The American Flag Dishonored

The American Flag Dishonored

We can no longer ignore, but to admit, that the American Flag has been degraded, desecrated, and dishonored by terrorists who point the fingers at others for their actions.

The Flag needs an overhaul, this is something that the in coming Administration can not fix by ignoring, it needs to be dealt with.

The Flag was desecrated, used as a weapon, spilt innocent blood, put the emblem, picture and image of a traitor who led this rebellion, the act of dishonoring the Flag, as well as many other atrocities, that in one day, made the flag, and those who serve it, a dishonor. Outlawed or rebel flags interwoven into the Flag that was made a dishonor by an attempted, puppet government with clueless followers. This was certainly a government takeover attempt.

They traded their American Patriotism, for Foreign Terrorism within the Nation they wish for their children to grow up in. In other words, they can care less about their own children, and their future, when they're aimlessly following someone like trained animals.

The American Flag has been dishonored and tarnished by the people who say they are patriots of America. The thing they feared from others, they have done to themselves and this Country. They can not escape the fact of their evil actions upon American History was not Patriotic, for this infamous worst, is nothing to celebrate or be proud of, and they should hide in disgrace, not celebrate their crimes against the sovereignty of the U.S.A..

What do we do now? Do we make another American Flag?

We can no longer look at the Flag the same, nor, can we try to wash that stench away that no one in this entire world has thought of except for those who were inspired by a paranoid schizophrenic who used lies, and his own internal fears, and greed, to cater to their deep seeded and/or rooted hate that they thought they had, but they don't, someone told them to hate, and they believed it and acted on something made up, or untrue.

There's many educated fools who have been taught by fools who are smart enough to twist the truth and get people to follow a lie and make money from them. How can someone get adult people to follow them like children, or animals? Evil or wicked people lie to gather a sense of what lies people are drawn to, they play on deep seeded personal paranoia's of others and then exploits those lies for profit. Even if there is no possible way for their lie to happen, (like the Man on Mars scam), he makes them think it is somehow possible. In other words, they motivate the fear in others. Thus, fear is among them and their actions.

If the lie does not come to pass, (because it will not come to pass because it is a lie), they blame people or something else to take the lie off of themselves. Cult leaders love to be right when they're wrong in order to think or make others think, they are in control. 

But who can control a lie? Those who hear it.

Stop following lies and creating situations like we seen in Washington DC, when terrorists invaded American soil, and soiled the American Flag.

The liar or instigator uses fictitious things and situations, that will never happen, to mobilize those with low self esteem and paranoia, to act on the impulse of those fears and lies he possesses on, and in them. In a sense, they are living vicariously through him, but he cares nothing about them. They are a money machine to him because they do not know what he is doing and he likes it that way. The more money to extract from them, in secret, with the impending lies.

Stop having sympathy for someone who would have destroyed America for the sake of greed, selfishness and treachery of a Country. Such people can not be trusted or given any empathy or sympathy.

The RICO Act 

The RICO Act should be used when prosecuting this case. (1) Violence was incited, (2) done in front of everyone (3) and on TV, not in secret like other organized crime organizations (4) It's on tape and everyone has been talking about how this insurrection was ordered, (5) helped with what others did, or assisted them, (5) in and with the order to break into and violate a government building, (6) kill innocent people and/or was the cause of many deaths, (7) desecrate the American Flag, and (8) who clearly instructed someone else, even though they did not actually commit the crime personally, but incited, supervised and incurred the results of the insurrection.

Evidence also shows that the leftist was to meet them out there, and lead, as they committed these crimes and broke various laws. Blood is on the hands of those who acted, as well as those who instructed, or orchestrated the actions.

Is this another thing for those who have been fooled and sympathize with evil to do? Embolden the crimes, lies and actions of this criminal element as well as ignore the law? Even if you ignore laws and sympathize with evil, you still have to pay the cost of your decision to follow evil, until you repent, turn, and fight against evil, hate and lies.

The Lord knows your heart and what you are personally hiding. You may fool the fools, but the Lord demands justice and righteousness for all wrongs in the earth, and the heavens. Nothing, or no one, is above or beyond His powerful reach. Not even the hidden evil thoughts of those who do evil in secret, and their hidden evil plans are known.

Secret or not, the Lord will come against those who think they are getting away with evil and lawbreaking. He will judge them, and all will see and know it is of the Lord.

Will they ignore the RICO Act for a person who incited mortal violent acts of breaking International and National U.S. laws and tarnishing the American Flag?

Do we continue to ignore God's warnings to us by asking for more judgements and plagues against us from God? If we continue to allow evil and lies to take over, and not address it, we will see God's judgement upon evil, and the evil people who commit, allow and instigate evil. Get far from them or you too will be caught in the net/web of justice of the Lord when He pronounces His judgement against them.

Lawmakers have disappointed and ignored the U.S. Citizens. They look to keep their cushy, easy money jobs by letting lies and evil run rampant in the Nation because they do not want to ruffle any feathers that may keep them from re-election. Who cares about re-elections when the Country is suffering because of the lies "those who want re-election" believe. The Citizens want Lawmakers who stand for truth, as well as stand up against wrongs and lies, in the Nation, not support it, ignore it or contribute to it.

The only action to unbind the stain, disgrace and stench the American Flag has suffered, is for Lawmakers to (1) outlaw all domestic terrorists, their actions, and never see them as patriots, and/or, (2) redesign a new flag. If not, the flag will never be the same for anyone, only for the rebel terrorists, (3) admit the lies and stop running and hiding from it like little children hoping it will magically go away by ignoring it, (4) be Men and Women and stand up for your constituents, and stop rolling over to greed and lies. Stand for what is right and good for the whole Nation and all it's Citizens. Take the judgement of the Lord off by doing what the Lord wants of us, peacemakers doing good, not what the terrorists want for themselves, busybodies stirring up and doing evil.

Let's Pray For The Nation,

We pray Heavenly Father, that the right decisions are made in order to allow the Country to move forward in the right direction:

Heavenly Father, we ask that you watch over this Country, heal those who seek you, as well as the plagues and sicknesses. We know that you are judging us for the racism, hate, killing of innocent people and persecution of people for no reason, crimes against laws and states, lies that people know are untrue, or in their ignorance don't care about the lie, don't acknowledge it is a lie, and hide it by ignoring. We know there are no standards or special privileges for people in this world unless we accept the Lord Jesus as our Savior and Lord, and we know you will take this disease away from this land if we prosecute those who are guilty and hiding from their crimes of hate, for we serve you Lord God, a God of Love, Righteousness and Law, so until we cleanse this land of racism and hate, your judgement will prevail, and the oppressors and those who agree with evil, as well as their families, jobs and businesses, will be punished by you Lord God, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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