America needs your support. Buy American! Buy Local!

America needs your support. Buy American! Buy Local!

Funny thing is I'm not American but just like many I like to cook sometimes.  As I pulled out my cast iron skillet this morning I thought about the time that I was shopping for it.  That was 5 years ago now.  If you remember 2010 then you might remember the great recession the developed world was going through.  The employment rate in the U.S. was approximately 10%.  That amounts to "only" 31,000,000 people without work.  Those numbers forced me to reflect a lot about my "new country" (yes, I want to be American). 

As I looked at the shelf at the department store and pulled out my smart phone to investigate Lodge Manufacturing and they made a point of saying they were THE LAST cast iron company manufacturing in the U.S..  That's 250 families in Tennessee that needed my support to continue working and all for a small difference of $5 dollars on the pan.  "Are you kidding me?  Absolutely buying American". 

This message might sound so U.S. patriotic but as a Canadian I should buy American given the choice and as a Mexican you should also buy American.  After all you depend on exports to and from the U.S. in the amount $300 Billion and $245 Billion respective.  Think about what I'm saying.  The healthier your trading partner the better off you are so BUY AMERICAN.

Here's a company that has capitalized on this idea

Now, for the rest of you.  Don't you think you should buy what your country produces too?  Buy local for so many reasons! 

Just food for thought....


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