AMP partners with public companies to increase the companies broker distribution by increasing the amount of broker presentations heard on Wall Street

I understand that everyone is looking for a way to bring real brokers and shareholder to your stock but the old process just doesn’t work but the Acorn process does. Please review the attached video that will shed more color on AMP and our effective process.

The Acorn model is effective, innovative, and there’s nothing else like it in the market. I think we all understand the current methods to increase your visibility on and to Wall Street’s brokers but by now you should understand that it just doesn’t work. I don’t think it’s on purpose its design flaws in the traditional approach. You have done your part but still no results, no matter the firm because you have changed them also.

At Acorn “AMP” we assist our clients as an independent broker distribution platform, with our clients Market Cap ranging from $4.3 Billion to right under $40 million not including our ETF’s from the Oil& Gas MLP sector, Bio-Tech sector, NASD 100 and specialty funds. Currently we have over 19 employees in our Atlanta office alone and 7 people in our Sarasota Fl. office. AMP partners with public companies to increase the companies’ broker distribution by increasing the amount of broker presentations heard on Wall Street daily, weekly and monthly by an amazing rate of minimally 3000 calls a month.

The creation of a synergistic relationship between public companies and financial professionals to introduce promising emerging companies with real potential to long-term investors; therefore, steadily increasing the shareholder base and establishing a truly sustainable market.

There is no substitute for repeated personalized, educated, and professional contact. The Acorn process works by providing access to long-term, sophisticated shareholders through their trusted advisors. This also opens up the doors to volume, capital appreciation, and funding opportunities for firms and clients.

Even though we guarantee 3,000 calls a month in our contract.  These are 1-on-1 professionally designed presentations specifically customized for each of our clients. Real professionals talking to real professionals – so you only talk to interested and qualified brokers and advisors. Think about it you were referred to us by one of them.

Once again, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to read this recap and I look forward to speaking with you, soon. I would love the opportunity to speak with you and further discuss. Please let me know what time and dates are best available for you over the next week or so...


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