American's REAL Derangement Syndrome: Fear of Death by Terrorism While 370 Citizens are Killed EVERY DAY from Drug Overdoses/Gunfire/Suicide
Tobin Smith
CIO at Transformity Wealth Management LLC with 575% total returns 2020-2024 +Managing Director at Transformity Capital Markets LLC
So while "death by Islamic terrorist attack" is a leading fear of small/rural Red State citizens and conservative partisans, the ACTUAL death count in mostly Red State America from opioid overdose = 164 a day.
When you add 92 deaths from gunfire a day and 120 death by suicide aka despair, over 350 Americans are killed everyday from drugs, suicide and guns and clearly we as a society don't really give a shit.
But OMG the daily death toll from immigrant terrorists since 1976 from Islamic terrorists born in the countries we want to ban travel from...ZERO. Odds of death for ANY American by terrorist on American soil: 3.6 million to one. Odds of death by terrorist in small city/rural America? 76 MILLION to 1.
Yet the odds of death in America from obesity (according to CDC) are 23,528 times more likely to kill you than a terrorist.
From the Cato Institute: "Including those murdered in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (9/11), the chance of an American perishing in a terrorist attack on U.S. soil that was committed by a foreigner over the 41-year period studied here is 1 in 3.6 million per year.
The hazard posed by foreigners who entered on different visa categories varies considerably. For instance, the chance of an American being murdered in a terrorist attack caused by a refugee is 1 in 3.64 billion per year while the chance of being murdered in an attack committed by an illegal immigrant is an astronomical 1 in 10.9 billion per year.
By contrast, the chance of being murdered by a tourist on a B visa, the most common tourist visa, is 1 in 3.9 million per year.
So back here in reality, we have 370 deaths a day and > 10,000 killed per month from opioid overdoses, guns and suicide and what we get from the Senate today is a proposal to massively REDUCE opioid treatment funding and mental health care and a few weeks ago a White House budget that massively INCREASES military spending primarily against terrorism.
In light of these actual facts about "death by terrorism" this thinking is DERANGED.
In a new column from NYT's Nick Kristof gives harrowing stats about America's opioid epidemic:
- "About as many Americans are expected to die this year of drug overdoses as died in the Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined."
- "Last year, there were more than 236 million prescriptions written for opioids in the United States — that's about one bottle of opioids for every American adult."
- "Drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death for Americans under 50"
- "Only 10 percent of Americans with opioid problems get treatment."
- "More than 59,000 Americans died in 2016 of drug overdoses, in the largest annual jump in such deaths ever recorded in the U.S."
What is America doing about it?
We now have a proposal in the Senate and House that cut opioid treatment funding and mental health care for 23 million of most at risk from Medicaid health care while the death per day rate from opioid overdose is climbing in 2017 over 2016.
But what the fuck...we all agree it seems that what's most important to the safety and well being of the Americans is cutting that darn 3.9% Medicare tax on $250,000+ income households and reducing marginal income tax rates 30% for the top 20% earning American households.
In essence our latest vision for America: Let the bottom 80% kill themselves with opioids, guns, suicide and death from obesity.
Fact: The current life expectancy for white working class income citizens living in small city/rural America is 76 while life expectancy today for top 10% income earning citizens up to 89. So I guess our system is working, eh? Who deserves 14 years more of life than the Americans that pay most of American income taxes, right?
Maybe it's the heat talking...but I find our national values system just a wee bit reprehensible, immoral and deranged when fear about a beheading by a stealth ISIS soldier in Mayberry in more important that 10,000 preventable premature deaths a month.
Ah who cares...let those animals kill themselves; at least that thins the herd a bit know what I mean? And if drugs, guns and suicide don't get 'em, odds are their > 55% rates of obesity will.
No class system in America? If you define upper middle class as those whose incomes are in the top 20 percent of American society it's not even hidden anymore. Income is not the only way to measure a society, but in a market economy it is crucial because access to money generally determines who gets the best quality education, housing, health care, and other necessary goods and services.
The growing separation between the upper middle class and everyone else can be seen in family structure, neighborhoods, attitudes, lifestyle but perhaps most important now is simple life expectancy . Those at the top of the income ladder are becoming more effective at passing on their status to their children, reducing overall social mobility. The result is not just an economic divide but a fracturing of American society along class lines. Upper-middle-class children become upper-middle-class adults and based on today's data will outlive the white working class bottom 20% by 13 years of life.
Welcome to new reality show America 2017 . . .doesn't it make you just proud?
So sad
Private Investor
7 年I always knew you were a closet democrat. BTW, you owe me $1,000 for the Trump victory. The problem is not the policy but the availability. If you guys are so high on gun control to control violence, then you should be all over pharmaceutical control. Big firms make this death drug. Stop the production & curb the supply. Make it illegal to obtain these drugs. Force their sale underground. Arrest peddlers. The problem is they are too easily accessed and the population has declined into a "check out" no responsibility for anything mode.