America ~ Under Attack From Within
Walter Cotton III
Managing Partner TCG | Founder Abilitytoo Network | Co-Author Public Law 111–240 | Founding Members ~ Black Veterans Empowerment Council
I don't have to go 'way out' to the edge of that old twig of high-octane speculation here, in order to make the following concerning observations:
What Does any of this have to do with National Security?
I thought you'd never ask...
The fragility of our Nation's Systems of Systems has been so weakened (i.e., post COVID) that a young persons' decision to turn onto the wrong dusty road, knocking at the wrong door or the equally unconceivable act of mistakenly jumping into the wrong car holds the spark of an 'unquenchable intellectual Inferno' that has the real-ability to forever obliterate every reminder of our once Shiny City on a Hill ("John Winthrop 1630")...
These absurd social reactions, when added to today's mounting political/financial shenanigans, point to an epidemic shift in the American Psyche that's threatening to rip apart the very fabric of these United States.
And, as a true patriot, I'm here to let you know that it doesn't have to go down like this...
What follows are a few facts about that proverbial you are here point and why the illusion of race is the single most imminent threat to our National Security Industrial Base ('NSIB').
Simply put ~ 'We The People' still have the time needed to change the trajectory of this Great Nation's Emotional Quotient ("EQ"). And every one of us can start making our contribution today, simply by having the independance of courage needed to dream a Better Believable Dream.
More directly stated, and in my humble opinion, America is tripping over a historic social and economic "critical inflection point" (Andy Grove 1992). And history has long taught us that this type of uncontrolled descent results in an irrevocable shift in the balance of an Empire's power. Which is an outcome we collectively would benefit by avoiding...
I am not going to spend any cycles here on the NSIB matter, as the above report captures the essence of my position on that front. But what I do want to alert you to is the fact that we still have time to take full control of the narrative and put ourselves in a fuller decision-support mode.
My prayer is that you heed this call to action...
You can equally assist with this emerging requirement by proactivelly sourcing a need within your local community, (i.e., irrespective of the size or complexity...) that you can meet with your own talents and tools, and just start meeting those needs.
The compensation will follow ~ And I am not talking 'Central Bank Digital Currencies...'
My seasoned readers are not being caught off guard by this writing or today's developments, and therefore the remainder of this article is for newcomers...
I am hosting a series of Lunch$Leans that will help you quickly get up to speed on that you-are-here-point, and more importantly help you acquire access to a knowledge base you'll need in order to empower yourself with the ability to become a part of the solution you are going to need.
The current Lunch$Learn sessions are SDVOSB & EDWOSB focused, free to the public and seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Simply use the link above to secure your seat.
The bottom line here... If you want to survive today's transition, you'll have to start taking actions on your own. Because "the powers that be" are too distracted by their own survival needs to share anything with you. And frankly speaking, after the whole COVID-19, FOX/Dominion and FTX outcomes. I have one question for you...
"If they really knew the truth, why would they share it with you? (Message to the Messengers ~ Gil Scott-Heron).
I'm Just Asking...
Mr. Cotton is currently Managing Partner of ‘The Cotton Exchange’ (i.e., his boutique consulting practice.), and is Managing Member of the Abilitytoo Trust (i.e., his social contracting business units.). He is a highly sought-after Small Business Contracting Subject Matter Expert by Agencies, Trade Associations, Major Prime Contractors & Veteran Business Owners.