America when will you learn and want to change or make an effort to do so!
MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner
I enjoy working with children of all ages, individuals, and families to help them acquire skills they need, to improve their life struggles and to help them move forward to reach their goals.
The biggest problem we face in America is its constant RACISM, DISCRIMINATION AND HATE toward Black people!
California is at the top of the list but like everywhere else they try to hide it but it appears in everything that they do. Oakland Mayor is unqualified to lead that city starting with her firing the chief of police. Also the way that she has dealt with the many situations that have occurred? all across the city. From the car break ins, to the murder rates, robberies, road rage, homelessness, sideshows and so much more. She has carried herself as a person that is an unqualified official with a racist attitude as she response to the problems! ?
Our Governor Gavin Newson has shown himself to also be a racist person if you just take a look at his record and response to certain situations. His unwillingness to dismiss the tickets that we're given to the homeless that are living in their cars. Not replacing the Vice President Senate passion with a black women when we don’t have any in the senate! Also his former wife is now trump’s son’s girlfriend and she is such an evil mean racist person and his main dissatisfaction with her was that she didn’t want kids.? It wasn’t her racist behavior or hateful ways toward minorities! I am concerned about his ability to truly help those in great need all across this state. He doesn’t seem to truly care about the Black community or its suffering in this state!? We must watch him carefully because he has desires to be President.
This country doesn’t realize that it has been targeted with fires, droughts, major environmental changes and other issues because of its behavior toward the poor. thinking that arresting, jailing, murdering poor black people by the police, punishment being the main response to all cries for help by those that are suffering! This lack of understanding has and will lead to more horrible things accusing allover this country!
We the people of this country must demand a real change and we must put a stop to this behavior by our so called leaders!