????The Analysis of battery technical terms(5)????
Katrina Gan
?? Battery expert| Battery Solution Provider| Lithium Battery specialist | LiFePO4 cells and packs
????The Analysis of battery technical terms(5)????
Overcharge: Exceeding #charge acceptance. The #battery heats up, produces gases and is subject to an evet.
Overpack: Package can contain other non-dangerous or compatible dangerous good items. Limit is one package in accordance with Section II of PI 965. (Effective 1 April 2016).
Parasitic load: #Power consumption with the device turned off.
Passivation layer: Resistive layer that forms on some batteries after prolonged storage. Applying a brief load breaks the layer and enables current flow.
Phosphate: Salt or phosphoric acid.
Polymer: Electrical insulator that passes ions.
Pouch cell: Packaged into a flexible, heat-sealable foil #pouch similar to wrapping food products.
Power: #Voltage x current = power in watts (W). Also in horsepower (1hp = 746W).
Power Cell: #Battery cell designed for maximum current delivery. #Energy density may be compromised.
Power density: Also known as volumetric power density; reflects loading capability of a battery.
Power factor: Ratio of real #power versus apparent power. The unity power factor of 1 delivers 100% current to a load; a power factor of 0.50 reduces the contribution to 50%. A purely resistive load (heater elements) has a unity #power factor of 1; a purely capacitive or inductive load has a power factor of 0.
Primary battery: Non-rechargeable battery.
Prismatic cell: A battery in which the positive and negative plates are stacked instead of rolled.
Protection circuit: Electronic circuit in a battery pack maintains safety when exceeding design limits.
Quick charger: Charges a battery in 3–6 hours.
QuickSort?: Classifies battery state-of-health into good, low and poor (Cadex trademark).
QuickTest?: Method to quick-test battery state-of-health (Cadex trademark).
Randles Model: Equivalent electrical circuit representing electrolyte resistance in a battery that is commonly used in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).
Rapid charge: Same as quick charge.
Reactance: Inductive and capacitive resistance; frequency dependent.
Recondition: Secondary discharge applied after end-of-discharge to drain the battery further; helps break down crystalline formation (memory) of nickel-based batteries
Reformer: Device that extracts hydrogen from fossil and other fuels.
Reserve Capacity: American way of measuring battery capacity by applying a fixed discharge current and measuring time in minutes. Europe uses the ampere-hour (Ah) method under DIN and IEC. DIN and IEC mark the battery in Ah at a typical discharge of 0.2C-rate (5h-rate). See Abbreviation.
Residual capacity: Remaining battery capacity before charge.
Resistance: Restriction to current flow; high resistance generates voltage drop and heat.
Reverse load charge: Intersperses discharge pulses between charge pulses to promote the recombination of gases generated during fast charge; reduces memory.
RSoC: Relative state-of-charge; available charge with capacity fade (also known as #SoC).
RSoH: Relative state-of-health; available storage capability when battery is broken in (also known as #SoH)
Runtime: The length of time a battery provides power with a charge.