data to be tested to prove your strategies, especially in light of trends, which can help with predictive approaches

- Investment management: with this language, you could build tools that oversee and track your portfolios, look at risk, and work on overall optimization

- In predictive models: once again, we see historical data, only this time, Python is used to build the predictive models, a great choice because of its ease of use


This litany of capabilities allows you to do the above, thus explaining why the language in question is one worth using. However, all the above is highly dependent on the past data that's used and how it's applied. If it isn't good or accurate and isn't applied as it should be, suffice it to say that the tool would be wasted.


Final thoughts

Because of the often chaotic nature of the stock market, it stands to reason that the wise would seek to take advantage of situations that present themselves. Trends, in particular, can be seen and compared to past events, thus allowing for predictive analysis.


Python's ease of use not only allows for past data to be taken, analyzed and visualized, but it can also allow for backtesting, which puts your tactics under a microscope. The one thing to be aware of is the quality of data, as well as its application afterward. If that's settled, there's no reason to not go for Python. Whether you need to analyze historical data, calculate technical indicators or make backtesting strategies, Finage’s API and Python’s libraries work perfectly together to give you the insights you need!



