American 737 suffers multiple bird strikes
Cockpit English
Centre de formation Fran?ais spécialisé dans la formation en anglais aéronautique et le coaching professionnel ! ?????
??An American Airlines Boeing 737-800, performing a flight from Chicago O'Hare to Kansas City with 139 people on board, was on approach to Kansas City's runway 01R descending through 6000 feet about 8Nm abeam the runway, when the crew declared an emergency reporting they had received a bird strike and had lost their airspeed indicators.
??The crew reported they had the runway in sight and were instantly cleared for a visual approach for runway 01R. They were able to perform a safe landing, about 8 minutes after the strike.
??No injuries were reported but the aircraft suffered noticeable damage on the nose, engine cowling, and left wing.