The Amoria Bond Charitable Trust is heading to Peru in 9 days.  Please support us.

The Amoria Bond Charitable Trust is heading to Peru in 9 days. Please support us.

On August 11th a team of volunteers from Amoria Bond are heading back out to the Las Laderas Shanty Town in Peru to complete the final phase of an initiative we've been involved in over the last 6 years. 

The Amoria Bond Charitable Trust pledged to build 100 homes for extremely marginalised people who are living on the fringes of society in extremely difficult & unsecured conditions. 

Employment, safety, fear of landslides & floods & being able to leave children or their homes securely are daily concerns for these families.

Imagine if this was your home?

Members of the Amoria Bond team have pledged their own time and money to make a difference.

All the volunteers will be taking a week of their annual work leave , paying for their flights & expenses to contribute as a volunteer towards the final stage of building 100 homes, which will create homes for over 500 people.

One of the most important things about this project is that EVERY penny sponsored goes directly to the charity Project Peru, to making a difference at grass roots level.

The charity Project Peru was chosen for this initiative because it has a long-standing presence and reputation within the Las Laderas Peruvian community & because it is well respected and run BY local people FOR local people.

ALL contributions end up where they are intended - in the community.

And it's not a hand out. This project helps creates employment for the local people whom we will be working alongside.

So far we have raised a total of £12,342.

This is nearly 75% of our target and will build 15 houses which is a great effort so far, but we’ve still got £3k to raise to pay for the last 4 houses!

Please support our initiative by giving anything you can to this cause adn liming and sharing this post. To donate, just click the Just Giving link below -

Thank you in advance. The secret to living is giving.



