Photo Credit: Starmanseries


Do you want to know what many (not all) girls still say about STEM subjects even in 2017? "Computers are boring. Math gives me a headache. Science is too hard." America, maybe we are doing it wrong.

STEM is incomplete and, I would argue, this is the primary reason many girls still aren't totally jiving with the major STEM efforts flooding schools everywhere. What's missing? A very capital, very important "A." Turn STEM into STEAM (the "A" standing for "Arts") and now we're in business.

Using the Arts as a Catalyst

Trust me, I'm the last one to want to stereotype anyone, but we females do tend to be really drawn toward the creative arts. Why not use this common affinity as a catalyst to make STEM subjects more than tolerable...exciting even?

"When I was in college I discovered that I could use computers to be creative." Youtube CEO Susan Wojcicki (from her interview on Boss Files with Poppy Harlow). Jinko Gotoh, animation producer extraordinaire, has expressed a similar sentiment to me as well. The creative aspect is absolutely crucial as we work to get girls more genuinely, deeply interested in the sciences.

Role Models

Arts aren't the only missing link here. Girls also NEED role models in these fields. Misconceptions about STEAM careers are rampant with tweens and teens. They need to see, hear from and interact with women in these fields. They need to be able to ask questions and air out their fears.

Girls need to be confronted with the normality that can be their reality. They need to see that they don't have to sacrifice a social circle, family or anything else should they decide a STEAM career is right for them.

Let's Get Real - What Does Adding the "A" to STEM Mean?

Adding an "A" to the mix doesn't have to be hard. A few simple additions and adjustments.

  • Art + science = Picaso's Science Lab
  • Animation + technology = Story and Software
  • Creativity + engineering = Useful, friendly robots
  • Art + art = ART!!!!!!
  • Visual arts (patterns) + math = Mandala Madness

A few great organizations who are championing women + mentorship + art + tech/science: WIA, Goldieblox, Smart Girls. Have another organization to add the mix? Sound off below!


