American Cockroaches: A Comprehensive Guide to Identification and Eradication

American Cockroaches: A Comprehensive Guide to Identification and Eradication


The American cockroach, the largest among roaches that commonly infest households, is frequently encountered in various settings where food is prepared or stored, such as restaurants, grocery stores, bakeries, breweries, and pet shops. They often inhabit areas like damp sewers, basements, heating ducts beneath hospitals, and the ground floors of buildings. These roaches can inadvertently enter homes and apartments through infested packages or boxes. Roaches have the potential to spoil food, harm wallpaper, books, and clothing, emitting an unpleasant odor in the process. For some homeowners, roaches can trigger allergies, and these pests can introduce bacterial diseases into food, leading to food poisoning, dysentery, or diarrhea. Additionally, cockroaches have been linked to the development of childhood asthma.


Most cockroaches share common features such as a flattened oval body, spiky legs, and elongated, thread-like antennae. In their immature stages, they are smaller and lack developed wings, closely resembling adult cockroaches. Fully grown American cockroaches exhibit a reddish-brown to dark brown coloration, with the exception of a light yellow or tan band encircling the shield behind their head. They measure approximately 1-1/2 to 2 inches in length and possess wings capable of facilitating flight. Both males and females of this species are roughly the same size. In females, the wings are nearly equal in length to their body (abdomen), while in males, the wings extend slightly beyond the abdomen and are longer. Females have a broader abdomen, while males feature both cerci (a pair of appendages at the end of the abdomen) and styli (short, slender, finger-like protrusions). Nymphs, which are immature cockroaches, lack wings and have a uniform brown coloration, displaying rapid mobility.

Life Cycle and Behavior:

Female American cockroaches lay their eggs in protective, bean-shaped cases known as oothecae, typically in concealed locations on or near the floor, close to a source of food. These egg capsules are temporarily attached to the female's body for a period ranging from a few hours to four days. Each week, a single egg capsule is formed until a total of 6 to 14 capsules have been produced. Inside these capsules, there can be as many as 16 white or yellowish-white eggs. After a gestation period of 5 to 7 weeks, the eggs hatch into nymphs that are initially whitish-brown but gradually become more reddish-brown as they develop. The entire transition from nymph to adult takes an average of about 15 months,

American cockroaches are primarily nocturnal, hiding during the daytime in sheltered, dimly lit areas and venturing out to forage for food at night. When disturbed, they often display rapid movements. Remarkably adaptable, adult American cockroaches can survive for at least two to three months without food, up to a month without water, and can endure freezing outdoor temperatures. In fact, they have been found in alleyways and yards during the summer months and near streetlights, displaying their resilience and ability to thrive in diverse environments.




Integrated Pest Management (IPM):

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a comprehensive approach that integrates preventive strategies, non-chemical pest control techniques, and judicious pesticide use, with a preference for products that pose minimal risks to human health and the environment. It does not advocate for the complete elimination of pesticides but instead offers an alternative to conventional pest control methods. Historically, heavy reliance on pesticides alone for pest management led to the development of resistance in certain pests, potential human exposure to hazardous chemicals, environmental contamination, and risks to non-target species, along with the generation of pesticide waste. IPM involves regular inspection and monitoring, with treatment applied only when pests are actually detected, thereby reducing the routine use of pesticides on a fixed schedule, whether pests are present or not.

When implementing an IPM plan for controlling cockroaches, cockroach activity is monitored using adhesive traps or glue boards. These monitoring stations are strategically placed throughout a structure in areas where roaches are likely to congregate, such as dark corners along cabinets, walls, beneath appliances, on plumbing fixtures, and in bathrooms and kitchens. Any narrow cracks measuring around 3-4 inch or smaller are considered favorable cockroach habitats. Monitoring serves to determine the presence of roaches and the effectiveness of control measures. IPM tools encompass various methods, including glue boards, baits, vacuuming, sealing cracks and crevices with caulk, insect growth regulators (IGRs), and more.


American cockroaches can be detected by examining the premises after dark with a flashlight. They occur in dark, damp, warm places, often near steam pipes, in sewers, grease traps, damp basements, etc. During the day, probing hiding places with a wire will expose roaches. Household sprays of pyrethrin’s applied to hiding places will flush out roaches, sometimes killing them if they contact the spray.

Prevention and Sanitation:

American roaches can move from one building to the next during the summer, entering through cracks in foundations, around loose-fitting doors or windows, and along water and gas pipes. Seal openings with putty or plastic wood. Inspect sacks, cartons and boxes, etc., brought into the home and destroy any roaches. Sanitation is critical in roach control. Clean up spilled foods and liquids, avoid leaving scraps of food on unwashed dishes and counter tops, keep food in tightly sealed containers, rinse cans and bottles before putting in trash and transfer garbage outdoors into roach-proof receptacles.


Apply chemicals at roach hiding places. Enter a dark room quietly, turn on the light and watch where the roaches run. Spot treat these hiding places and known pathways, especially under and behind loose baseboards or molding strips and around pipes or conduits along the walls and through it. Do not treat entire floors, walls, or ceilings. Surfaces where food is prepared should not be treated. Buildings with multiple dwellings usually require the treatment of each unit.


Certain segments of the public such as schools, hospitals, and office buildings may prefer baits to sprays. Baits include pastes, gels, particle baits and bait stations.

Bait advantages include: low hazard (toxicity) to people; suited for sensitive accounts; IPM oriented; offer effective control. Disadvantages include: high bait cost; precise placement required; not cost effective in heavy roach infestations.

Sticky traps have openings at both ends with the inside surface covered with a very sticky adhesive and slow-release food attractant. Properly placed traps, to and from roach hiding and feeding areas, can catch numerous adults and nymphs daily, especially brown-banded and German cockroaches. Traps are best used along with preventive and insecticidal applications to monitor populations. Trapping can determine harborage areas and infestation severity, monitor effectiveness of pesticide applications, and detect any roach population increases which may require additional pesticide treatments.

Fumigation is seldom used but will clean out a cockroach infestation.



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