An American's Guide to Canadian's Provinces and Regions. What Part of Canada is Right for You?
An American's Guide to Canada in Translation a Quick Overview.
Just about all Canadian support certain things e.g. Single-Payer Health Care. All provinces are Middle-Left on Social Issues, though sometimes not Quebec.
Update Minimum Wages in Canada.
As of October 1, 2018, most Provinces will see a rise in Minimum Wage. Minimum Wages in Canada. Retail Council of Canada -
Canada's unemployment rate down to 40-year low: StatCan Dec 7th 2018. -
North West/ Rocky Mountains e.g. Hipsters/Old Hippies
- British Columbia
Either, Very Right Conservative or Very Left Progressive
The Wild West/Rocky Mountains e.g. Cowboys, Western Movies
- Alberta
Right Conservative, Pro Natural Resources but not really Conservative on Social Issues
Upper Mid-West 'Fly Over Country' e.g. Little House on the Prairie, John Boy
- Saskatchewan/Flatlanders
- Manitoba/Flatlanders
Middle Conservative & Pro-Union & Farmer & Natural Resources
Mid Atlantic/Mid-West, Northeastern e.g. Industrial & Financial Hub
- Ontario
Either, Middle Conservative or Very Left Progressive
Mid Atlantic, Northeastern e.g. French snobs, Culture & Food
- Quebec
Either, Very Right Conservative or Very Left Progressive
New England e.g. Drunken Irishman/French Fisherman, not snobs Folk Culture
- Atlantic Canada & The Maritimes
Usually, Vote out of Tradition either Conservative or Liberal
British Columbia = (Pacific Region/Mountian Region) US Equivalency
- Economics #101 B.C. Mixed Economy
Shipping & Ports & High Tech & Fishing & Forestry
Located North of Washington State.
Look like the State of Washington. Acts like California.
US Equivalency to US Cities - Greater Vancouver 2.5 Million = San Francisco & Canada's Hipsters & Tech industries. Vancouver tops ‘most hipster’ -
Surrey/Vancouver Metro Area
Surrey/Vancouver Metro Area
Want to work in Vancouver, BC but can't afford it, Surrey, BC might be a very good option to look at.
Surrey, British Columbia - Wikipedia
Surrey is what Oakland is to San Franciso.
Details on commute times from Surrey to Vancouver, Bus, Subway etc,...Link
US Equivalency to US Cities - Vancouver Island & Victoria = Old retired British people and Hipsters.
Victoria, British Columbia - Wikipedia
"Victoria is the capital city of the Canadian province of British Columbia, located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island off Canada's Pacific coast.
Economy overall Booming in the Vancouver area.
British Columbia Unemployment Rate 4.6 %.
Minimum Wage $11.35 hr to go up on Oct 1 to $12.65 hr.
Vancouver housing/renting area the most expensive in Canada.
Whistler, British Columbia - Wikipedia
"Whistler (Squamish language: S?wi?w) is a resort municipality in the southern Pacific Ranges of the Coast Mountains in the province of British Columbia,"
Alberta = (Mountian Region) US Equivalency
- Economics #101 AB None Mixed Economy
Resourced Based Hub, Oil & Gas
Located north of the State of Montana/ Western Montana.
An important thing to know Alberta economy revolves 1# thing the Oil & Gas industry. It is 1# Trick Pony Economy.
Looks like the State Colorado. Acts like Texas. US Equivalency to US Cities Edmonton = Dallas, Calgary = Houston. Half the people live here are from Atlantic Canada. Migration for economic reasons. Oil Boom & Bust economy now a Bust. Lots to do in both major cities as well.
Alberta is Oil Country just like the Show "Dallas' cowboys and all, Everything is Bigger in Alberta. Though not everyone is a Cowboy.
The Oil Sands
The big moneymaker in Alberta was 'The Oil Sands' though still is somewhat profitable. Yes, both Alberta and Canada indeed go out of its way to ensure safety and climate issues, unlike Jame Fonda who came on her private jet to say otherwise. Alberta also other oil and gas projects besides 'The Oil Sands'.
- The Calgary Stampede
Calgary is Alberta's business centre and The Hub for Canada's oil industry though Edmonton is the capital city and is Alberta's Government, Educational and Engineering, Cultural Hubs. Though tones of interesting stuff to do e.g. cultural events to do in both cities.
Alberta is the most conservative province in the country, but keep in mind still in Canada so very different than being a Republican in the US. Edmonton would be a lot more Left than Calgary. Calgary at the moment the biggest city in Alberta with about 1.2 million people.
Calgary Stampede, Link -
Banff International Park, Link -
Economy overall Tanking. Falling oil and gas prices.
Alberta Unemployment Rate 6.9 %
Minimum Wage $13.60 hr to go up on Oct 1 to $15.00 hr
Calgary & Edmonton housing/ renting somewhat expensive to live in but going down with falling oil prices that drive the economy.
Though Alberta will never see an Oil Boom as they had in the Past
Alberta's economy is doing better and looks like the pipeline was approved e.g. selling oil to another market than the US, China. Though still a glut in the World Markets of oil and looks like it's going be that way for a while to come and with new 'Disruptive Innovation' Shale Oil, Electric Cars, etc...Though at the end of the day, Alberta might just be stuck with a pile of mud at the end of the day e.g. The Oil Sands. Though heavy oil that Alberta does have is still used as a mixture for Light Shale products and of course plastic good is needed. Though will oil in the Oil Sands ever reach $130.00 Barrel of Oil even adjusted to inflation probably nowhere near that. Will indeed still help Alberta's economy YES!
Though One Big Problem
The oil-sands and the oil coming out of it is more like peanut butter. It cost more to produce and because it is far away from major markets. The oil coming out of Alberta is about $15.00 under what the current price benchmark is for West Texas Intermediate is.
Petroleum includes more than just Crude Oil
"Petroleum includes more products than just crude oil. Petroleum includes refined petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, unfinished oils, and other liquids such as fuel ethanol, blending components for gasoline, and other refinery inputs. Oil: crude and petroleum products explained Oil imports and exports. US in 2007 net import 12.04 Million Barrels Oil & Gas in 2018 it was down to 4.87 Million Barrels Oil & Gas. "
- Supply & Demand this is the Big One that will change The Paradigm for Alberta Oil & Gas Industry
USGS: Permian's Wolfcamp is the largest potential oil and gas resource ever assessed
"USGS: Permian's Wolfcamp is largest potential oil and gas... The Permian Basin's Wolfcamp and Bone Spring formations in West Texas and New Mexico hold the most potential oil and gas resources ever assessed, the U.S. Interior Department said Thursday.Dec 6, 2018"
Bloomberg Markets and Finance, Latin America the Power on The Oil & Gas Market
"Sep.06 -- Mexico and Venezuela have long been the oil powerhouses of Latin America. But with political uncertainty and market volatility mounting, a new generation of oil-producing counties are set to transform the region. Bloomberg's Alix Steel reports on "Bloomberg: Oil's Next Big Boom"
Chinese Oil Giant Significantly Boosts Shale Reserves
The Myth of The Asian Market for Alberta’s Oil
Pipeline & Refinery Dilemma
There a lot of talk and debate in Canada about pipelines pro and con though pipelines are at the end the day much safer than by rail.
Though Alberta's biggest problem might be not having enough refinery capacity. If Alberta had more refineries they would be able to produce more oil and gas products that sell at higher profit margins.
The Oil & Gas Industry in Alberta & The Carbon Tax
Taxing the middle-class the poor, seniors on fixed incomes with a Carbon Tax seems to be nothing more than 'Cruel and Unusual Punishment' e.g 'Energy Poverty'.
Yes, No CO2 with Hydraulic Fracturing, like "The Oil Sands" in Alberta, Canada. Though what about Hydraulic Fracturing affecting the World Water Supply?
Animation of Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking) YouTube
- "replacing coal with natural gas, which burns cleaner and emits half as much carbon dioxide (CO2)"
- Massives areas where hydraulic fracturing can be done, no more with the Middle-East.
- Wells can last 20- 40 years
- "risks of ground water and surface water contamination e.g. Methane leakag, noise and air pollution, and the triggering of earthquakes, along with the resulting hazards to public health and the environment. "
- "Hydraulic fracturing uses between 1.2 and 3.5 million US gallons (4,500 and 13,200 m3) of water per well, with large projects using up to 5 million US gallons (19,000 m3). "
Real Estate & Albertarose
"Real Estate e.g. Office Buildings built on the principle of $130.00 Oil adjusted for inflation probably not a Good Idea. Vacant skyscrapers are an ‘albatross’ that Canada’s oil capital can’t shake off too soon." Article at bottom of this section.
Albertarose Nice Skylines, Calgary & Edmonton to bad no one actually in those buildings it might remain that way for a very long time.
- The Mirage Skyline, The Optical illusion of Calgary & Edmonton Skylines
Calgary & Edmonton Skyline are what is referred to as Ghost Vacancies or maybe Ghost Cities
Half-empty office buildings on the rise in Calgary, Edmonton amid oil price plunge
Will Calgary and Edmonton become "Ghost Cities" that they have in China, cities build on the concept of unrealistic growth rates.
Downtown Vacancy Rates Alberta, The Prairies & Canada
The Prairie Region, Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba
Downtown Vacancies for Alberta's Two Main Centres, Calgary & Edmonton 30 %
Calgary is heading to 30% Edmonton to follow by 2020.
Under Construction Calgary 430,000 units
Downtown units and Edmonton is catching up.
Downtown Vacancy for Manitoba Main Centre Winnipeg is 9 %
Winnipeg Downtown Vacancy Rate about 9%
Under Construction Winnipeg 0 Downtown units
Though in Winnipeg I believe now has a couple of projects underway now
e.g. True North Centre & Artis REIT, a commercial real estate developments.
The Growth Rate for all major centers in the Prairies e.g. Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg all about the same.
Calgary, AB Past 5 years was around 2.5 to 3.0 % in Growth.
Edmonton, AB Past 5 years was around 2.5 to 3.0 % in Growth.
Winnipeg, MB Past 5 years was around 2.5 to 3.0 % in Growth.
Downtown Vacancy rate Canada is 10.6 %
Alberta also now has the highest minimum wage in the country at $15.00 hrs so for one starting off in a job market that is a Good Thing !!!
Saskatchewan = (Mid-West Region) US Equivalency
- Economics #101 SK None Mixed Economy
Food Stuffs e.g. Wheat, etc...
"CORNER GAS" - Smashdown "Worlds Biggest -
?Located North of the States of Montana/Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota.
Looks like the State of Nebraska. Act like Nebraska. US Equivalency to US Cities. Regina = Omaha, Saskatoon = Kansas City.
Both major centres Regina & Saskatoon about 300,000.
Economy overall Declining. Falling oil and gas prices. Though not as badly as Alberta. Saskatchewan Canada's Wheat Basket.
Saskatchewan Unemployment Rate 6.4 %
Minimum Wage $11.06
Cheap housing for the most part in Regina, SK and Saskatoon, SK
Manitoba = (Mid- West Region) US Equivalency
- Economics #101 MB Mixed Economy
High-End Manufacturing, Inland Transportation, Insurance & Wheat, etc...
Winnipeg/Winterpeg Ranks 1# in Parking !!! "Less than Kind" Winnipeg Parking, Link -
"Less Than Kind. Less Than Kind is a Canadian television comedy-drama series that stars Jesse Camacho as Sheldon Blecher, a teenager growing up in a loving but dysfunctional Jewish family in Winnipeg."
Located North of the State of North Dakota & Minnesota.
Looks likes Illinois.US Equivalency to US Cities .Winnipeg AKA 'Winterpeg' Pop 800,000 hundred thousand = Chicago Winnipeg's Exchange.
Winnipeg also feels a lot like many Blue-Collar cities in the US Mid-West besides being in the same Geographic regions the Upper-Mid-West its architecture also has a Mid-Western feel to it “Chicago School of Architecture”.
That is the Good News the Bad News is Winnipeg like a lot of Cities in the US Mid-West Winnipeg has a skid row 'The North End' it is home to the 2 of the 3 poorest postal codes in Canada. Winnipeg & Manitoba is also home to the biggest Aboriginal population in the country. A lot Aboriginals leave their reserves because of corruption within these reserves lack of transparency though when they move to the city don't have skill sets to survive.
Winnipeg being is very Blue Collar city and it is reflected in the music that has come out of this Blue Collar city.
This area of Canada is famous for its winters as in it is really F-ing Cold.
Urban Dictionary Nickname Winterpeg, Manisnowba, Link -
?"Suck in the Middle" Manitoba Fly Over Country"
Bachman Turner Overdrive "Takin' Care Of Business"
Bachman Turner Overdrive - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet/ 1974 -
The Guess Who & Neil Young both come out of this city.
Winnipeg also is known for having a very strong Art Scene. New York, Paris, Berlin…Winnipeg?
Manitoba has a Diverse Economy High-end Manufacturing, Hydro etc...Economy above Average.
Manufacturing in Manitoba
The Bus Industry in Manitoba
"NFI Group Inc.[1] (NFI, an initialism of the company's former name, New Flyer Industries) is North America's largest bus manufacturer specializing in the manufacturing of heavy-duty[when defined as?] transit buses and motorcoaches and the distribution of aftermarket parts. Its headquarters are in Winnipeg, Manitoba, with manufacturing, distribution and service centers in both Canada and the United States. New Flyer manufactures integral buses, building both the coachwork and the supporting chassis."
- Winterpeg Economic Development?
NASA "Mars is now named after Winnipeg, likely in a nod to the Canadian city's claim to fame as being (sometimes) as cold as the Red Planet."
Winterpeg Colder than Mars Leads to "$26-million facelift now allows for testing of industry-leading GE9X aircraft engine"
"Boeing Winnipeg is one of the largest aerospace composite manufacturers in Canada. The company employs over 1,400 people in 800,000 square feet of space in two locations in the city."
Manitoba Cottage Country, Lake of the Woods, Ontario - Wikipedia
"Lake of the Woods is a township in the Canadian province of Ontario, located within the Rainy River District"
Manitoba Unemployment 5.7 %
Minimum Wage $11.35
Average housing/renting prices Winnipeg, MB
Mid-Size City now the New Future, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton & Hamilton of Canada ?
Ontario (Northeastern Region)
- Economics #101 ON Mixed Economy
Financial Hub, Political Hub - Capital Ottawa & Manufacturing, Inland Transportation, etc...
"Degrassi High" - Intro Opening -
* Great Lakes Megalopolis Area & Canadian most Population Region
Canada's Bos-Wash Corridor (Toronto GTA/Hamilton, Ottawa, Montreal). Most populated area of Canada. US Equivalency.
"The Golden Horseshoe is a secondary region of Southern Ontario, Canada which lies at the western end of Lake Ontario, with outer boundaries stretching south from Lake Erie and north to Lake Scugog. The region is the most densely populated and industrialized in Canada. With a population of 7,826,367 people in its core and 9,245,438 in its greater area,[1] the Golden Horseshoe accounts for over 21% of the population of Canada and more than 55% of Ontario's population.[2] It is part of the Quebec City–Windsor Corridor and the Great Lakes Megalopolis."
Ontario (Northeastern Region) US Equivalency e.g. Canada's New York State
Located North of the States of the Great Lakes. Borders cities like Detroit, MI and Buffalo NY.
Looks like New York State, US Equivalency to US Cities .Toronto the Financial Hub of Canada. Acts like New York City.
A look at Downtown Toronto -
Washington D.C. Ottawa Canada's Capital. US Equivalency Cities. Ottawa,Ontario is Canada's Canada Capital though it is Government Town. To work for the Canada Federal Government one has to be fluent in French.
Also, Ontario has a tech hub centre/center in Ontario as well as Kitchener, Waterloo, ON area e.g Queens & Waterloo Universities.
US Equivalency to US Cities. Windsor, ON/Car industry = Detroit.
It is cheaper to live in Toronto and Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Canada's biggest city at about pop 6.5 million people than Vancouver BC pop 2.5 million. Also, the Province of Ontario just moved its minimum wage up to $14.00 hr. Vancouver and British Columbia minimum wage $12.65 hr.
Toronto named the most Diverse City in the World - blogTO -
Song "Spadina Bus"
Song "Parachute Club"
Song "Spoons Romanic Traffic"Toronto Subway
- Toronto: fastest growing city in North America !
The Automotive Industry in Southern Ontario
"Manufacturing, distribution, aftermarket parts, sales and other elements of the automotive industry have been a vital segment of Ontario’s economy for several decades. Ontario’s auto sector directly employs 127,000 workers, with an annual payroll of $8 billion, making it the largest manufacturing sector. Ontario hosts the Canadian headquarters and manufacturing plants for the “Big Three” as well as many Japanese and European corporations, including:"
Want to work in Toronto but can't afford it, Hamilton, ON AKA Steel Town might be a very good option to look at.
- Hamilton/Toronto Corridor
A lot of people living in Hamilton, ON but working in Toronto, ON
Details on commute times from Hamilton to Toronto and options, train, bus, etc,...
Southern Ontario’s Silicon Valley Waterloo
- Kitchener–Cambridge–Waterloo, Census Metropolitan Area CMA
The Regional Municipality of Waterloo is a regional municipality located in Southern Ontario, Canada. It consists of the cities of Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo (collectively called the Tri-Cities)
"Waterloo Region is also experiencing significant commercial growth. The presence of two universities, the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University, acts as a catalyst for high-tech growth and innovation. The region is known for its high concentration of tech companies, such as BlackBerry (formerly Research In Motion), OpenText, Kik, and Maplesoft. As such, it has often been referred to as "Canada's Silicon Valley"
Economy Booming. Canada's Financial & Manufacturing Hub.
Ontario Unemployment Rate 5.5 %
Minimum Wage $14.00 hr but to go up on Jan 1, to $15.00 hr
New Provincial Government in Ontario. Ford Conservative Government of Ontario. Freezing $14 minimum wage as part of labour reform rollbacks.
Second most expensive housing/renting in Canada the Toronto and Great Toronto Area (GTA).
About 40% of Canada's population lives in Ontario. Almost Half of the Country lives in Province on Ontario.
Ontario Pop 13,448,494 38.39%
Followed By:
Quebec 8,164,361 23.61% - Official Language is French.
British Columbia 4,648,055 13.14%
Other Cities in Southern Ontario besides Toronto Canada's Biggest City.
Hamilton CMA 778,400
Kitchener–Cambridge–Waterloo, Census Metropolitan Area CMA 523,894
London CMA 494,069
St. Catharines–Niagara CMA 390,317
Oshawa CMA 379,848
Windsor CMA 329,144
Barrie CMA 197,059
Kingston CMA 161,175
Guelph CMA 151,984
Brantford CMA 134,203
Peterborough CMA 121,721
Toronto & Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Cottage Country - District Municipality of Muskoka - Wikipedia
Celebrities Who Summer in Muskoka -
Quebec (Northeastern Region)
- Economics #101 QU Internal Economy
Internal Economy, French Canada
Quebec City Capital of Quebec = Mini Paris.
Located North of the States of Vermont, New Hampshire & New York.
Looks like New York State, US Equivalency to US Cities. Montreal act like Boston -Mcgill University closest thing to an Ivy League University in Canada & Canada's Creative Hub -Culture MTL -
- If you can't speak French fluently don't move to Quebec or New Brunswick. You have to be fluent in French in both of these Provinces to get a decent job.
Montreal: Battling Bagels -
Montreal half French half English have to know French to live anywhere in Quebec.
Quebec Canada's Cultural & French Capital
Quebec Unemployment Rate 5.6 %
Minimum Wage $11.25 hr to $12.00 in May
Montreal housing/renting a lot cheaper than Vancouver and Toronto. Also, Quebec noted for being very pro-renter.
Moving Day (Quebec) the day during which renters who wished to vacate their current premises physically changed domiciles
Quebec Romance & Sexy, Quebec's own's Madonna, Mitsou but a little more Sexier and Deeper, Video's done in Black & White "Bye,Bye, Moi Cowboy" & done in French - Mitsou 80's star in Canada, Quebec and France and for a moment in the US yo la, la in Quebec/France !!!
Quebec is not Manitoba with it's Bachman–Turner Overdrive (BTO) Boring. Mitsou Hot Sexy French, BTO "Blue Collar" & "Takin' Care of Business" 70's & Boring. You get Mitsou Quebec and we get Suck in the Middle/Manitoba with BTO. Though there is not a cab in the World or Grocery Store in the World that you not hear "Takin' Care of Business" by BTO.
Link Mitsou -
Montreal’s iconic Schwartz’s Delicatessen
Montreal Home Town of Leonard Cohen
"Montreal has made itself known worldwide with its budding sex culture. In the most liberal province of the already liberal Canada, it has often been compared to Amsterdam by more than one objective critic."
Maritimes/Atlantic Canada, US Equivalency (New England Region)
Economics #101 Atlantic Canada None Mixed Economy
Fishing & Forestry & Telecommunication e.g. Call Centers
Located North of the State of Maine.
Newfoundland is part of Atlantic Canada by not the Maritime Region.
The poorest area of Canada but has the nicest people.
I would avoid the Atlantic Region altogether for employment it is the poorest region of the country with generally very high unemployment rates and lower wages. The only exception would be Halifax though even then it is a smaller market.
This being said it is a great place to visit.
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island (P.E.I) & Newfoundland.
US Equivalency to US Cities Halifax, Nova Scotia = Providence, RI. Halifax is the biggest city and the richest economic area in Atlantic Canada. It big college town so think of Boston as well. Also old historical areas like Boston e.g. Historic Properties, Halifax waterfront, Nova Scotia, Canada. There a lot of new condos going up in this area as well.
"Trail Park Boys" -
Newfoundland, Look like Ireland = Drunken Irish man & Fisherman. Though a whole lot of fun. Learning Newfoundland Slang -
Skip Newfoundland. Newfoundland unemployment rate 14.7% we will just leave it at that.
Economy Below Averages Halifax, Nova Scotia mainly a University and Navy Town.
Nova Scotia Unemployment Rate 8.0 %
Minimum Wage $11.00 hr
Average housing/renting little above average a lot of Canada because Halifax, NS is basically a university town. Atlantic School of Theology, Dalhousie University, Mount Saint Vincent University, the NSCAD University, Saint Mary's University, and the University of King's College – are located in the Halifax Regional Municipality which has a population of about 350,000 people.
The Maritimes/Atlantic Canada
Highest unemployment rates in Canada.
All the centers to small.
The Province of New Brunswick one has to speak French fluently to find any kind of decent employment. Canada's only legally Biliguilial Province. Minimum Wage $11.25
Prince Edward Island (P.E.I) only has 100,000 people in it. Canada's smallest and least populated Province. Minimum Wage $11.55
Who runs Canada? The Elected Parliament.
Canada & The Queen.
Parliament Reigns Supreme - The Queen is just Figure Head. The elected Parliament makes all the decisions.
Happens as a Result of The King- Byng Affair in 1926
"The King–Byng affair was a Canadian constitutional crisis that occurred in 1926, when the Governor General of Canada, the Lord Byng of Vimy, refused a request by his prime minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King, to dissolve parliament and call a general election."
A Belief History of Recent Canadian Immigration.
Canada used to be English and French and a lot of it still is and that is fine. No one loves tea crumpets and poutine, especially with Montreal smoked meat more than yours truly, LOL !!!
It might surprise Americans that Canada per capita has more immigration and foreign-born population than the US.
Historically Canada stares changing from English and French around the turn of the century. The policy of 'The Last of Best West'.
The Canadian government could not get enough people of English and French descent to settle Western Canada. So Canada was forced to have a more open immigration policy. At this point, a lot of people of Eastern Europe moved to the Prairies to escape oppression people from the Ukraine e.g people of the Jewish faith The Pal States moved to e.g Winnipeg, MB the Gate Way to the West, etc...
The second big shift came with PM Pierre Trudeau in the '70s. Europe was doing economically a lot better so Canada had to look at other parts of the World to find immigrates.
So let look at a mid-sized Canadian city like Winnipeg, MB. A massive Ukraine population and a large Jewish population. These folks go from lower income to higher income over the years. They move up the social-economic ladder to a better part of the city from the Jewish North End to River Heights or Tuxedo. A lot leave because after all is it nicked named 'Winterpeg'. So maybe they move to a warmer climate and bigger centres e.g. Vancouver, BC/Canada's California or Toronto, ON/Canada's New York City.
In the meantime it 2018 these parts e.g. the North End parts of the city are replaced by people from the Philippines. Jollibee's 1st Canadian location opens in Winnipeg as hundreds wait in line -
Most major Canadian cities e.g. Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal are very Multicultural and lots to do.
Traditional General Voting Patterns in Canada
Atlantic Canada The Boston States
Atlantic & Vote. Mostly Liberal but sometimes Conservative.
Transitional Voting patterns Liberal & Conservative more like to vote like the parents & Grandparents.
The Kenndy Effect, Vote Quimby! "Mayor Joseph Fitzgerald O'Malley Fitzpatrick O'Donnell T" - T.V. Show "The Simpsons"
Central Canada/Mid-Atlantic, The North East. Most of Canada lives here.
Quebec & Vote Alway vote along Nationalist line Quebec.
Quebec, Liberal/PQ Nationalist Progressive & Race Identity French Catholic White
Ontario Liberal Doctrine & Vote. Mostly Liberal but sometimes Conservative.
Ontario & Vote. Dominated by The Golden Horse Shoe Toronto GTA & NDP (Champagne Socialist) & Conservative in the suburbs of the GTA.
Toronto by far Canada's biggest City, The First Separation movement in Quebec in the '70s would lead to the downfall of Montreal being Canada's biggest city and Toronto would never look back.
Mid- West, Manitoba & Saskatchewan Fly Over Country
Manitoba & Vote. Mostly Conservative sometimes CCF
CCF VS. NDP Manitoba & Saskatchewan
CCF Now the NDP. Though in Manitoba & Saskatchewan NDP is very different they see themselves more like this CCF (Trade Unions/Framers) & Pro Resources, Medicare for all than the NDP in Ontario & British Columbia 'Champagne Socialist' e.g. 'Microaggressions', 'Environmentalists', 'Identity Politics', etc...
Manitoba Liberal Doctorine & Vote - Mostly Convervative & CCF (Trade Unions/Framers) & Pro-Resources.
Winnipeg/Fort Garry - We were born here, what's your excuse?
T.V Show The Simpsons e.g. comparison to Springfield "Anytown, USA" to Winnipeg/Fort Garry "Fly Over Country" with Single Payer. Homer Simpson was born in Saskatchewan but raised in Winnipeg/Fort Garry Manitoba area.
Saskatchewan - CCF (Trade Unions/Framers & Tommy Douglas 'The Father of Single-Payer Medicare) & Conservative & Wheat Fields.
Saskatchewan Liberal Doctorine & Vote - Mostly Convervative & CCF (Trade Unions/Framers) & Pro-Resources.
Alberta/Texberta & The Continental Divide
Vote & Alberta - Social Credit Conservative (Neo-Conservative)
Ballad of Jed Clampett From the Appalachian trail AKA from Atlantic to Texberia. The Beverly Hill Billies T.V. Substitute Lyrics
"Oil that is, black gold, Texas/Alberta tea.
Well, the first thing you know ol Jed's a millionaire,
Kinfolk said Jed move away from there
Said Califoria/Texberia is the place you ought to be"
British Columbia, Cascadia California & The Coast
British Columbia is Hipster Country
Vote & British Columbia - Social Credit Conservative (Neo-Conservative) & Green (Champagne Socialist)
Millennials or Big Time Millennial Hipsters AKA Xennials SAY
Immigration & Canada
If you are thinking about immigrating to Canada always go through Government sites e.g the Government of Canada/Provinces of Canada.
It is usually quicker to get into Canada through the provincial nominee program (PNP) than the Federal Government.
What is the best provincial nominee program for immigrating in 2018?
"I don’t speak on behalf of these organizations/ government agencies and we don’t endorse any of them. Legislation and policies are also constantly being updated. If you need to clarify something you always want to go straight to the source of that organization or government agency" Demian Hammock
If it is a non-government agency saying they will get you into Canada for X amount of dollars it probably too good to be true and probably a scam.
Problems with Canada’s Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) & a Missed Opportunity by Immigration Policy as it Stands now for Investment and Job Growth. ?By: Demian Hammock, Diploma of Advanced Studies, Human Resources Management.
Demian Hammock,
Diploma of Advanced Studies, Human Resources Management.