AMPP Guidelines for Corrosion Protection of Petroleum Installations

AMPP Guidelines for Corrosion Protection of Petroleum Installations

The oil and gas industry is constantly advancing, and at the heart of this evolution are innovations in corrosion protection. The Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) has launched new guidelines and standards for the oil and gas industry, addressing critical issues related to equipment integrity and corrosion management in specific environments. These new guidelines are designed to ensure facility integrity, operational safety, oil refining efficiency, and environmental protection.

The following are some new AMPP guidelines for corrosion protection of oil and gas industry facilities.

Cathodic/Anodic Protection

AMPP has launched a series of new standards focused on cathodic/anodic protection, a fundamental technique for mitigating corrosion in buried and submerged metallic structures. For example, the MR21551 standard establishes criteria for the qualification of remote monitoring systems for cathodic protection, providing users with clear guidelines for the selection and maintenance of these systems.

External Coatings - Atmospheric

In the coating field, SC 02 and SC 04 provide detailed guidelines for corrosion protection in atmospheric environments and inside pipes and fittings. Examples of these standards are SP21576, which describes passive fire protection systems, and SP21573, which establishes requirements for fusion bonded epoxy coating on pipes. The TM21549 standard provides a new test method to evaluate the impact of insulation on the corrosion rate of the metal substrate for atmospheric applications.

Inspection and evaluation

In addition, AMPP has developed guidelines for exterior coating inspection using remotely operated robotic systems (TR21515), and for downhole internal coating selection and testing (GUIDE21531), among others. Effective inspection and evaluation are critical to maintaining the integrity of petroleum facilities.

Oil amp; Gas - Upstream

The TR21516 standard focuses on corrosion protection of onshore in-field oil and gas flowlines, providing guidance on practical solutions worldwide. On the other hand, standard practice SP21537 establishes procedures for the safe application of downhole chemicals, ensuring their effectiveness and safety in upstream operations.

Oil amp; Gas - Downstream

Standard Practice SP21534 establishes materials and fabrication requirements for carbon steel equipment in corrosive H2S environments during petroleum refining. Meanwhile, Technical Report TR21585 addresses the impact of aqueous corrosion in refineries during the processing of biofuel feedstocks, providing a detailed understanding for implementing mitigation strategies.

Carbon Capture, Alternative Fuels, and Energy Storage

Guide 21579 provides guidelines for safely transporting hydrogen in gaseous and liquefied form, addressing aspects such as H2 purity, necessary infrastructure and transport methods. This multidisciplinary document facilitates the transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.


As the oil and gas industry moves into the future, it is fundamental to adopt the new AMPP guidelines and standards to ensure the safety, integrity, and efficiency of petroleum installations worldwide. The advances in corrosion protection not only protect investments and critical assets but also open up new opportunities for innovation and sustainable growth in the Oil & Gas industry.

It is time for companies in the Oil & Gas sector to embrace the future of corrosion protection by adopting AMPP standards and guidelines in order to drive the industry forward and ensure a safer and more sustainable future for all. Visit the official AMPP website for more information on how you can participate in this exciting initiative.


