An Analysis of the Flipped Classroom Model
One creative teaching strategy that has gained favor recently is the flipped classroom paradigm. Conventional teaching approaches are inverted in this scenario. Before class, students are exposed to new topics through online lectures or resources. Class time is then devoted to problem-solving, exercises, and debates.
Is this a wise strategy?
According to existing data, the flipped classroom concept has demonstrated encouraging outcomes in terms of raising student participation, engagement, and comprehension of the subject matter. For many teachers, it's a good strategy since it lets students learn at their own pace and offers more participatory learning opportunities in the classroom.
?Has it worked well enough?
Studies* have shown that the flipped classroom approach has a positive impact on students' academic performance overall, as well as their learning outcomes and critical thinking abilities. When using this teaching strategy, students frequently report feeling more motivated and interested in the material.
What issues exist?
Although there are benefits to the flipped classroom approach, there are drawbacks to its application. Ensuring that students interact with pre-class materials, providing dependable digital access for all students, and the time it takes teachers to produce excellent online content are some frequent issues.
?In summary, the flipped classroom paradigm offers a more dynamic and student-centered learning environment, making it a vital tool in today's classrooms. To overcome any obstacles and increase its efficacy, though, thorough preparation and resources are necessary.
?Up until now, students in a flipped class had to rely on studying primarily text-based resources and on their own before class. The sea change that has brought to IB DP schools is the largest library of high-quality short videos accompanied by notes and question banks – all material prepared by expert IB teachers and examiners.
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1.????? Akcayir, G., & Akcayir, M. (2018). The flipped classroom: A review of its advantages and challenges. Computers & Education, 126, 334-345.
2.????? Lo, C. K., & Hew, K. F. (2017). A critical review of flipped classroom challenges in K-12 education: Possible solutions and recommendations for future research. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 12(1), 4.