The American Dream Deferred

The American Dream Deferred

"What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or does it explode?" -Langston Hughes
"What I believe unites the people of this nation, regardless of race or region or party, young or old, rich or poor, is the simple, profound belief in opportunity for all - the notion that if you work hard and take responsibility, you can get ahead".-44th President of the United States, Barack Obama

Since January 20th, 2017, some very strange things have been happening all across America. People have been galvanized against factions of their own government, because of our new president. He isolated and criticized, the very people that he was elected to govern. Regardless if you are a Democrat or Republican, we are all beginning to see, the crazed narcissistic, megalomaniac, uncensored and in public social media, like never before.

You can hate me for saying this, and as contradictory as it sounds, I will defend your right to state your case.

After all, we are Americans, and unless you are pure Native, we all come from somewhere else. Whether we were brought here of our own accord, or by force, as a man much wiser than me, said to me, "Everybody's got a story that he or she want to tell". Such is the case that we are seeing unfold, hourly and daily, in every news media outlet.

It is both pathetic and scary at the same time.

So, what is the deal with repudiating everything that the guy before you did? True, Obama was not perfect, but he was educated and understood how government works. It appears that Trump, Spicer, and Conway need a crash course in civics. It's one thing to be a maverick, it's something entirely different to be a menace to your own peers. The process of government is a process, like building a home. You have to build on a foundation before you can begin to add or omit things. Our Constitution clearly states this. However, it appears the people in the Oval Office were sleeping in Civics class, and don't seem to understand the function of government, in the lives of Americans. Shamefully, the same could easily be said for many GOP supporters, whose mantra of "less government" is being put to the test by an overly bearing President, and a bunch of young impassioned zealots, who because of their own emotional rhetoric, may have struck a chord with many voters. However, they are learning fast, that in doing so, the jeopardize their own positions of authority, as they put our country on notice.

It is becoming clearer by the hour, that the White House and Congress are coming to a crossroads, in their understanding of each other. One side wants to serve a conservative agenda, through the process of democracy. The other seemingly wants to blow this process up, simply to assert authority. This is very dangerous no matter what side you are on.

For example, if you live in a red state, as geographically, most Americans do, you want to see sweeping changes in government, that include fewer taxes, less government interference in your pocketbook and in your life. This is why you voted for this lunatic in the first place. He spoke from the gut and was very real about his feelings and positions on many subjects that are important to all Americans, such as Health Care, Taxes, Terrorism, and Immigration.

Trump became your voice that rose above the rhetoric and language of diplomacy. He went straight to Boardwalk, collected two hundred dollars and took Park Place, while he was in the neighborhood. After all, this is what successful, wealthy people do, they take things over, and in the name of successful capitalism, they answer to no one. They stand out as templates for success for those who want to have wealth, just as they do. After all, this is a part of the American Dream, that draws people to come to our nation.

However, the other part of the American Dream, that is so sacred to us and is written into the Constitution. Democrat, Republican, Tea Party or Independent, you would not be here to voice your opinion or assert yours without it. These are the rights to free speech, freedom from persecution or tyranny, and discrimination, for whatever reason.

"Give me your tired, your weary, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free,

It is the idea of America as a "melting pot". A rich tapestry of ideas, woven into our culture and society. It is as inescapable as denying your own skin. America is a place that the world admires and beckons others to come and join us. It is a place where everyone has the right to live without tyranny and exercise their own pursuit of happiness, as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others.

Only a month into office, Mr. Trump, you are a walking violation of the very principles of our Democracy. By alienating and offending all people of color, women, and Muslims, you have become Public Enemy Number One. You have the arrogance to offend a man, Congressman John Lewis, who got his head busted open, for just being black, and fighting for the rights to the very system, that you have used to leverage and profiteered from. You had the unmitigated gall, to insult Senator John Mc Cain, of your own political party, simply because he was captured by the enemy, as he was fighting for an establishment, for which you now oversee. These are horrendous insults to veterans, and everyone who risked their lives for liberty and civil rights.

You had the audacity to whine about frivolous matters like how many people were at your inauguration. Seriously? In the words of Former Vice President Joe Biden, "Grow Up!"

The fact is that Mr. Trump and his minions are an offense to the very system that gave them power in the first place. Since when is it okay to make very public offenses towards women, people of color, Viet Name veterans (Arizona Senator John Mc Cain comes to mind. A member of the Republican party, who helped Trump get elected.) As these folks are figuring out, the man in the White House wasn't such a bad guy after all. In fact, they talking about actually keeping some parts of his healthcare policy after all.

And why? The real truth is that all Americans want a health care system that can work for them.

Now, that the Republicans are in charge, it is no their problem. In attending a few symposiums with experts in the field, at the University of Chicago this past week, two things are abundantly clear.

The first is, the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") is not going away anytime soon. Despite running campaigns that promise "repeal and replace", are finding that this is no an easy feat. Doing so has dire consequences for many Americans and businesses in the Healthcare Industry. Businesses that likely support Republicans.

Second of all, "The Affordable Care Act" was actually the first piece of very broad legislation, by any administration, to address the individual health needs of Americans, who cannot be covered by Medicare, which by the way, no politician, on either side of the aisle would dare touch. The act itself was full of flaws and as both the former governor and Secretary of Health & Human Services Michael Leavitt (R-Utah), explained, The ACA, was simply the beginning of a "process" that was part of a larger, 4o year cycle, to address the health care needs of Americans.

This process began under President Clinton, at the suggestion of his wife, now, Former Secretary of State and U.S. Senator from New York. Although she drove people nuts in Washington, nothing ever came about. Since that time, on the federal level, there were some changes Medicare, but nothing to help those who did not qualify for the, but Medicare, but nothing to help those who did not qualify for the program.

The reasons for this according to Mr. Leavitt were "philosophical" in nature. For example, if the Federal Government took the position of managing the program in some way, like say, setting limits for drug prices. In effect, the Federal Government would have to oversee this and take some role in its management. On the other hand, if the government allowed individuals to buy insurance in the open market (as the ACA does), consumers would be subject to the rules of the marketplace. Since insurance companies are businesses, they would seek to profits off of those that they insure.

However, over the past two years, insurance companies have lost money, simply because they were providing coverage to people who were sick. There simply were not enough healthy applicants, to help defray the costs. As a result, premiums rose sharply, under Obama Care. In many cases, such as mine, premiums actually doubled.

What we have now is a mess that the Republicans now own and say that they can fix. Good luck with that.

Average Joe to Average Joe, what is so wrong with healthcare for everyone? The idea is simple if a country has healthy people, its people will have no reason not to go to work, They might simply be happier and healthier. Or how about Immigration? What's the deal with insinuating gossip about citizenship for votes? Where is the proof? And "Fake News"? The term, Mr. President is called "propaganda". It's where one person from a country or political party, basically spreads a rumor about the other.

It is "fake news", and it is what you do, Mr. Trump, when you open your mouth and say things about how you feel or other people, without considering the facts. It is both rude and unstatesman-like. You antagonize other politicians and offend people wqho wish to do us harm. You need to stop!

Our government actually keeps tabs on these things. Furthermore, our government is basically the same government that existed under both Bush's and even Bill Clinton. These numbers are just numbers, to the people who crunch them, whether they were a Democrat or a Republican. The government, yes the government that you Red State People elected, rely just as much on those numbers as the Democrats.

What does this mean? Well, for starters, three million people did not vote for Donald Trump. This includes entire West Coast of the United States: California, Washington, and Oregon all unilaterally reject your policies and positions. On the other coast, the states of New York, Vermont, Virginia, Delaware, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and half of the state of Maine take the same position. However, to your credit, a vast majority of states, even Blue States, have elected Republican governors and or Congressmen.

Even if Trump had lost, the Republicans would still hold the upper hand, by virtue of controlling Congress and running a majority of states, such as Illinois. Those are not just numbers, they are facts.

So, what does the newly elected brain trust do to respond to all of this new power and control? He mouths off about the people who were against him and continues to use his position to harang and harass people, that he does not like or question him.

The Trump presidency is a fine example of how power corrupts. It distorts the ego and dulls the senses. It is an aphrodisiac that some people can't get enough of, just like the character played by Michael Douglas in the movie "Wall Street", Gordon Gecko. "It is simply an even sum game. Some people win, some people lose. In the end, it doesn't matter". Right? Wrong!

The government is not a pawn in some perilous attempt to earn more and own more than the next guy. Government includes everyone, even people that you don't like or agree with. They pay your salary. They pay Congress to do essentially nothing but smite the guy at the top. But now, Mr. Ryan you will have to tame, this mad man along with Spicer and Conway, because they will surely interfere with your own interests and that of your constituents. (For an accurate up to date list, please go to, and follow what your government is actually doing. By the way, this is a form of "fact checking".)

In fact, they already have. Yes, 2018, will be a reckoning for all of you in Congress, who lauded this "freak show", to begin with. Get packing. Start making plans for life after government service. Get ready for Mr. Trump and his people to create a bill that will punish you, if you do not do what he says. It's already there and you are going to vote on it. How fitting is that? You get to choose your own demise. The beauty of it is you asked for it.

You allowed your emotions to cloud your judgment and intellect. You are no longer civil servants. You are Imperial Army soldiers and you are traveling in the Death Star, along with Darth Vader himself. And, there is no turning back...

You see boys, at the end of the day, regardless of how we may feel about each other, we are all on the same team, like it or not. We are all neighbors. We all share and benefit from the same freedoms and liberties that make this country great. Instead of violating each other's civil liberties and offending who they are, what they believe in, or where they come from, why not put your feelings and opinions aside and listen and pay attention to these people.

We are your bosses. The Constitution says so. We can and likely will fire you if we feel that we have to.

Love him or hate him, Former President Obama was right about one thing, before he left office. He encouraged citizens to take a more active role in our government. Well, folks here is your chance. The time is now, for that crash course in Civics that seems to have been systematically omitted from our school systems. as a public service, I have included the links to both the United States Senate and Congress.

For further formation on what the people we elected are doing in Congress and the Senate, please feel free to check on them at,, and The USA Gov. website has links to all federal government agencies.You can also keep tabs on President Trump at

By the way, no "official" information about the federal or state governments can be found on either Twitter or Facebook. Same can be said for all media outlets including, but not limited to CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, or Fox News. However, journalistic ethics require fact checking as standard protocol, before publishing or announcing a story.

Stay involved and stay informed.


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