Americans are Rediscovering Sorghum
This June, celebrate Sorghum Month by rediscovering The Grain That Gives?.
Over the last few years, sorghum has grown in popularity
Sorghum comes in many forms and applications that can elevate any meal or snack. Whole grain sorghum comes in a variety of colors that span white, black and burgundy hues. One of the exciting areas of emerging research
?Sorghum flour is made by grinding sorghum grain to a fine powder that can be used in place of wheat flour for baking for a naturally gluten-free replacement. Sorghum even comes in flaked and as milled bran, which are wonderful, crunchy additions to cereal and granola. Popped sorghum is a delightfully small pop that provides a nutty crunch without worry of getting stuck in your teeth.?
Unlike other grains, sorghum holds up well when frozen and reheats to its original state. Due to cross-linkages between the protein and starch, sorghum can be frozen and reheated without losing its great taste and texture. You can make sorghum in advance with different stocks and spices, then freeze it for future use for an easy way to add sorghum to your weekly meal plan.?
The nutrition profile that sorghum provides is hard to beat. A serving of whole grain sorghum is an excellent source of 12 essential nutrients, more than a serving of corn, wheat, oats, rice, or quinoa.
Sorghum stands out among plant-based sources of protein
?The public has become more interested than ever about how the food they eat affects their health and consumers seeking out foods that help promote well-being
Looking to the future, sorghum is poised for success in the food space due to its versatility and nutrition profile
?The United Sorghum Checkoff Program is a producer-funded organization that is dedicated to improving the sorghum industry through research, promotion and education. For more information about the USCP and other research projects please visit