This election period is very important to everyone that lives in America!

First the senate race in California, we must realize that allowing one group of people to control everything is “WRONG” America must not continue to allow this to happen. We have the most diverse group of people in the world but still in most cases “White People Control” everything that requires decision making here in America. Our courts, police, judges, mayors, city councils, City managers, neighborhood councils, most of our lawyers, politicians, appeals courts, COE’s of most major business and so on!?

America’s Racist foundation has blocked most other races from holding these positions. Also what it takes to try to hold these positions a great deal of money, funders and supports. Which most people of color don’t have and can’t get. I am writing this piece to alert our citizens to the lack of diversity everywhere. How can we claim that we are inclusive if the facts don’t show it??

We must open the boardrooms, political positions,? job sites, and everywhere else all across this country. America can’t afford to continue pretending to be inclusive because it has failing the people of this country everywhere! America is dying and will die if we don’t change, now!?

Barbara Lee must be elected to the position of California Senate. There are no Black women in that position and she is very emotional, committed, a very hard worker, decated, devoted, and extremely capable. When we block certain people from the positions we don’t allow every voice to be heard and all experiences to be considered as we work to make decisions for everyone that lives here.

I have traveled around the world and much too often their view of black people are from the movies, TV shows and very few real images because the people that they heard from most the time are “white” so that is the only image that they see and relate to.

America we must demand that this country change and stop lying about its inclusive behavior. The people of this country must vote to make sure that America changes and stops this behavior. I want everyone to “VOTE” to make this change happen right now. ?


MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner的更多文章

