America...God shed His grace on thee!

America...God shed His grace on thee!

Allow me to share some insights and perhaps even some prophetic utterances regarding what is happening in our land right now.

What we are experiencing is the playing out of a great cosmological battle.? Fatima, Akita, the words of St. John Paul II, all leaving us clear messages of what will and what could be.

The assassination attempt was a breeze or head nod away from jettisoning our country into the dark abyss.? Had the bullet found its intended destination even Frank Capra would have had a hard time composing a screenplay that would accurately capture future events.? Let me preface that God is not a Republican or Democrat, but He is a lover of truth and virtue.? The gyre is contained, the razor-edged fulcrum holds, and the Divine breeze sways the outcome.? Why?

The answer is myriad…but there is a watershed event that tipped the scale in my opinion.? Why was America spared anarchy, chaos, and civil war? ????I would argue that the Eucharistic Revival; that is, the pilgrimage that has people walking from the four corners of nation, taking Jesus in His Eucharistic presence, reconsecrating the land with His precious body, blood, soul, and divinity, and the Eucharistic Congress where the pilgrimage will culminate with on-fire lovers of Christ.? This “national” event and proclamation is a “de-facto” renewal of the covenant between God and all people in the United States of America; the land dedicated to The Immaculate Conception and the Mother of God’s intercession.? By this event, we are not only reawakening a belief in Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist, but we are also declaring Jesus Christ as King of our land as we bring Him across symbolically in the form of a cross.

Our faith teaches there is no remission of sin without the shedding of blood.? This weekend, a beautiful Catholic, firefighter, husband, father, and patriot paid the ultimate price of protecting his family.? He should be honored and looked upon as a martyr of the family.? Others were seriously injured as well.? Presidential candidate Donald Trump shed his blood, and rising up, and parting the Secret Service pumped his fist screaming “Fight, Fight, Fight!” This will go down in history as one of the centuries iconic moments.? Much like John Paul Jones charge “We have not yet begun to fight,” or Winston Churchill’s “Never give in…” speech. ?Sir Thomas More said, “All men must die,” but, to have something to die for, that is to live…that gives us purpose.

Thank you, President Trump, for that graphic reminder…WE ARE AT WAR!? And much more is at stake than the death of our earthly bodies, or the dismantling of our country.?

The attempt was made on July 13th, the date our Lady of Fatima appeared to the three children showing them a vision of hell, prophesying about Russia, and revealing the third secret.? Go back to 1917 and the image of three children peering in horror at the demons in hell, and souls falling like snowflakes to their perdition.? It’s hard to contemplate such horror, yet we must…we must understand that what we do, or don’t do, has eternal consequences for us and others.? Our MO is to say the rosary and make reparation through sacrifice.? How many rosaries have been said since then…how many sacrifices have been offered?? The attempt on St. John Paul II’s life happened on May 13th.? Are there any coincidences with God?? To borrow from St. John Paul II after the attempt on his life, “One finger pulled the trigger, another guided the bullet.”

Are we witnessing something foretold?? The triumph prophesied at Fatima is not yet accomplished…but is it underway?? The prophecies of Akita mentioned calamities greater than the flood in which fire fell from the sky, divisions and discord in the church, but our mother did say that God has given her the power to avert or diminish these events.? The enemy knows his time is slipping like sand through the glass, and the reign of the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart is coming!?

Perhaps now is a good time to reflect on our identity, who we are, and who we are called to be.? One of the trademarks of the evil one is a disorientation of who we are.? At our baptism, we are all anointed priest, prophet, and king.? We are grafted into the family of God.? We have great power!? Each of us baptized are brothers and sisters with responsibility for each other.? Salvation is corporate, not individual.? Every person must realize the destiny of our world lay in their hands.? Each has a crucial part that only they can play.? Every act of love, every prayer, every holy communion received worthily and with ardor has the capacity to change the universe.

Steven Thomas- Author of Catholic Joe: Superhero


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