Chief Financial Officer specializing in revenue generating growth strategies: M&A | FP&A | P&L I future EIT, FE, PE, LEED AP, CTP, CFA, CFP, CIRA, JJMD, CPA | Strategic Partnerships | BSME |
Analysis Paralysis is probably one of the best expressions to describe the condition most people get at that precise moment when they decide that they want to make progress in their life and take action toward getting those results toward their dreams and corresponding intermediate SMART GOALS; yet decide so adamantly that they are going to accomplish their goals so quickly, that they begin making lists and set themselves up in a complicated state of mind which only further inhibits their success and accelerated GROWTH. Simplify your strategy to a "LINEAR approximation"! What does that mean? It's a borrowed expression from complex science and an advanced MATHEMATICS infused solutions approach to solving problems, or resolving challenges.
Instead of trying to do 5 totally different unrelated things all simultaneously and trying to design a way to do it, with a NEW product and integrated system that helps you do it, pay more attention to just getting one thing done and shortening the TIME between steps to getting each step done. This builds real PROGRESS, and progress is one of the most motivating things you could ever observe or experience. Looking back on a year 2017 where I SOLD my THIRD HARLEY for CASH to start a business, and observing what happened first, and why, and how; I learned that progress is my biggest ASSET, and It's fairly easy to build. A long term friend of mine, EDWARD MOUSSOURIS, taught me when we were both still in 'College', and he told me one of the most useful bits of advice i've ever received. Somehow he heard or found out that I was a little bit depressed or 'down & out', and he took me out to a BOSTON BLAZERs lacrosse game at the old BOSTON Garden. We were at NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY, where most of my professors were from POLAND, or INDIA and couldn't speak ENGLISH well enough to communicate already complicated concepts. Keep in mind, I was paying for it all with LOANS, which I highly recommend against.
When you want something out of your life, or really out of yourSELF; SMART Goals are tools that successful people use as stepping stones to their ultimate DREAM GOAL, which is the first goal at the top of a LONG LIST of SMART GOALS as part of a larger totally and properly integrated Strategy encompassing all their top three or four priorities and what's important to them. One of the BIGGEST mistakes most people make is their desire to make the assertion that everything is TOP priority, and that it's all IMPORTANT! Unfortunately, no one single person can get everything done in 20 minutes. However, with a dominant focus on one segment of your skill set, your unique one specific strength. I don't give a phooch if your IV LEAGUE graduated 'BOSS' says it's ALL important and it ALL matters and it ALL has to be done by 4pm on friday afternoon or you're fired! OK; first of all: he's a fn douche!
Any boss who approaches business with a "speed" drug addict personality is a godamned KOOK phn DOUCHEBAG american VOMITING AVOIDING pussy-A$$ baby-bitch moronic pin loser with no management skills. Forget CAPITAL or ASSET MANAGEMENT, or TIME-MANAGEMENT; he hasn't even mastered Personnel management and basic personalty and psychology knowledge. What you have isn't a boss, but an uneducated kook with a piece of paper. You can walk into any book store and buy your own piece of paper, and go build your own path to success, if you can narrow down your path, and understand that ROMA wasn't built in a day!
The biggest and most important part of your SMART goal is having that goal being executable or 'actionable'; in other words: can you do it right now today and right this second! If the answer is yes, it's one of the SMARTEST goals you could ever have. NOW, here is where it gets tricky, because just because you CAN do it or even do it now, doesn't mean it should be on the 'to do' list. Some stuff should automatically get pushed to the back burner, and forgotten about until 1-2 or even 5 years later. Everyday, the simplest of questions you should be asking yourself probably 100-500x/day is 'can it get done right now?' Then do it. Get it done. I've found that when you commit to being ALPHA, you're going to begin your journey down this aggressive road where you begin to learn what it takes to be really successful. As GRANT CORDON SAYS, "you need to 10X your growth....", along with 10x everything else in your life, including your STRATEGY for success. "MASSIVE ACTION", and "OBSESSION" are your keys to success, but these are subjective terms and need further clarification using concepts by experienced well known guys like JIM ROHN, and Napoleon HILL and 17 keys to success, TAILOPEZ and 67 steps, GARY V and his SELF-AWARENESS program, which you can learn simply by following him and his $300M marketing/media company closely. To be committed to ALPHA, you have to first be willing to work like a mootherphoocher (hence the term 10x). Once you're Willing to WORK like a lunatic, you have to then start to understand concepts such as effectiveness vs. efficiency and the key differences between them. Its great to be efficient at taking a tree down with an ax or even a chainsaw, but what if there's already a ton of trees already down and property or other means for a living in some other location or some other form for a lot less money. What if there's an opportunity where you can get paid as a REAL ASSET, and switch the direction of your CASHFLOW STATEMENT, instead of always killing yourself to develop a REAL ASSET for a future 'long term' DREAM that 'eventually' brings you cashflow. This handful of concepts I've just described outlines the basics of being more productive and competitive in whatever it is that you're setting out to do. Be resourceful and reliant on existing positives already in your life. Start with the easy to acknowledge intangible ASSETS like your VISION and your HEARING, and the fact that YOU CAN WALK, or EVEN RUN, and you'll always end up with cash in your pocket, rather than having to carry around notes about debts you owe, and credit cards etc. Those people selling you a strainer for your pasta are geniuses because they have convinced you that you need this luxurious $2-3 product, or even the newest, latest, greatest iPhone, or the hottest NEW version of the pasta strainer. FAH RIOL??? DUDE....i'm all set! Thanks for thinking of me, though!
Wanna piss off someone who's rich or on their way, and never have them forgive you for all the bullshit you've thrown at them; go ahead and disrespect them by wasting their TIME. When they finally figure it out and look back and see what you've done to them and how, they'll not just not like you, they'll put you out of business!
I'll tell you a quick little story:
When I was young, my Mother would reprimand my brother and I for Running around the house. I wanted to play the DRUMS! I had a lot of energy, and running and playing the drums were two immediately convertible Assets My mother could have capitalized on, but instead, she fought the strengths and created liabilities. My brother had stolen a car by the TIME he was in highschool, and Smoked cigarettes & Marijuana as a result of being forced down a road that wasn't aligned with his BRAND, but instead aligned with my MOM's BRAND or maybe my DAD's, but it wasn't who my brother was and it effected the next 10-15 years of his life. Congratulations, parents; you've successfully damaged your kids long term by focusing on weaknesses, rather than on strengths and opportunities. This is precisely the one thing the poor people do that the uber wealthy know better than; and it will inevitably make you even poorer, and even remove all opportunity for growth in the middle to upper middle class. You see this type of perspective creates nothing but negative energy and negative vibes, and these vibes effect everyone! Successful C-SUITE executives and the uber wealthy focus on STRENGTHS and where they can directly CAPITALIZE on them ALL, with direct corresponding opportunities. BAD BUSINESS MAN are always focused on themselves and their needs rather than YOUR strengths, and they look for ways to CONVERT YOU as a liability to a strength and ignore the amount of INVESTMENT required and then at the end of the day, when it's TIME for THEM to pay the bill, they want to blame everyone else but themselves. There's only one word to describe these mootherphoochers: QUOONTS! They don't deserve to LIVE, never mind operate a business or make an attempt at a professional organization in a first world country!
Let's be honest, and real here, you can't possibly go into the supermarket and buy one of everything; you don't have the money, or even the TIME or even the stomach to eat it all.
Cheers, Guys;