Among many types of humour, which do you choose to be?
Is a sense of humour important? How humour is really a humour? And among the many types of humor, which styles do you choose to be? Many people used to think that humor was an actor's job. However, humour is a necessary sense in each of us. Everyone needs humor to make life easier and happier.
Imagine you can laugh at your silly mistakes and move on. It's really great, isnt’t? Even in conversations with others, people with a sense of humor are always admired. Sometimes humorous thinking can even help us enjoy the value of boring moments.
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Types Of Humour
A person is praised for communicating ability when they can manage the atmosphere of the conversation. In particular, the sense of humour contributes significantly to helping turn around many situations that are considered dead-end in communication.
Humor is not just saying funny things or telling funny stories. More than that, humor is a creative way of explaining things. Besides, humorous ingredients when input just right willmake life's perspective even more interesting.
There are many types of humor. However, in general, it can be divided into 3 styles as following:
Type of humor #1: Others-centered
Others-centered humor is often seen in two forms:
? The first form is to make fun of other people.
For example, that person has flaws in their appearance, or a stupid action that person has done. This form of humor is often seen in reality TV shows by artists. Its advantage is that it makes the audience feel closer to the daily life of celebrities. However, when applying it to daily life, you need to be very careful. Because no one is really happy to take a joke about themselves.
? The second form is aiming to others’ engagement as a target.
Usually these are statements that open up opportunities for the other person to join the conversation. It can be imagined that you are creating a stage, even for just a moment, for them to shine. Not only you are someone who embodies humor, but you also help others be funny too. At that time, the happy energy will accumulate and become brilliant.?
Type of humor #2: Use yourself as a subject of humour
The approach of using yourself as a humorous subject is both easy and difficult. It's easy because you have the initiative in choosing what to tell about yourself. It's difficult because you have to regulate the level of self-expression. How capable are you of laughing at your own silliness?
If humor only focuses on your weaknesses, it will make others feel that you are painfully shy. How about you are flexing too much about yourself? That will make you perceived as not being true to yourself. Both these kinds of humor if overdoing can easily cause disappointment.
A perfect humor of yourself-centered approach requires you to truly let things go. It means you look at what happened gently. You know the past can’t be changed but only the future. Even if it's a mistake or a failure, you focus on learning and appreciating the value it brings. Only then telling joke about your own past will bring joyful energy.?
Type of humor #3: Taking the situation as an object of humour?
This type of humor is often found in comedy plays or skit. That is, comedy involves the calculation of the scripts to create a funny surprise. However, if you can apply this type of humor to life, it would be wonderful. Because in reality, situations happen naturally and unexpectedly. This randomness is the rich material that brings laughter to life.
This humor type takes the situation as an object and focuses on the interactions of people in that situation. You will need to use both verbal and body language. Similarly to a skit, everyone in that situation is equally important. You will have to highlight the funny colors on the background of the picture. Pay attention to the big picture like an actor thinks about the whole scene of a play.
Learning To Own And Grow A Sense Of Humour
You have come across 3 types of humor commonly used both on stage and in real life. Does a certain person's sense of humor stand out in your mind? Has someone whose communication skill and sense of humor you really admire? Pay attention to what situations and moments of humour from them you have ever met?
This is the step where you build your own humorous capital. So that when you encounter the right situation, you will immediately have reactions that make everyone laugh happily. Believe that a sense of humor is a skill and it can be learned. Choose for yourself a style you want to become. And from there, build yourself a learning path to become greatly humorous.