Analysis of Oscillators as Technical Trading Signals
Oscillators are momentum indicators used in quantitative trading to identify turning points.
Using moving averages and deviations, these gauge peaks and troughs in momentum. Oscillations above and below ranges or centerlines signal potential overbought or oversold conditions. Divergences between oscillator signals and price can guess probabilistic turning points in asset's trend.
Common Oscillating Signals
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) and Absolute Price Oscillator (APO)
These Calculate the difference between two moving averages to identify momentum and trend changes:
Relative Strength Index (RSI) Compares the magnitude of recent gains and losses to identify overbought and oversold conditions:
Prepare your Environment
Have a jupyter environment ready, and pip install these libraries:
The Absolute Price Oscillator (APO)
This technical indicator is made up of a fast moving average and a slow moving average:
The crossover of a fast EMA above a slow EMA can signal a bullish trend, while the opposite can indicate a bearish trend.
Here is a visualization coded below:
ticker['fEMA'] = ticker['Adj Close'].ewm(
span=APO_FAST_WINDOW, adjust=False).mean()
ticker['sEMA'] = ticker['Adj Close'].ewm(
span=APO_SLOW_WINDOW, adjust=False).mean()
ticker['APO'] = ticker['fEMA'] - ticker['sEMA']
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, gridspec_kw={
'height_ratios': (3, 1)}, figsize=(24, 12))
ax1.plot(ticker.index, ticker['Adj Close'], label='AAPL Close Price')
ax1.plot(ticker.index, ticker['fEMA'], label='fEMA', linestyle='--')
ax1.plot(ticker.index, ticker['sEMA'], label='sEMA', linestyle='--')
ax1.set_title('AAPL Price and EMAs')
ax2.plot(ticker.index, ticker['APO'], label='APO', lw=1.25, color='r')
With this info, let's build a signal:
def signal_apo_oscillator(ticker_ts, fast_window_size=APO_FAST_WINDOW, slow_window_size=APO_SLOW_WINDOW, buy_threshold=APO_BULL_SIGNAL, sell_threshold=APO_BEAR_SIGNAL):
Calculate signals using the Absolute Price Oscillator (APO) indicator for a given stock's time series.
- ticker_ts (DataFrame): Time series data for the stock, typically containing 'Adj Close' prices.
- fast_window_size (int, optional): Fast EMA (Exponential Moving Average) window size. Default is APO_FAST_WINDOW.
- slow_window_size (int, optional): Slow EMA window size. Default is APO_SLOW_WINDOW.
- buy_threshold (float, optional): Buy signal threshold for the APO. Default is APO_BULL_SIGNAL.
- sell_threshold (float, optional): Sell signal threshold for the APO. Default is APO_BEAR_SIGNAL.
- signals_df (DataFrame): DataFrame containing signals based on APO oscillator:
- 'signal': Signal values (1 for buy, -1 for sell, 0 for no signal).
- 'orders': Changes in signals (buy/sell orders) with None for no change.
fema = ticker_ts['Adj Close'].ewm(
span=fast_window_size, adjust=False).mean()
sma = ticker_ts['Adj Close'].ewm(
span=slow_window_size, adjust=False).mean()
apo = fema - sma
signals_df = pd.DataFrame(index=ticker_ts.index)
signals_df['signal'] = np.where(
apo >= buy_threshold, 1, np.where(apo <= sell_threshold, -1, 0))
signals_df['orders'] = signals_df['signal'].diff()
signals_df.loc[signals_df['orders'] == 0, 'orders'] = None
return signals_df
signals_df = signal_apo_oscillator(ticker)
profit_series = calculate_profit(signals_df, ticker["Adj Close"])
ax1, ax2 = plot_strategy(ticker["Adj Close"], signals_df, profit_series)
ax1.plot(ticker.index, ticker['Adj Close'], label='AAPL Close Price')
ax1.plot(ticker.index, ticker['fEMA'], label='fEMA', linestyle='--')
ax1.plot(ticker.index, ticker['sEMA'], label='sEMA', linestyle='--')
The strategy generates buy and sell signals based on our threshold values: buy_threshold represents the bullish signal threshold, and sell_threshold represents the bearish signal threshold. When our APO crosses any of these thresholds, we will create a signal in the timeseries.
We'll return a signal dataframe, made up of:
Since all our signals in this series of articles are long only, we will buy on the first buy signal and hold until the first sell signal. That difference is the profit we are charting above.
This strategy returned a simulated ~40% in 2 years, against the ~S&P500's 10% - all on paper!
Moving average convergence divergence (MACD)
This fast-food named indicator created by Gerald Appel, goes a step further than the APO.
It establishes the difference between a fast exponential moving average and a slow exponential moving average, like APO, but also smoothens the difference. A properly configured MACD signal might capture the direction, magnitude, and duration of a trending instrument price.
ticker['fEMA'] = ticker['Adj Close'].ewm(
span=APO_FAST_WINDOW, adjust=False).mean()
ticker['sEMA'] = ticker['Adj Close'].ewm(
span=APO_SLOW_WINDOW, adjust=False).mean()
ticker['APO'] = ticker['fEMA'] - ticker['sEMA']
ticker['MACD'] = ticker['APO'] .ewm(
span=APO_SLOW_WINDOW, adjust=False).mean()
ticker['MACDHIST'] = ticker['APO'] - ticker['MACD']
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, gridspec_kw={
'height_ratios': (3, 1, 1)}, figsize=(24, 12))
ax1.plot(ticker.index, ticker['Adj Close'], label='AAPL Close Price')
ax1.plot(ticker.index, ticker['fEMA'], label='fEMA', linestyle='--')
ax1.plot(ticker.index, ticker['sEMA'], label='sEMA', linestyle='--')
ax1.set_title('AAPL Price and EMAs')
ax2.plot(ticker.index, ticker['APO'], label='MACD', lw=2.25, color='g')
ax2.plot(ticker.index, ticker['MACD'],
label='Smoothed MACD', lw=2.25, color='b')
ax3.axhline(0.0), ticker['MACDHIST'],
label='MACD Histogram', color='r', width=1.0, align='center')
With this info, let's build a signal:
def signal_apo_oscillator(ticker_ts, fast_window_size=APO_FAST_WINDOW, slow_window_size=APO_SLOW_WINDOW, buy_threshold=APO_BULL_SIGNAL, sell_threshold=APO_BEAR_SIGNAL):
Calculate signals using the Absolute Price Oscillator (APO) indicator for a given stock's time series.
- ticker_ts (DataFrame): Time series data for the stock, typically containing 'Adj Close' prices.
- fast_window_size (int, optional): Fast EMA (Exponential Moving Average) window size. Default is APO_FAST_WINDOW.
- slow_window_size (int, optional): Slow EMA window size. Default is APO_SLOW_WINDOW.
- buy_threshold (float, optional): Buy signal threshold for the APO. Default is APO_BULL_SIGNAL.
- sell_threshold (float, optional): Sell signal threshold for the APO. Default is APO_BEAR_SIGNAL.
- signals_df (DataFrame): DataFrame containing signals based on APO oscillator:
- 'signal': Signal values (1 for buy, -1 for sell, 0 for no signal).
- 'orders': Changes in signals (buy/sell orders) with None for no change.
fema = ticker_ts['Adj Close'].ewm(
span=fast_window_size, adjust=False).mean()
sma = ticker_ts['Adj Close'].ewm(
span=slow_window_size, adjust=False).mean()
apo = fema - sma
signals_df = pd.DataFrame(index=ticker_ts.index)
signals_df['signal'] = np.where(
apo >= buy_threshold, 1, np.where(apo <= sell_threshold, -1, 0))
signals_df['orders'] = signals_df['signal'].diff()
signals_df.loc[signals_df['orders'] == 0, 'orders'] = None
return signals_df
signals_df = signal_apo_oscillator(ticker)
profit_series = calculate_profit(signals_df, ticker["Adj Close"])
ax1, ax2 = plot_strategy(ticker["Adj Close"], signals_df, profit_series)
ax1.plot(ticker.index, ticker['Adj Close'], label='AAPL Close Price')
ax1.plot(ticker.index, ticker['fEMA'], label='fEMA', linestyle='--')
ax1.plot(ticker.index, ticker['sEMA'], label='sEMA', linestyle='--')
The strategy generates buy and sell signals based on our threshold values: buy_threshold represents the bullish signal threshold, and sell_threshold represents the bearish signal threshold.
When our APO crosses any of these MACD thresholds, we will create a signal in the timeseries.
We'll return a signal dataframe, made up of:
Since all our signals in this series of articles are long only, we will buy on the first buy signal and hold until the first sell signal. That difference is the profit we are charting above.
This strategy returned a simulated ~40% in 2 years, against the ~S&P500's 10% - all on paper!
Relative Strength Indicator (RSI)
The last indicator in this article. Developed by J. Welles Wilder, the RSI works on price, not price averages, and tracks changes over periods to capture the magnitude of moves.
Using a rolling window, it computes the changes over that period, as well as the magnitude of the averages of losses/price decreases. It then calculates how many more gains relative to the losses, or losses relative to the gains, there has been in a signal from 0 to 100. RSI values over 50% indicate an uptrend, while RSI values below 50% indicate a downtrend.
For the last n periods, the following applies:
Where Average Gain is the average of price increases (gains) over the specified period, and Average Loss is the average of price decreases over the same period.
Let's visualize this with the AAPL stock:
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
ticker['pDELTA'] = ticker['Adj Close'].diff().fillna(
0) # index 0 is NAN in DIFF
ticker['pGAINS'] = ticker['pDELTA'].where(ticker['pDELTA'] > 0, 0)
ticker['pLOSSES'] = -ticker['pDELTA'].where(ticker['pDELTA'] < 0, 0)
ticker['pGAINS'] = ticker['pGAINS'].rolling(
window=RSI_WINDOW, min_periods=RSI_WINDOW).mean()
ticker['pLOSSES'] = ticker['pLOSSES'].rolling(
window=RSI_WINDOW, min_periods=RSI_WINDOW).mean()
ticker['RS'] = ticker['pGAINS'] / ticker['pLOSSES']
g_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(ticker['pGAINS'].values.reshape(-1, 1))
l_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(ticker['pLOSSES'].values.reshape(-1, 1))
rs_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(ticker['RS'].values.reshape(-1, 1))
ticker['RSI'] = 100 - (100 / (1 + ticker['RS']))
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, gridspec_kw={
'height_ratios': (2, 1, 1)}, figsize=(24, 12))
ax1.plot(ticker.index, ticker['Adj Close'], label='AAPL Close Price')
ax1.set_title('AAPL Price')
ax2.plot(ticker.index, g_scaled,
label='Price Absolute Gains', lw=1.25, color='g', linestyle='--')
ax2.plot(ticker.index, l_scaled,
label='Price Absolute Losses', lw=1.25, color='r', linestyle='--')
ax2.plot(ticker.index, rs_scaled,
label='Price Strength', lw=2, color='b')
ax3.plot(ticker.index, ticker['RSI'],
label='RSI', lw=2.25, color='black')
We've added a scaler so we can compare the relative strength with the mean absolute gains and losses.
def signal_rsi(ticker_ts, rsi_window=RSI_WINDOW, overbought=RSI_OVERBOUGH_SIGNAL, oversold=RSI_OVERSOLD_SIGNAL):
Calculate signals using the Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator for a given stock's time series.
- ticker_ts (DataFrame): Time series data for the stock, typically containing 'Close' prices.
- rsi_window (int, optional): RSI calculation window. Default is 14.
- overbought (int, optional): RSI threshold for overbought condition. Default is 70.
- oversold (int, optional): RSI threshold for oversold condition. Default is 30.
- signals_df (DataFrame): DataFrame containing signals based on the RSI indicator:
- 'signal': Signal values (1 for buy, -1 for sell, 0 for no signal).
- 'orders': Changes in signals (buy/sell orders) with None for no change.
delta = ticker_ts['Close'].diff()
# Calculate gains (positive changes) and losses (negative changes)
gains = delta.where(delta > 0, 0)
losses = -delta.where(delta < 0, 0)
avg_gains = gains.rolling(window=rsi_window, min_periods=rsi_window).mean()
avg_losses = losses.rolling(
window=rsi_window, min_periods=rsi_window).mean()
rs = avg_gains / avg_losses
rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs))
signals_df = pd.DataFrame(index=ticker_ts.index)
# Detect overbought (1) and oversold (-1) signals based on RSI thresholds
overbought_signal = rsi > overbought
oversold_signal = rsi < oversold
signals_df['signal'] = np.where(
oversold_signal, 1, np.where(overbought_signal, -1, 0))
signals_df['orders'] = signals_df['signal'].diff()
signals_df.loc[signals_df['orders'] == 0, 'orders'] = None
return signals_df
signals_df = signal_macd(ticker)
profit_series = calculate_profit(signals_df, ticker["Adj Close"])
plot_strategy(ticker["Adj Close"], signals_df, profit_series)
A quantitative trader can use the Relative Strength Index (RSI) to identify overbought and oversold conditions in an asset's price movement:
This signal returned a ~60% on papers, we doing something good here or we have an error we aren't seeing! It also created many orders and therefore fees, which would have ate into the profits.
To conclude, with a simulation using Apple's stock, we learned how quants would implement these oscillator signals, and how EMAs help filter out noise in a dataset for a clearer picture on trends.
Now, A quant might use these signals to catch inflections in the asset's trend and help to gauge closing momentum or if its due for a pullback. Your Youtube fin-crowd would use it to sell you trading courses, stay safe.
Article here is also available on Github
Kaggle notebook available here
All media used (in the form of code or images) are either solely owned by me, acquired through licensing, or part of the Public Domain and granted use through Creative Commons License.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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