America's Changing Metaphor
America’s Metaphor is undergoing change - slow, protracted and layered change as we transition from a self-serving and mercantilist form of Capitalism imposed with 16-inch naval rifles, autocracy, division:
imposed on our Democracy by Summer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots:
to a more compassionate one; a more loving one.?
Among America’s greatest achievements is to have brought medical care within proximity of the FEBA - the Forward Edge of the Battle Area - as Stephen Ambrose described in D-Day,?as was depicted in MASH - the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital and demonstrated in Vietnam:?
Chris Connelly in Linkedin:?
You're a 19-year-old kid. You are critically wounded and dying in the jungle somewhere in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Its November 14, 1965. LZ (landing zone) X-ray.
Your unit is outnumbered 8-1 and the enemy fire is so intense from 100 yards away, that your CO (commanding officer) has ordered the Medevac helicopters to stop coming in.
You're lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns and you know you're not getting out.
Your family is halfway around the world, roughly 8,000 miles away, and you'll never see them again.
As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day.
Then - over the machine gun noise - you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter.
You look up to see a Huey coming in. But... It doesn't seem real because no Medevac markings are on it.
Captain Ed Freeman is coming in for you.
He's not Medevac, so it's not his job, but he heard the radio call and decided he's flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire anyway.
The Essence of Leadership
My Comment:?The essence of leadership is valor and taking care of the troops. As our history and changing metaphor demonstrate, effective leadership does not depend on violence:
It is done with Love.?
Despite the dichotomy of our American metaphor- a country in which the Declaration of Independence was written by a founder who desired to use the Louisiana Purchase as the venue for deportation of over a million slaves (American Dialogue - Joseph J. Ellis) and to prevent miscegenation while privately fostering it. Our Purpose - as a nation and a world - is continually redefined.?
Unlike his wife, Clara, the Suffragette:
Henry Ford’s rabid antisemitism and manufacturing ideas inspired Hitler who invested in the people’s car, the Volkswagen.?
The Problem
The Problem is in the way that our macho, authoritarian and hubristic U.S. enemies, as well as our so-called "scholars and academics" view our resolve and fail to value and respect our valor:?
and our achievements.
America is neither Barbie:
nor Ken. Barbenheimer exploits American and global superficiality. In film, whereas Barbie is portrayed as a stylish, self-confident woman, Ken is reduced to a fawning wimp.
My roommate at Marine OCS in Quantico, was named Ken and he was no wimp. I fought him in pugil sticks - and I know.
America is evolving from our Gilded Age:
to a more loving society:
to an age when we care as much for?people, our warriors:
our environment:
our poets, musicians and artists:
our spiritual leaders:?
our education:
our Earth:?
as for our pets:?
Next: The War We Have Not Won?
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