By: Gabriel Reyes
The Hollywood Reporter. Bonnie & Clyde Review: Movie (1967)


To Understand the normalized lawlessness and corruption of bad actors in our government, we must look at America’s love affair with gangsters. Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, two of the most notorious cold-blooded killers in American history, were admired by many Americans for their Hollywood star looks and daring. They robbed banks, which, for many people, represented "the establishment." The pair became folk heroes, glamorized by many, even as they left a trail of dead bodies across several states. To many Americans, the pair represented "regular folk stickin’ it to the man” and “shaking things up.” ?Americans were willing to accept murder and mayhem as the price of retribution against those they saw as responsible for their misery. This deep-seated antipathy for authority figures drove their willingness to stand behind morally corrupt crooks and liars. As a society, we must examine why we elevate morally bankrupt behaviors into virtues while demeaning fair play, personal integrity, fairness, and honesty as weaknesses.

?Populist demagogues like Trump rise to power railing against the “Elites,” the “Establishment," and the “Other” are the “enemies of the people.” They skillfully stoke Americans’ fears and grievances while pick-pocketing them, enabling a system that rewards corruption.

Americans do not realize how they are being manipulated by these “leaders” into hating their own families and neighbors. Unscrupulous people in power fill the airwaves with messages of hate against people of color and immigrants, blaming them for all problems, real or imagined. And many Americans blindly believe them because the narrative fits their petty hatreds and biases. Ultimately, Bonnie & Clyde met their deaths at the hands of the authorities. However, the admiration for outlaws remains very much in America's psyche. And it is to our detriment.

Today, our congress and state houses count many shady, corrupt characters among their ranks, each carrying a laundry list of felonies and misdemeanors. Yet these characters are still handily elected to office time and again. They talk in loud, belligerent voices filled with bluster and bravado of things they know nothing about. They incite fear and loathing – the most effective tactics – to tame people into submission. They use the words “Law and Order” to empower racist police and judges. They scream and rant, and soon, the voters are enthralled. “He speaks his mind,” they say. “He’ll shake things up,” they say, electing the worst self-interested grifters. And every two years, these same career politicians are overwhelmingly re-elected to continue feeding at the trough of public money.

?Many elected officials are currently openly corrupt and flaunting it in the face of those lawfully charged with overseeing them.?In the private sector, the behavior and misdeeds of these elected officials would get them fired instantly from any self-respecting business. That is not to say that the private sector is free of corruption. Wall and K Streets come to mind, as well as the irresponsible corporate boards that reward CEOs with exorbitant compensation packages, even those who run their companies into the ground.

?But some Americans still cheer them on. The kind of Americans who run red lights, litter, cheat on their taxes, on their spouses, at their jobs. These Americans have no moral compass, empathy, or sense of higher purpose. These are the Americans who admire gangsters and criminals as role models. They believe the way to succeed is to cheat, steal, and rig the system. They applaud and blindly follow any leader who champions malfeasance and lacks morality. Someone they identify as “one of our own.”

?The apathy of most Americans in the face of this state of affairs is literally killing us. It is very disheartening to see the level of depravity that people will accept from elected leaders. Many Americans now seem ready to choose people of the lowest moral quality, competence, and common sense. Moreover, many Americans are prepared to defend misdeeds and behaviors that would've been unthinkable just a few years ago.

?The die is cast. Soon, it will be too late. The degradation and rot currently infecting our social fabric, fed by our moral and spiritual complacency, won't be easy to overcome. We have already seen its effects on the population, such as a significant rise in hate crimes across the nation and racists marching on our streets, championing violence against people of color. Women and people of color now experience much more anxiety, fearing for their safety and that of their children in the face of the combined onslaught of White supremacist domestic terrorists, racist police officers and judges, and racist and a U.S. Congress, Supreme Court and state legislatures openly hostile to them.

Every American must look inside and ask ourselves: Why do we love gangsters?



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