But among the worst
I count also those who have time for nothing but wine and lust; for none have more shameful engrossments.1 The others, even if the empty dream of glory possesses them, never the less go as traying seemly manner; though you should cite to me them an who are avaricious, them an who are wrathful, whether busied with unjust hatreds or with unjust wars, these all sin in more manly fashion. But those who are plunged into the pleasures of the belly and lust bear a stain that is a dish on our table. Search into the hours of all these people, see how much time they give to accounts, how much to laying snares, how much to fearing them, how much to paying court, how much to being courted, how much is taken up in giving or receiving bail, how much by banquets— for even these have now become a matter of business— and you will see how their interests, whether you call them evil or good, do not allow them time to breathe.