Analog Devices MAX Line Protects Embedded Compute from Power Surges
Patrick Hopper
Publisher, President #Influencer @ OpenSystems Media | Embedded | AI | IoT | Military | Aerospace | Embedded World Media Partner #ew25 #embeddedworld
In the world of Embedded Computing, power management is one of the key pillars to any system’s design. Keeping power use optimized and efficient is important, of course, but also, managing the risks of power surges.
A power surge can damage, disable, or destroy the most robust embedded computers if they aren’t well protected, so making that part of the design is a wise choice.
The MAX17616/MAX17616A from 亚德诺半导体 is designed to offer versatile and programmable protection boundaries for systems against input voltage faults and output overcurrent faults. Input-voltage faults (with positive polarity) are protected up to +80V (without Reverse Current Protection)/+75V (with Reverse Current Protection), by an internal nFET featuring low ON-resistance (20mΩ typ). Read more.
Register Now: The IoT Device Security Conference (November 7th)
As much as we would like these security issues to go away, it’s really trending in the opposite direction—more systems are getting hacked, and the cost of a hack is skyrocketing. But that needn’t be the case if designers would implement the necessary steps to keep their systems safe (or at least, safer). At the Seventh Annual IoT Device Security Conference, we will dive into maintaining safety and security at each level of an IoT-connected device, from the sensor/MCU, all the way up to the Cloud and everything in between. Register now.
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