The amount of noise produced by a black hole is nothing.
???????? David "Rev" Ciancio
Hospitality Marketing Executive – Brand, Customer & Technology Evangelist. Inbound Strategies & Brand Marketing Solutions.
Yet you expect your business to have a gravitational pull like a black hole & attract customers simply because it exists.
When you don’t use marketing for your business you’re just creating silence or at best a noise that no one can hear.
“Rev, how did you learn all this stuff about marketing?”
I tried something.
I also failed ... several times. But every time I leaned something.
The next time I tried & failed, you didn't notice because my failure was smaller than those who tried nothing.
Over time, when you try new things, your failures get so comparatively small that they still look like wins.
Do you think because your business is open or offers a great product that you’ll attract customers?
You might but, not over time.
You think social media is just for kids? There are 400 million daily users on Instagram. THAT IS MORE PEOPLE THAN LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES.
Google, Yelp & Foursquare - do you think “nobody uses that stuff?” THE AVERAGE PERSON DOES 3-4 SEARCHES PER DAY.
You probably hate Yelp. It’s just for bottom feeders right? MORE THAN 2/3RDS OF THE ALMOST 200 MILLION REVIEWS ON YELP ARE 4 OR 5 STARS.
Pick 1 of the above & try one new thing TODAY. Post to social media. Update your Google My Business listing. Reply to one customer that reviewed your business.
Spark a change in your business.
Turn on your tractor beam. It’s easy.
Which is it going to be?
For more marketing tips, promotional ideas and suggestions on how to level up your marketing, click here now: #RevsMarketingTips.