America’s Favorite Hamburger Ambassador by Jesse Kantu
A friend of mine invited me to stay at his home in Venice, Italy and see if I could produce new art designs for his deli stand. The scenery was amazing, and the food was fabulous. It is so true what they say, that time flies by when you are having fun. After finishing our consultation, I took a taxi to Marco Polo airport and thought I would get a quick coffee before I boarded my flight.
In line to pay for my drink I just happened to notice an old childhood friend of mine at the window talking on his cell phone. So, I thought let me just say a quick hello, and as I approached my amigo, I said Hey Grimace how are you friend? Grimace paused for a second and said, “Hey what’s up Jesse! Where did you come from? I replied just visiting a client and leaving back to the States, Grimace said please sit down please. Thank you very much brother, it has been a very long time, “what are you doing here”, I asked. Grimace smiled and said, well sometimes I visit this place because their coffee reminds me of McDonalds. Oh, yes for sure. I asked Grimace, “are you still with the company,” he replied no, not anymore, I retired 2 years ago and just enjoying my time you know. I said, you know everyone misses you back home. Grimace hesitated for a second, yes, my contract with McDonalds was really restricting and overbearing at times. How do you mean? Any time you are a spokesperson for a brand you must walk a tightrope and sometimes your freedom can be very restricting, I could never be seen in another hamburger joint, even though I wanted to sample other burgers it was taboo for me to do that. I always wanted to try the Whopper and a Whataburger, but I would be fined or fired if I did that. Do you miss any of your past coworkers? No not really, it was more of a business relationship than a true friendship you know.
Taking it all in, I thought I would ask my friend Grimace some questions. So how did you end up here in Venice? Well, people do not know I am Italian. I was born here back in 1958 in the Springtime, but we moved to New York when I was 5 years old. My Dad Vencenzo Grimace was a tailor and thought he could lay down roots there. I did not know your dad was skilled like that. What did your mom do for a living? She was a house mom and took care of me and my three other brothers. I did not know you had siblings, yes, I have three other brothers and one sister. But you don’t hear about that because of the whole commercial back story that was created for the McDonalds company. Yeah, I get it, you must be a polished image for the brand’s sake. Have you talked to Ronald, Birdy or Hamburglar? Last time I talked to Ron he was totally strung out on Opioids and Hamburglar was killed trying to steal some inmate’s cheeseburger. Birdy passed away last year in a fatal car accident. What do you think of your career with McDonalds? I mean it was okay you know, they paid me very well, I am a millionaire and I have plenty of stock in the company. I am just trying to relax now and enjoy retirement. America’s way too fast paced. They can’t slow down to smell the roses. You should author a book Grimace. Yes, maybe, not sure if people want to hear my opinions. They love me for being a cute adorable purple monster, and I can live with that. Hey Grimace, before I leave, I just wanted to know, what is your first name??It is Botero, my dad named me after the Columbian painter. Oh wow, that is pretty cool. ?Well, I hate to leave but my flight is boarding, thanks for chatting with me Grimace. ??Always a pleasure Jesse be safe and take care of yourself.?