America, Russia, Syria, Oil & Gas & Us!
Prachit Naik
17 YrsPump Industry l 10 Yrs Sale of API Pumps I 3 Yrs Pumps Assly I 2 Yrs API 610 Pump Installation Commissioning Troubleshooting I 2 Yrs API Pump Tendering I
Oil and Gas prices are at lowest during last 5 to 7 years. There is no civilized life human or animal is not touched by petroleum product in day to day survival.A huge amount of workforce is directly involved in oil and Gas business and many of those are facing lay/job cut and its fear because of current oil prices ! But what is the reason that crude has fell more that 50% during such a short period. Is OPEC no more able to control oil production / prices or is there somebody else pumping more oil which is killing the price? Has Syria got something to do with it??
Since world war II till today USA and Russia ( Then USSR ) are in state of cold war.USA has managed to disintegrate USSR though. Russia has now a leader who is Ex KGB and a combat ready smartass who is very much firm in its decision and goals. To boost Russia's ill economy Putin is pumping more oil into world market ( said that 40% of its GDP is oil exports ). To kill Russia mighty USA has also pumping its oil and lobbying its politics at its best o kill prices and to make Russia suffer. USA's 80% GDP is from high skilled / critical service industry and thus remain unaffected at large.
But why Putin is inserted in Syria? Why? The answer lies thousands of miles north and west - in Ukraine.
Mr Putin has annexed Crimea and dismembered the east of Ukraine through military interventions that have resulted in punitive economic sanctions that have caused his economy to crash.
Intervention in Syria may allow him to come in from the cold.
If he pulls his levers skilfully he calculates that he may win more concessions over Ukraine.
And if that does not work he still has managed to disrupt American efforts and expose Washington's weakness in both strategic and the projection of hard power.
That, for this old rival of the West, may be worth the whole Syrian gamble.
However common Oil and Gas employee is suffering because this politics which he is not interested at all.
And it doesn't look like ending till a presidential election in USA which may bring new government in power with change in policies and after that Employee can breath safe and Obama , Putin, Assad can relax in peace!
Manager for special projects and DCU
9 年Text and Picture to 90% copy from Official Mass Media especially regarding Crimea, intervention in Ukraine etc. Visit Russia speack with people and you will understand what is going on. Since begin conflict in Ukraine RP has lost the market to 90% because of sanction. Projects are still running but without western suppliers and RP. As long as one part meant they are exceptional there will be no progress in relations.