American Jews Need To Be Strong
How can American Jews protect themselves from the blows ahead?
Antisemitism is escalating all the time, so now would be a good time for Jews in the US to understand the best way to protect themselves.
I realize their options seem limited at the moment, because they're looking over at us here in Israel, and it doesn't look like the safest place in the world right now.
They have two options - they can either try to integrate into society to such an extent that no one can tell them apart from everyone else. But we know from history that never works. People who are reading the map properly know that's not really an option.
The other option is to be a strong Jew. Meaning not give in to anything, to stand up for themselves and demand what they need. A strong Jew has his/her foundation in his hands, knowing that he's been here since the beginning of creation, and must be here till the end of creation. And how these waves washing all over the planet won't change anything for him.
Jews with this Jewish & Proud attitude don't attract more hate - just the opposite.
We need to understand that we have a place on Earth. That there is a nation, and country, and a place for it. This is what we must show the whole world. And then we'll discover the forces at work here, and know how to leverage them to our advantage.
As I've been saying for a few weeks now, it's important for us Jews to present our authentic selves. And that means not protesting and shouting like our enemies do, but rather spreading love and harmony wherever we go. We need to tap into our unique heritage and traditions to show the world what Israel is really about. That can include singing Israeli songs and Israeli folk dancing. But whatever we're doing, it's always about spreading our great spirit and lifting each other. It's always about looking out for each other and supporting each other because we understand how much we're dependent on one another for our good future.
I hope we don't need to reach the same state we were in in World World II - all the Jews started shouting when it was too late; when there was nothing to do.
This time is different. Today there is what to do. We can get organized more and strengthen our connection.
There have been many great initiatives over the last nine months, but it literally took a mini-Holocaust to get us into higher gear.
So if we really want to protect ourselves, we shouldn't wait for the next blows to come, but rather constantly work on improving our connection.
Our unity has always been our best shield.
(P.S. - you can reach out to my good friend Debbie if you want the jewelry she makes)