AMS Revised Code of Ethics for AI Technology
The Academy of Marketing Science? (AMS) Board of Governors has approved changes to the Code of Ethics that recognizes current trends in the research and publication environment.?Specifically, three additional statements have been added.?Two of those are added to Section 2 and deal with authorship.?One prohibits the naming of generative AI technology agents as authors to AMS publications.?The second makes clear the stance that authorship cannot be obtained by funding fees associated with open-source publication.?The third is added to the plagiarism section and promotes the transparent use of generative AI technologies while including as plagiarism unacknowledged material uses of such agents.?
The three statements are included here and the entire AMS COE is available at
·???????Generative artificial intelligence agents cannot be listed as co-author (or author) on a published paper or paper submitted for publication.
·???????Financial support of publication fees, such as fees associated with open-source publication or submission fees, do not constitute a basis for co-authorship.
·???????Recognizing that technological tools can have legitimate and illegitimate uses in research, we expect transparency in the use of generative artificial intelligence technology agents.?The author should fully disclose and document the material use of generative artificial intelligence technology agents in any stage of the research described in a manuscript submitted for publication.??Citations to work generated by such agents should document the date, and question (input or prompt), and provide the URL from which the content was taken. Direct quotes should be noted as such and included in “quotes.” ?The undocumented use of such agents will be considered plagiarism.?
My thanks to the AMS Publication Committee and the AMS BOG for helping AMS show leadership on these important issues.