American Airlines IdeAAs in Flight Employee Suggestion Program

American Airlines IdeAAs in Flight Employee Suggestion Program

AirHelp is the world's largest flight compensation company. They ranked American Airlines the "Best United States Airline Company of 2023" based on customer opinion, on-time arrival, and fair treatment when problems occur. American Airlines being a long-standing industry leader is closely tied to their commitment to listening to their employees and empowering them to drive change.

In 1987, American Airlines launched their IdeAAs program. The program was created so employees could submit suggestions to reduce cost and/or improve revenue. Employees whose suggestions were adopted received the special pin pictured above and eight to ten percent of the savings/revenue generated from their suggestion, up to $25,000.00 per suggestion.

Between 1987 and 2001, the IdeAAs program saved over $590,000,000, averaging around $150,000,000 in savings every four years. Innovative ideas that have been implemented throughout the years include using a single coffee pot brewer per day on each airplane instead of replacing them at each destination, figuring out scheduling improvements that shortened flight times between airports, and reconfiguring the flap settings on specific aircraft to improve efficiency.

To further enhance customer value and motivate employees to make valuable suggestions, they began purchasing new top-of-the-line aircrafts using program savings in 1992. They started off with purchasing a Boeing 757-200. American Airlines then purchased their second celebratory Boeing airliner in 2001, which was a brand new $150,000,000 777. The company named the 777 "American Spirit, IdeAAs In Flight," in honor of their highly successful employee suggestion program.

Brought To You By DirectSuggest

What employee suggestion will transform your organization? Empower every employee with DirectSuggest to increase revenue/savings while making the world a better place.

Employee feedback is an important part of creating a high-performance company culture. DirectSuggest has streamlined the employee feedback process so your employees can easily be heard and your company can effectively leverage their collective knowledge.

DirectSuggest makes it simple for employees to make suggestions surrounding company created categories on any device with the assurance they automatically arrive to the proper decision-maker. Every employee can also collaborate on suggestions through voting and commenting to enhance the quality of ideas.

Learn more and sign up for a free 30-day trial at



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