Anthony Markland
I write about Fatherhood, healing and building relationships, and the everyday wonder & struggle of living your best life.
Good Men. Better Fathers.
We give more emotional, physical, spiritual and mental help than we get. That's why we tear up so easy over family. The beautiful creation, lasting beyond our thoughts and breath.
Every song we sing is a lesson.
Our love is always on display. We set the stage to withstand the boos. The ones we tell you to ignore are the ones you work hardest to give it up for.
We don't overreact at the snake moves that make hearts-beat venom. Making lust sing so you don't hear sin has been a false idol since our beginning. We aim high and worked through low times to be around every day, even if your birth was a mistake.
Being an Idol is dangerous.
Disagreements and changed hearts burn us down like incense. We exude pheromones of what a man should represent. Straight up. Hard up. Stand-up guys, bending only for elders and women we love.
We don't conform to the new normal. Those morals ain't pure.
A little sin from thoughtful lust has always been more than enough. Now pure fuckery is how people shine like a perfect night under the stars.
Our mind is dark. We navigate pits the world throws us in when it no longer consents to high standards.
We light our own candle-building the alter of a respected father.