ANAEMIA , causes,symptioms and treatment
Dr. Anil kumar Sharma
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are you aware of ANAEMIA condition is all about.if not i am trying to make you understand regarding same to your satisfaction.Feel free to raise any querry if any.
Paucity of Heamoglobin in the blood is called anaemia.
Symptions: paucity of blood in the body, Weak Memory,lethargy,fatigue,short breath,vertigo,depression,nails becoming white in colour and face loosing glow.
Causes: Deficiency of Iron elements,protein and vitamin .red blood cells are not formed having any showcause reason.excessive outflow of blood due to siverity of injury,piles or excessive menstrual bleeding.
excessive worms in the stomach leads to anaemia.Mental tension and worries effects the digestive juices which leads to non absorption of necessary elements and vitamins.
Spinach Juice with honey to be consumed
pomegranate Juice
carrot Juice/carrot mix Beetroot Juice/carrot+ beetroot+Pudina(Mint) mix juice
Grape Juice/Apple juice
Orange or mosambi Juice
Sweet Lemon Juice
cabbage Juice
Cabbage Juice
wheat Grass Juice
Guava,Banana,Apple,Green leafy Vegetables be eaten to improve with conditions.
soaked Figs and raisins are very much beneficial in the conditions.
dates,black raisins,Turmeric and methi(Fenugreek seeds)are very much beneficial.
2-3 Margosa Leaves eaten empty stomach are very much beneficial.
Enema, hot and cold fermentation on the belly, Dry rubbing of the body,deep Breathing,Sun bathing,Surya Namaskar,Gyan Mudra and pran Mudra are of benefits in the condition.
Note: Spinach Juice to be consumed looking into ones physical conditions.
Diabetic Patients should not have honey.
Remain Preventive and Remain Healthy
AABI TORCH BEST NOMINATION AWARD 2024 -Thrilling moment at T Hub when i received
8 年Hello George, you are right
AABI TORCH BEST NOMINATION AWARD 2024 -Thrilling moment at T Hub when i received
8 年Thanks all for likes and valued comments, keeps us encouraged.
Medical Director at Balance My Hormones & Biopathologist at European Wellness Athens
8 年Iron deficiency anemia requires combination of iron(coming from animal sources),along with ascorbate.Vitamin C acts as a catalyst,thus enhancing absorption.Megaloblastic anemia is based on cobalamine deficiency.B12 vitamin is malabsorbed in stomach and ileum.Intrinsic factor deficiency plays a primary role on it.Alcoholism is a factor for Megaloblastic anemia.RBCs appear enlarged (MCV>100).