Anaemic Models and Domain Driven Design

Anaemic Models and Domain Driven Design

Domain Driven Design (DDD) is an approach to software development where the classes ,including their methods and properties, are designed to reflect the business domain in which they operate.

Some would argue this was the whole motivation behind Object Orientated Programming (OOP) in the first place, however many code bases don't actually take this approach. Either classes are written to reflect the internal structure of the code rather than the domain, or they tend to be operated upon rather than performing the operations themselves.

This has lead to advocates of DDD defining anaemic models as a prevalent anti-pattern.

Anaemic Models

An anaemic model can be thought of as a class that purely acts as a container for data, typically they will consist solely of getter and setters with no methods that perform operations on the underlying data.

The reason this is often seen as an anti-pattern is that this lack of inherent domain logic allows the model to be in an invalid state, whether or not this invalid state is allowed to affect the system as a whole is dependent on other classes recognising this invalid state and either fixing it or raising appropriate errors.

The fact this logic exists in other classes also raises the possibility that the all important business logic of the domain is scattered across the code base rather than being in a central place. This acts as a barrier to fully understanding the logic of the domain and can easily lead to bugs when refactoring of the code base is undertaken based on these misunderstandings.

The driver behind these anaemic models is often strict adherence to principles such as the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) driving a want to separate representation of data from the logic that acts upon it.

DDD's answer to these issues is to centralise both the storage of data and the logic that acts upon it in the same object.

Aggregate Root

An aggregate root acts as a collection of objects all bound by a common context within a domain. As an example an aggregate root representing a customer might contain objects representing that customers, address, contact details, order history, marketing preferences etc.

The job of the aggregate root is to ensure the consistency and validity of the domain by not allowing external objects to hold a reference to or operate on the data in its collection. External code that wishes to operate on the domain must call methods on the aggregate root where these methods will enforce the logic of the domain and not allow operations that would put the domain in an invalid state.

As well as ensuring validity the aggregate root also acts as central documentation for the domain and the associated business logic, aiding understanding of the domain and allowing safer refactoring.

No Anaemic Models?

So should a code base never contain anaemic models? There is a practicality argument indicating that they cannot always be avoided.

Strict adherence to domain rules does come at a price, hydration of these models from API responses or data storage is often complicated by not being friendly to standard deserialisation or instantiation from the execution of a query. This will often lead to the need for anaemic models to act as Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) in these situations to bring the data into an application before then applying it to a domain.

The important point here is that not all models are designed to represent a domain or have business rules associated with them, some models role is simply to act as a bucket of information that will be processed or transformed into a domain at some later point. In these situations taking a DDD approach would add extra complexity with no benefit.

Recognising the difference between these types of models is key to choosing the right approach. This will come from a strong understanding of the domain in which your software operates in, recognising the domain contexts this leads to and ensuring these are implemented in the proper way. Other models in your code that exist purely to ease the flow of data through the system can be implemented in a more relaxed manner.

It is very easy for developers to become distant from the domain their code operates in, this doesn't make them bad engineers but it does hinder their ability to properly model their business in the code base. Make an attempt to understand your business domain and you'll surprised how it improves your code.


