No amount of money can increase neurological, brain or mind potential

No amount of money can increase neurological, brain or mind potential

No amount of money can increase the neurological potential, and the associated knowledge, insights, understandings and creativity this neurocapacity brings.

There is not one reader of this article who would agree to having brain surgery for themselves, or any of their loved ones, by a surgeon who was not experienced, through years of study, and further intellectually and forged by regular meticulous academic exams and constant skill based tests and associated profound medical and surgical knowledge.

So why are organisations and corporations so ‘in favour’ of ‘getting rid’ of personnel who have, because of their years of work, have developed a deep, rich, thick and complex brain, and because of this have immense brain-based biological and neurological capacities that have provided them with profound personal and organisational knowledge, insights and capacities that cannot be replaced by a younger and less experienced brain. No amount of money can increase neurological potential and the knowledge this brings.

Donald Hebb, a Canadian neuropsychologist, is credited with the following: “Neurons that fire together wire together” neurobiological maxim.

This concept of neurons firing together also has an association with Sigmund Freud going back to 1888. Freud extended his ideas further when in 1895 he completed a study that is still much admired for its elegance.

It was during this time that Freud began to make suggestions about neuroplasticity and also “proposed the concept and actuality of the synapse several years before Sir Charles Sherrington. Sherrington went on to win the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (along with his colleague Edgar Douglas Adrian), for their studies regarding neuron and synapse function.

This research by Sherrington and Adrian eventually led to the concept of adult neurogenesis being established by Altman in 1962, and then reaffirmed by Altman and Das in 1965. These studies found there was evidence to suggest that adult neurogenesis was taking place in the brain of adult rats; not as fast as that of young rodents, and even though the process of neurogenesis slowed significantly with age, it did not diminish altogether, which suggested the brain was pliable far and beyond the years previously thought.

This research indicates that you can teach an old dog new tricks. This research also adds significant and profound evidence that experienced personnel in organisations are invaluable. The experience can only arise through time. No amount of money can purchase experience. And no amount of money can enhance neurological potential and the knowledge this brings.

There is not one reader of this article who would agree to having brain surgery for themselves, or any of their loved ones, by a surgeon who was not experienced, through years of study, and further forged by regular meticulous exams and constant tests and associated profound medical and surgical knowledge.


I hold the position of Adjunct Lecturer School of Education and the Arts, Central Queensland University. Under the supervision of Professor Ken Purnell. My thesis focussed on the success of my pioneering form of acquired brain injury rehabilitation therapy.

The therapy is now referred to as CBBMMT (Complex Brain-Based Multi-Movement Therapy). My thesis has also added two new descriptors into the lexicon of human biology; these are neurofluidity and hólos.

Neurofluidity are the neurological processes that lead to the condition of brain plasticity.

Hólos is a descriptor which, for the first time in history (to the best of my research and understanding), provides a category which unifies the brain and the body, with one word. 

Prior to this holistic biological unification, the brain and the body had always been referred to as two separate entities. Hólos derives from the Greek: ?λο? ? ? ólos. The English word holistic is derived from hólos. Holistic and hólos offer the same classification. Holistic and hólos incorporate the concept of holism.

I am the author of Responsibility Theory? (A new consideration in neuroeducation). A brain-based immersive systematic self-talk sequence learning program. The purpose of which is to empower teachers and inspire and transform students. Haibo He (2011, p. 190) emphasises that “sequence learning is presumably among one of the most important components of human intelligence.” 

Responsibility Theory? presents ten powerful precepts which provides teachers, educators, and parents with additional linguistic focussed pedagogical and social tools, that fits in with any teaching style, any classroom behaviour management program, and all school rules. The Responsibility Theory? program also fits in with all parental home rules.

I have presented Responsibility Theory? at international and national Australian Conferences. The HICE (Hawaiian International Conference on Education) 2018. Edu-TECH 2018 FutureSchools Conference (Melbourne) and the Edu-TECH 2018 Sydney Conference. I presented at the 2019 IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii (IICE Hawaii), and the 2019 HICE Conference in Hawaii. I have been asked to present at the 2019 Edu-TECH Future Schools Conference.

I am the initiator of NeuroNumeracy?, an intensive self-motivating and transformative neuroscience brain-based numeracy learning program for children, the purpose of which is to enhance their skills, knowledge and understanding of the four operations in mathematics.

In addition to my cognitive neuroscience PhD, I have completed three Master of Education degrees (one in Education; one in Guidance and Counselling; and one in Leadership and Management). He has two Bachelor degrees (Physical Education and Psychology). He has also completed five Post-Graduate awards (Education; Sports Science; Exercise and the Sports Sciences; Health Counselling; and Communication Studies).

I am a traditional Goju Karate martial arts practitioner and a former sports karate Australian champion. “Every day one kata”.



