Dear SC-12 Members,

I wanted to make sure that everyone is aware of the Call for Abstracts for the 2023 Annual Conference that are related to our SC.?I really encourage our members to submit abstracts for one of these sessions to help make a really beneficial Annual Conference.??

It is important to note that the closing for abstracts is August 19, 2022, please get your abstract in before then.

Bridge and Infrastructure Coatings & Corrosion

This symposium features technical papers on methodologies to improve the service life of materials and structures in infrastructure, transportation, and utilities industries. Work that covers new developments and solutions for pre-stressed and post-tension reinforced concrete structures as well as updates to existing systems (including cathodic protection) may be included.

Chair: I-Wen Huang

Vice Chair: Samanbar Permeh

Performance of Galvanic Anodes and Galvanic Cathodic Protection Systems in Reinforced Concrete Infrastructure

This symposium features technical papers on the performance of galvanic anodes and galvanic cathodic protection systems in reinforced concrete infrastructure. Galvanic anodes are used to provide cathodic prevention and cathodic protection of reinforcing steel in concrete. Papers which document long term studies and field installations are encouraged. Performance of new galvanic anodes and updates to existing galvanic protection systems may be included.

Chair: David Whitmore

Vice Chair: Ivan Lasa

Thermal and Cold Spray Coatings

This symposium features technical papers on all aspects of thermal and cold spray coatings used to mitigate corrosion of metallic and reinforced concrete structures with a specific focus on (but not limited to) surface preparation, coating consumable selection, spray method selection, spray parameter development, in-line quality and inspection, testing and qualification, operational experience, cost reduction, maintenance and repair. The subjects to be covered include results of basic and applied research on thermal spray processes and coating materials including field experience on thermal spray coatings, materials, processes and strategies for corrosion control. Papers on thermal spray coatings of zinc, aluminum and their alloys for corrosion mitigation with relevant field applications would be of great interest to the symposium. Contributions on conventional and novel thermal and cold spray coating systems used to prevent corrosion of metal and reinforced concrete structures in all offshore and onshore environments will be considered.

Chair: Shiladitya Paul

Vice Chair: James Weber

Here is the link where to submit the abstracts –?


The 5-day conference is in Denver, CO

Dates: March 19-23 2023

Find out more at the website below:

About – AMPP Annual Conference + Expo


