America’s Voyage of Discovery
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, Carl Sagan noted in Broca’s Brain:
Yet, ours is a society in which so few understand so little about science and technology.
When it comes to global trade and trade policy, the situation worsens as ignorance thrives, an ignorance that has enormous economic consequences. Compounded with climate change, these consequences are catastrophic, as we witnessed yesterday with hurricane Helene:
Washington Post
During the 70s, The power failures- blackouts and brownouts impacting northern U.S. cities, we’re responded to with attitude in the fossil-fuel rich South, an attitude that divided the U.S. as some said: “Let them die in the dark and cold.”
Solutions to our economic and environmental problems are now co-joined and require our unity as a country.
All economies require a vigorous engagement in Global Trade by entrepreneurs and SMEs in order for them to grow sustainably. The inability to achieve this state in our evolution; to respect one another and to revere life in all of its forms, is humanity’s and America's greatest failing.
Dr. Albert Schweitzer explained in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, that War is again and again, in human history, the result of our failure to revere life.
War, Life, Trade and Nature
Global trade is the discipline in which America must excel. It is the direction in which the beauty of America:
the beauty of the world:
Saut d’Eau, Haiti
leads, compels and inspires us.
Yet, trade is the discipline in which America is now mediocre. Thanks to our multinational corporations, we have learned that Representation without Taxation undermines our most precious resource - our Education.
“The infinite works of nature are woven together in a unity filled with marvelous patterns.” Leonardo da Vinci
The grand show is eternal _John Muir
Culture- is where complexity and nuance go to die. In American culture, complexity and nuance linger, are placed in intensive care, until catastrophe strikes:
American Democracy's Dilemma
Yet, you can always trust Americans to do the right thing…after they’ve tried everything else. -Winston Churchill
We’ve now tried everything else, and:
Once More unto the breach dear friends!
To paraphrase James W. Loewen: Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat the 11th grade.
Regrettably, vast sections of history are not taught in the American 11th grade. Nor are they taught in many of the institutions of higher education - where many critique while ignoring their own irrelevance, as they also ignore the lessons of history and enterprise. Even when these lessons are taught us, Americans are much more concerned with such other things as the headlines, sports and cartoons:
More Truth is said in jest:
The investment cultures of Silicon Valley, Silicon Alley and Fintech are cartoonish, pre-Silicon and are transfixed by false visions of AI:
In trade finance, this pre-Silicon culture is stuck in a quagmire called digitization, despite the extraordinary advances in Visualization.
Next: AI, Trade and the Magnificent Seven
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