Analyse That.
We have a habit of analyzing things that don’t make sense, things that didn't go according to plan. We are deeply tuned to stop and understand what’s different. We want to use our minds to gauge, assess and come to terms. We love picking our brains till our brains don’t pick us and give us the green signal that all is well or get a life.?
We don’t even know what that turning point is when the judgment comes through that this is okay, a part of life, till then we wait, we keep waiting and make our own lives hell and maybe involve some other people as well.
Truth is, its best not to make sense of what does not make sense. Time is precious and it will come to terms when it has to. Do not listen to your minds or give in to the urge to make sense of it.
Some people are downright crazy and will doubt everything you say and do and make you uncomfortable. But if you have the slightest hint or indication that you did fine, you did what felt right; do not give in, to thought and thought process.?
Don’t do this to yourself, you deserve to feel right and at peace for that strange thing you might have done or administered which is a top secret! We always know, really we will always know. Shutting our minds, only listening to our bodies we will know what’s right and wrong. So don’t listen to your mind and especially somebody else’s when you go off track.?
People can really be distracting here and emotional, but it made sense to you that’s all that matters. Amen! Value yourself enough to not feel less and analyze , live in your madness and love your authenticity.?
When your body agrees and your mind disagrees, it’s someone else, not you.
Doubts and fears are society’s aphrodisiacs so don’t let it get to you and seduce you into overthinking and contemplation. Enjoy what you did, feel good about it, as long as it feels right to you, keep smiling, keep doing, keep creating chaos if that’s what it takes, do what feels right, no matter what the hell it is!